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My husband Tom

Cindy RN

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Cindy- Praying for Tom, and you. I know it is easier said then done, but PLEASE try not to worry about it too much, it could just be IBS or a stubborn pulp (sp?) that needs to be removed. The nurse in you does know to much, that is why you worry so much. The nurse in you also knows, it could be MANY other things.

Saying a prayer for Tom!


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Absolutely prayers for you all. Do not accept waiting until the end of the month...use whatever contact you or husband have. All you need is for a doctor to call for you...I have had scans moved, doctor appointments moved, etc. but always because one of my doctors has taken it on to get something rescheduled for me. I have tried on my own calling every day to ask about cancellations...have been told "oh, no one cancels," and then had the pleasure of calling that same person to cancel because I have gotten in elsewhere. You have to be the squeaky wheel sometimes.



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Cindy, I am keeping both you and Tom in my thoughts and prayers. I want to tell you not to worry but I know with your medical background that is an impossibility. Do everything you can to get that appointment moved up. Be persistent...yell and scream...and if all else fails...beg. That's how I got Dennis into MD Anderson two days after our family doctor found the chest xray very suspicious. There is nothing worse than the unknown. In addition, waiting can be absoultely terrifying. So, to easy both of your minds, try and get another appoinment, if even with another doctor. Praying for good news for you and Tom.

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I just read your post. Sorry I didn't post earlier, I haven't been online. You and Tom are in my prayers each day as is all my family here on this site. May God watch over all of you and your families. I pray for health for all of us. We are so blessed.

God Bless,


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Cindy, the nurse in me knows that we tend to think the worst with any symptom, esp. in the people we cherish. Please let us know what the tests show, but meanwhile remember that cancer is one of the less common causes of blood in the stool. I am praying for a simple answer for you and always praying for everyone here to my patron saint, St. Therese. Take care. - Teresa

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I am sorry Ididn't see this thread until now. I will add your husband to my list of those to be prayed for and agree with lots of the others that it can be lots of other things besides cancer. They haven't even done a colonoscopy yet. Keep calling about his apt. You shouldn't have to wait so long. Thinking of you.


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