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Iressa still working!!!!

Guest Piermarie

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Guest Piermarie

Hi All,

My mom had her visit with the onc. today and we went over CT results....First and foremost, she is now a member of the EMPTY HEAD CLUB!!!!!!!!!!

That being said, we were hoping for more shrinkage with the lung and liver mets but looks as though for the most part it is staying stable. She did have slight increase in her pleural effusion on that right lung but her doctor felt that since she is having absolutely NO symptoms from that or the Iressa, leave well enough alone. Since I am a catscan tech, my initial reaction when I saw her scan last week was to recruit a radiologist about draining the fluid but I got ahead of myself (not the first or last time for that!!!)

I did ask the doc about the GVAX vaccine which has been discussed on the boards and he didn't know enough about it yet to say either way. Although, his feelings are to stick with the Iressa for now as long as my mom has been doing well with it. Apparently, in May there is a big conference for Oncology and there will be news of the "latest and greatest" on the market!!!

I also have to add that this board has been so wonderful and has helped me be comfortable with talking and dealing with this awful disease....I tell everyone about it!!!!

You are all in my prayers...every time I read a post - I say a prayer....



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Guest Piermarie


You are absolutely right about the one year status!!! My mother was dx'd on March 17th, 2003....thanks for all the kind words.....


My mom is being treated at Cooper Cancer Institute in Voorhees. I work at the hospital and we did have second opinions at HUP and Fox Chase. Although, the docs from the second opinions all agreed that surgery was not an option and the staging was IV, so that being said, we decided to stick with Cooper. Since I knew a lot of people there from working in CT and mainly, our oncologist's plan of attack was the same as the ones we had met. We just figured that being local would be easier on her too.

( I did work in Villanova for a year and a half not long ago, not sure if that is close to you...)


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