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Sunday afternoon, boat ride, and being normal


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Greetings All,

Jack and I took the boat out yesterday afternoon. It was of course over 100 degrees! Jack was in the worst mood, frantic about everything. He went to get the dogs out of the truck and the boat left the dock as if it were in gear! I don't know how to drive a boat....or didn't. I quickly learned how. Jack yells "what are you doing?" I was trying to save the boat and me! Thank God we didn't hit anyone, and it was crowed too! HA! Anyway, the ride was joyous....until the SUV refused to start. We finally got it started and got home. Jack's bad mood quickly abated and despitie the mishaps, I for one loved the boat ride. Jack said, we won't do that for a while! Ha! Well be out next weekend probably! Jack is too funny! He might possibly be the most negative person I have ever known. After he calms down he is the sweetest person in the world. I just know his MO so well after 21 years I guess. Not saying I am perferct, but my fuse is pretty long. Anywell, I had fun! Cancer took a vacation from me yesterday. I wish he'd stay gone!!!


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I too was blessed with a vacation from cancer this weekend. It only entered my mind a hundred times, lol. But when it was gone it was gloriously gone!!!!

I am glad you had one too. As for my fuse, it's a long one too and I am married to a short one. Can't imagine two short ones in the same house!!!

With you all the way


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Cheryl, despite the problems, I am glad you two got a boat ride. You needed that. Tell Jack to chill -- getting mad is not good for his heart. I am the worst at getting mad and I have learned to curb it, for my health and for others (LOL). Take a deep breath, count ten, make a joke. All that and more works for me. You two are a terrific couple. Looking forward to seeing you again. Don

P. S. Randy has been out of work for 7 months and his unemployment just ran out. Well, he found a contract job in northern California that will bring in some cash for a month or two. He has made it clear to the people that he wants to stay in Dallas. The Lord does provide!

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I just got back from a weekend of visiting my daughter and haven't had time to read anything, but I have to let you know, I was cracking up when I read this post. Why is it that part of having a boat is to have everything go wrong that possibly can?? :lol:

You brought back memories of when my dad was alive and him and my mom would go out on the bay and half the time end up getting towed back. :lol: Later, when I lived on the water, I used to get calls from the Coast Guard all the time to relay messages to my neighbor's wifes that they were stuck out in the bay and wouldn't be home for dinner.

So glad that you were able to enjoy the day anyway... and thanks for bringing back forgotten memories for me...

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:lol::lol::lol: Whew, that was a good one. Do you ever watch the PBS show "Keeping up Appearances"? There's a great episode where Hyacinth (the wife) and her husband have a similar experience on a boat. That was the very image that popped into my mind only with your and Jack's faces. Glad at least YOU enjoyed the outing (sorry 'bout that, Jack :wink: ).
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Can't believe I missed this post. A day of fun, let's make that dayS of fun.

Don't give cancer credit for taking a vacation day. Give Cheryl credit for taking a vacation day from cancer. See if you can't figure out how to do that more often.

Can't wait to hear the continuing saga of the boat adventures.


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So what was the normal part? Kidding...

Yes boats are fun. On our honeymoon John sunk his dad's boat while he was out in the bay with our Newfoundland. He got mad when he kicked her off the boat closer to shore and she didn't pull a Lassie and run for help. :roll:

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