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Ry is in the hospital.

Mr Ry

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Make sure you tell Ry that I am thinking of her!! I guess we will have to cancel our road trip till she comes out!! Tell her to steal the toilet paper from the hospital, we will need all that we can get. :lol::lol:

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Everyone on the board,

Thank you everyone for your well wishes and concern. I read them all to Ry tonight. I told her that of all my "new posting since my last visit" that the one about her got the most replies and the most viewers.

Thanks again and take care John

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Hey John,

Tell Ry she can't be in the hospital. We miss her on chat and can't go on without her. She is out fat chick diet monitor. She keeps us in line with this diet. Sending her special prayers and a speedy recovery.

Blessings, affection and cyber hugs from So. California,


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Dear Mr. Ry,

I'm SO glad that your wife was not only smart anough to self-diagnose (and had a doctor who listened!) but that she took the time and energy to listen to her own body and get herself checked out!!! She just taught all of us who are "caregivers" another really good lesson (although I am new to the board, she has taught me a great deal already via both her recent and past posts).

You, she, adn your adorable family are in our thoughts. Please keep us posted on her progress.


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Mr. Ry,

Please tell Ms. Ry that she has no business leaving us like this, and that people are running amok without her here to monitor things. :roll: She simply must feel better and come back soon. It's not like her to shirk her responsibilities like this! Also, tell her what my friend says -- Watch out for people there at the hospital who take your temperature; they never give it back.

Seriously, I am glad the doctor listened to her, glad she was smart enough to get herself into the hospital to get taken care of, and I'm praying she will be good as new very soon. I miss her!


P.S. Love the new photo.

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Oh My God Ry, this is NOT supposed to happen! Thank God you knew what you were talking about and that your Doctor had the brains to listen. Praying for your speedy recovery. We need you here, back on the boards, you are such a major contributor and so helpful and wonderful to all of us, WE MISS YOU RY! Life is sure strange isn't it? God heal our RY fast! Will be praying for you.

Bess B

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