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Just have tumor removed from right middle lobe along with section of lobe removed.  Have not received actual lab reports yet, but surgeon said it was stage 1A.  Confused at what now to expect.

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Hi, Pamela. Glad you found us and glad yoru cancer was found so early. I was not 1A but several others in this forum are considered 1A. If I recall, some of those folks didn't have any further treatment after surgery. Were you able to have the VATS? 

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Hi Pamela,

Welcome to the forum, sorry you need to be here though.  Okay, I recently (May 2nd) had a lobectomy where they removed my lower lobe on my right lung.  The nodule they found was NSCLC Squamos and after removal my lymph nodes and surrounding tissues tested negative for any mets, so I was diagnosed as Stage 1A.  For me that means I will undergo a CT Scan every 6 months for the next two years (my first scan is 3 months post-surgery and then 6 month intervals afterward) and if after two years there is no recurrence the scans would be done annually.  No chemo or radiation therapy would be required and they give me a high prognosis (probability of survival) because with Stage 1a cases the disease has been found early and there is no evidence of cells spreading anywhere else at this time.

So, please relax, wait for your final test results and know that once your test results are confirmed you will likely have follow-ups similar to what I am doing.  Don't bother going to the web, most of the statistics are out of date with the advances that have been made with Lung Cancer treatment.  Trust in your doctor and learn what you can from this forum.  There are others with very similar experiences.

Pamela, you've come to a great place for information, shared experience and fellowship.  Let us know if you have any other questions.


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Hi, Pamela,

If it's Stage 1a, and proves to be adenocarcinoma (after biopsy), there's a good chance that will be it for your treatment.  I was Stage 1b, just hit my 2-year mark with no evidence of disease after upper left lobectomy.  I just go for scans every 6 months.  No chemo/radiation.  Just watching.  

What makes LC so deadly is that it's usually not found until it's far advanced.  Early "catches" like ours are rare but fortunate.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.  Get moving around as soon as you're up to it--it will help with the healing.  I notice virtually no effects from the surgery at this point.

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Welcome aboard. Folks have already given great suggestions.

Take it easy. You're standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona....

Stay the course.


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Hi Pamela and welcome,

I had a lobectomy in November 2016. My diagnosis was  non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) adenocarcinoma stage 1a. My followup plan was much the same as Lou's. All of my scans have been clear. You won't know for sure untl you get your biopsy report, but probably you won't need further treatment, just follow up CT scans to watch for possible recurrence. I'm doing great now and probably you will, too! If anyone with lung cancer can be considered lucky, it's us with the stage 1 cancers. As LexiCat said, it's rare to find lung cancer while it's so small.

Let us know what questions you have. We're here to support you.

Bridget O

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