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DEB from Pittsburg, Cherbut and others


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I havent seen you on all week or heard from you. If anyone has pls let me know. I know Deb said she planned to contact another member from Pittsburg, so maybe she has done that. Pls contact me; I misss talking.

I also haven't heard or seen Cherbut or the woman who was off to do the GVAX. I can't remember her name.

I miss you and think of you all each day.


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Im Deb's daughter. She wasnt feeling well last week, she stayed in bed most of the time. She recently has been recieving some not so great news, so please pray for her. I will let her know that you are thinking of her, she has mentioned to me that she likes talking to you because you and her have a pretty similar diagnosis.


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It's Deb checking in. I did not feel well for the last 2 weeks. I had a retina hemmorhage in left eye which I still don't know what it was really caused from. Anyway, the doc ordered an mri of the brain and guess what, I have a few brain mets now. I don't know how much worse it can get other than them finding it in my liver. That was checked 2 months ago and nothing was there than. These brain mets have gotten me into doing radiation of the head now which I was really hoping to avoid but as we know how the story goes. I start them Monday for 14 days. At least I am out of bed for now. I just finished up radiation to my ribs 2 weeks ago and I think that is originally why I wasn't feeling so well then one think led to another and so on and so on. Well, just wanted to update everyone that was wondering why I was mia.


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You gotta read the rules. If you are not posting for a couple of days, you need a hall pass from Ry.

Just kidding. Glad you're back, we worry when we don't hear from one of our family. Sorry about the bad news, but as long as there are treatments there is hope.

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