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Going back to work finally

Nancy O.

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Hi all. Just a quick update from me. Actually I have been looking to go back to work for awhile and finally landed a part-time job. I'm scared! It seems since the diagnosis and leaving my job at the time because I didn't feel ready to return mentally or emotionally, I've been having a hard time returning to a somewhat normal life. I feel okay physically, but worry about my ability to retain things on a short term basis. I read a post here about chemo brain (can't find it now) and how it's not about the chemo, but the cancer that can affect our brains, since I did not have chemo or radiation. Anyway I think that's what the post was about. I'm not sure if it's that or if the problem is just the lack of using it on a daily basis in the same capacity, such as problem solving and working with numbers, forms and the such. I do general bookkeeping and misc. computer and office work, so I need to be on the ball in that aspect. Oh well if anyone can direct me to that post, I would be grateful. Chest xray and oncologist visit coming up this month also. Always a worry. My love to you all. Nancy O. :?

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Nancy....I remembered that article...and just spent the past 20 minutes doing a search for it. Thought it was in LC in the news and a post by dadstimeon....but I couldn't come up with it@ :(

Then I checked in New treatments and found it!! Yay...I love a good mystery...but not when I can't solve it.

I think this is what you are looking for...and Cary posted it:


Good luck going back to work....and something I find that helps me focus is to start doing the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper! You have to concentrate to do them...and even with those who fear Alzheimer's or have family history of it...they say really using the brain for reading, or crossword puzzles...is great mental exercise.

Holding a good thought for your tests later this month, too! Let me know if this is the right article.

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Good luck on your new job, Nancy. I'm sure you'll do fine.

I saw the post you're talking about, but can't remember where -- duh -- I seem to have the short term memory prob too!

Seriously, I also work in an office -- with lots of computer docs, and detail stuff. I don't have cancer and haven't had any kind of medical treatments for years -- not taking any meds, but I'm worried somewhat about my memory. Of course I am dealing with the stress of grief, but it doesn't seem to fully answer the memory thing. And some of it I had before my husband's diagnosis.

I think it was in 2000 that I made reservations and flew by myself to visit family in Maryland. I had told the family my itinerary over the phone and left a copy of it on the frig at home in CA and I carried a copy. In the process of making the reservations, I had been considering two dates for return and finally settled on one. Sometime after I arrived in MD I somehow became convinced that I was returning the day after my actual booked date (the second date I had considered). In spite of my sister saying you told us you were leaving on the 16th and my husband asking over the phone are you still coming home on the 16th? I was fully convinced that I was coming home on the 17th. So much so that I didn't even get out the itinerary to check :roll:. I went to bed on the 16th and about midnight woke with a mental picture of the itinerary clearly showing the 16th and sat bolt upright in bed -- checked it. Yep -- I shoulda flown home today! Called the airline right away and got a change -- luckily only paid $50 for changing the flight -- it's more now. Could not believe I had done that!

That's been one of the biggest memory goofs I've made, but more recently I've turned the water on to water the roses, forgot it for hours; walked out in the garage and discovered the garage door had been up for a couple hours; I frequently have to go back and double check that the doors are locked because I can't remember by the time I get in the car if I checked them or not. I showed up at a routine lab test only to be told your appointment was yesterday! Enough memory stuff that my daughter laughingly says she doesn't think it'll be long until she finds me aimlessly wandering the streets. :P

I find that I don't have as much trouble at work as I do at home for some reason. I guess I hold myself more accountable there and am more lax at home. I use more post-it notes now and thank heaven for the computer reminders I can set. I'd never make a meeting without them. :shock: I've also let friends at work know that I won't be insulted if they remind me of things -- I appreciate it.

At home, I bought a small timer that I can take with me from room to room -- and I set it whenever I turn on water, the stove, anything that really needs to be turned off timely. I recently saw a timer on a cord to wear around your neck. I'm gonna buy me one of those -- soon as I can remember where I saw it! :wink:

Really, I think you'll be ok -- just rely more on notes and reminders. I really hate doing that because my memory used to be one of my really strong traits. I guess nothing lasts forever! And many of my friends who aren't under medical treatment for anything have also remarked about memory failures. Must be something in the air!

Best wishes.


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Thank you all for the replys. Yep that was the article that I was looking for. Good investigative work there, I appreciate it sooo much. I think the memory thing may have to do with mental pause (menopause) in addition to the cancer experience. Oh well and yes certainly one day at a time is definately the way to go. Thanks a bunch to you all. Love Nancy O.

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I'm 35 and experiencing some real problems with short-term memory. No "mental pause" here...

I talked to my GP about it and was referred to a neuropsychologist to "map" my brain and see what I have actually lost. After finding out what isn't working, he will set me up with whatever is needed to get me back up to "functioning".

I'm a "secretary" - and I used to be a good one. Right now? Sheesh, I make notes on Post-Its and then can't figure out what the heck LANGUAGE it's written in and the "normal" tasks I used to do by memory are way beyond my scope now... Just not acceptable...

Will let you know how I fare, my day of tests in 7/22.

My best,


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I believe stress and lack of sleep can also affect the memory. Make sure you keep regular hours and go to be early enough to get at least the full 8 hours. Donna G

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Good luck on the new job. As for the mental status, well besides cancer, stress can do it too. How else can I explain my episode of driving away from the gas station with the hose in my car and ripping it out right after my mom got diagnosed? :)

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Best of luck on the new job. I too, find I have a harder time remembering things. I make more notes. I also seem to have more trouble being sociable...I used to love crowds and people but find that somehow they intimidate me. I stay at home much more than I used to and that is NOT good for a sales rep. When I do get the gumption to make a call on a hospital (I sell medical equipment) it is very stressful and used to be the best part of my job. Its hard to admit that there is something wrong and I don't know if it is stress, depression or something going on physically. I have an MRI of the brain the 16th of this month so that should tell me something.

I hope that after you start and get comfortable with your new job that things will get easier for you. Using your brain is one of the best ways to keep it.


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I have been off work for a little over a year since I was Dx'd. We had to travel to Oregon from Alaska for treatment so I was unable to work then even if I did feel well enough. I spoke to my boss (new boss ) about returning to work and was told he would get back to me. No word in over 3 months. The co. has kept me on insurance & disability.

Right now I feel as though I am having late side effects to the WBR & Stereotactic from the end of March. I feel like a woos. I was always so strong & active. I have been offered a job with another company but do not feel ready to return to work as yet. I also have major issues re: memory. There are times that I have no recollection of a conversation I had the day before. Even when I am reminded. Thank God for understanding friends.

Good luck with your new job & let me know your tricks for remembering.

Andrea: I also left the gas station with the nozzle in the tank. I told them I was having rad to the brain.

Best of luck to you all. Rachel

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