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CT today

Joe B

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what great news Joe-----how relieved you must feel---those darn tests --what a worry, but the sense of relief you feel when everything is ok---no other feeling like it in the world

best wishes

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er, ah... no we aren't listed..... for these very reasons... :)

Just Kiddin... come ovey any time, I'll even help you TP the place.... (of course unbeknowst to you we will be TPing my neighbors house just for fun)

You know we are building new this summer (on 7 glorious acres- the good Lord willing- that is) and then -- I am thinking ...no forwarding address :) :) :lol:

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Pink flamingos always add the certain "something" to ones front yard. I will be happy to donate "mine" to the project (actually, an older neighbors).

Please let me know where to send them!!!

Congrats on the good news and I am praying for more good news on Wednesday.

God Bless,


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