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Robert Macaulay

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Hey all you gals and guys NED!! So happy to hear...hugs and kisses.

Yep, Rower..luv ya and think of my contact with you that dreadful day often. My heart still sad for my hubby. He was a real good guy and never once complained thru that long PanCan "journey". 

TX for your support.  

Anyway, I'm not on site too often as I'm caregiving for my Mom. Last 6-7 years and been one thing after another. And oh yes, I got a puppy who is now 2 and keeps me crazy busy. 

Happy for ya all.. Barb, Jersey girls, Tomm and the entire Durva club.  Wondering does anyone get to stretch scans out to 6 months or annually now??

Rower, 4 years!?   Really??  You always gave me hope!! Thank you. My heart is singing! (Corny but true)

I guess we're part of the new stats now, huh??

Love you all!!

Ps:. Wondering if anyone else has other health blips now going on and wonders/worries if it's the C, radiation or treatment result?  I now have a Cardio doc.




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This was the 1st time I got to wait 6 months to get my CT and results are NED. I get to wait 6 months again. My 6 year cancerversary is in two days. This is 2 1/2 years after Durva treatment is finished. 

2 jokes bonus

Q: Why don’t oysters share their pearls?

A: Because they’re shellfish!

Q: What kind of candy do you get at the airport?

A: Plane chocolate!


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This must be CT season. Even though I didn't "graduate from the Durva club" by only making it to 18 Infusions before being shipped off to the ALK+ mutant gang and started on a Targeted Therapy drug, ALECTINIB, I had my quarterly CT yesterday. Although I don't see my ONC till Thursday, I read the Radiologists report this morning. 

IMPRESSION: Stable exam without evidence of local recurrence or thoracic metastatic disease.


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RonH... Great news!!  You earned you Duva membership ...

Q: What travels all around the world but stays in one corner?

A: A postage stamp!


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Hey guys so my mom was supposed to start to start her second round of immuno tmr but noticed something in her blood and asked if she found blood in her stool. It was a voice-mail as she missed it cause she was asleep so had to wait for tmr but said she might stop her treatment tmr. Is this a cause for concern I'm so worried

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Hello all!

Been awhile since I've posted here. Glad to hear all is well with you guys! Sheesh! I went straight to 6 month CT scans after I completed my durva ride. Now I'm waiting nervously for my yearly which isn't until December! My 3yr cancer ned was in May of this yr. My oncologist says I'm fine 🙃 righto! Lots of drama in my Life past 8 months started stupid smoking cigs again tried to stop with all the regular methods nothing is working for me. Oh well hells bells, I'll just keep trying! Congratulations to all and since summer is coming to an end I hope everyone had an enjoyable one!

Namaste Roseann



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Roseann...  good to hear you are still NED!!  I quite smoking by changing to Pot ... Maybe try some CBD weed and use a vaporizer, it is safer for your lungs.

 What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?
A stick.

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On 8/30/2022 at 6:47 PM, RonH said:

This must be CT season. Even though I didn't "graduate from the Durva club" by only making it to 18 Infusions before being shipped off to the ALK+ mutant gang and started on a Targeted Therapy drug, ALECTINIB, I had my quarterly CT yesterday. Although I don't see my ONC till Thursday, I read the Radiologists report this morning. 

IMPRESSION: Stable exam without evidence of local recurrence or thoracic metastatic disease.


Ron, you are an honorary Durva member anyway. I think 18 infusions qualifies you for sure!  

Great good news!

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