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Hello fellow members!

I’m a 60 yr old female...This is my 2nd round of lung cancer, NSC, Stage 3 or 4...drs are debating. First round of lung cancer (2018) I had my upper left lobe removed with 4 rounds of chemo (Carbo+Alimta). 26 months later, they found it had returned. I start chemo (Carbo+Alimta) and Keytruda 4/5/21. I had a Power Port put in 5 days ago. Pretty nervous...again. Keeping you all in my prayers for healing, comfort and peace. 


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Hi there, and welcome! I had a similar experience, with a lobectomy to remove a Stage Ib cancer in 2017, and a new/recurrent (docs aren't sure which) tumor in the other lung last year. I'm now Stage IV due to small bone met on sacrum. I didn't have chemo the first go-round, but I had the same triplet prescribed for you, this time. Not too terrible, I'm happy to say. I'm now on maintenance therapy (Alimta + Keytruda), which will go on indefinitely. 

Keep us posted--lots of people have had great results with the triplet. I'm assuming your cancer was checked to be sure there were no targetable mutations?

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Welcome from me, too. It's the pits when the cancer comes back. It sounds like you're on a good treatment plan and I wish you all the best

Bridget O

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I somehow missed your post. Sorry.

I had a needle biopsy done in January of this year. Then dr sent some of that tissue to another lab for a different test and a third test using blood. He checked for PDL1 and targetable mutations. This all took over 2 months! I’m fortunate my cancer is not aggressive. None of the tests came back in my favor for just immunotherapy/targeted therapy. So...I have the triplet. He was originally going to put me on Taxotere instead of Alimta. That scared the heck out of me. Changed his mind saying he really thought the triplet would put me in remission.  I had no idea there was the possibility of being on the Alimta/Keytruda indefinitely. This is quite shocking. I haven’t done enough research, apparently. So do you go for infusions every 3 weeks?


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1 hour ago, GramaA said:

 I had no idea there was the possibility of being on the Alimta/Keytruda indefinitely. This is quite shocking. I haven’t done enough research, apparently. So do you go for infusions every 3 weeks?

I think the conventional wisdom is that Keytruda is given for two years at the most. But my doc says we'll figure that out down the line--he seems to think it might be appropriate to continue with it until it stops working or it becomes intolerable. I think the medical researchers are still figuring that out. But yes, I am continuing to go for infusions every three weeks.

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Since I've never had chemo I can't share any experience with you, but I do want to welcome you to our family and let you know that there is a vast and deep set of experiences here so you'll always have someone who can share what they know/experienced and we are all willing to support you in any other way possible.  Never be hesitant to ask a question here...there are no "silly questions".  


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Thank you, Lou. Waiting to go in now for first treatment. Bundle of nerves. Praying the Lidocaine worked! 😳

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Hi, Alex, and welcome!

You might want to start your own thread--just scroll up to where the orange "reply" button is and NEXT to that is a link that says "start a new topic." 

Feel free to tell us a little about yourself and why you're here.

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Hi Alex. Yes, please do tell us about yourself and your connection to lung cancer. I have deleted your signature line since it had a reference and link to a commercial site.

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14 minutes ago, BridgetO said:

Hi Alex. Yes, please do tell us about yourself and your connection to lung cancer. I have deleted your signature line since it had a reference and link to a commercial site.

I just tried to send you a message, Bridget, but your mailbox seems to be full. The link is still there.

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