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Had Experimental Chemo Today


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Cheryl, I hope you keep up the follow-up, newsy posts, so we can keep up with what's going on with you. You have a great attitude and spirit, and I'm glad you are sharing your experiences so freely.

Dianne (the sponge, who soaks up all the information she can find!)

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:lol::lol::lol: Cheryl, I go gray for NO ONE, either! You tell them sister!

BTW, how is that wonderful husband of yours doing with all of this? You can tell he is absolutely crazy about you. I picture Jack in your corner with the water bottle and the towels as you go into the ring this round ready to K.O. this cancer beast in this new round!


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I admire you attitude and determination. It will help get you through this. I have a good feeling about you trial. Keep being tough and positive. I will keep checking in for good news. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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Hey gang,

Thought I would update you all on what is supposed to be the worst day following chemo. I had a bit of a sour stomach this morning, which quickly abated and seemed instantly relieved with some Maalox. That is about it! I am not that tired, but hey, who really is when they sleep till noon? Well, all good things must come to an end. It is back to work hopefully on Monday. My chest still hurts from tome to time, but hydrocodone usually helps. I usually only take it at night, when at home. I cannot work when drowsy. I appreciate the encouragement greatly. Oh yes girls, if I don't lose the hair, then I will probably add a few highlights. It isn't really coloring my hair, but stripping the hair of it's color. It is done with a rubber cap and pretty safe. I only do it every few months or so. The whole head isn't done, and nothing touches the scalp. I actually enrolled in beauty school, following high school. I changed my mind about professions though. There are quite a few similarities in the professions of counseling and cosmotolgy though! Ha!


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Hey Cheryl,

YOU GO GIRL!!! I am SO glad to hear the chemo is going OKAY!!!

As for counseling and cosmotolgy, isn't that like couseling and bartending? Don't they go hand and hand??? I use to bartend many moons ago, and talk about an EDUCATION???? :shock:

I'm still sending up lots and lots of prayers my friend that all will go VERY WELL for you and that this new treatment will be the magic we are looking for.

Much love and lots of hugs to you and Jack!


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