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David P. didn't know about the Hall Pass.

David P

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Hello everyone (almost 1400 of you!!).

Some of you have noticed I haven't posted for a while. Sorry, I didn't know about the Hall Pass. I have lately been consumed with training for my big World Solo 24hr Mountain Bike race coming up on September 4th and 5th. I normally do my message board posting in the late evening when my family has all gone to bed. But over the past couple months I have been going to bed much earlier (beauty sleep you know) so I can get up early and ride. I am now going to lighter workouts as race day approaches (no more 6 to 12 hr rides) so I will have more time for the board. As I scanned the 978 posts since I was last logged on, I was surprised, and saddened by all that I have missed. First and foremost, to all those who have lost the special person in their lives to this awful disease, please accept my sincere condolences; they will be missed--Earl, David A, T-Bone, Johnny, Robert, and Tess' mother.

Now I haven't had time yet to respond to many messages, but I plan to -

especially those newcomers who have logged on since I was last here. To those posts I did read, Becki I hope Drew is doing OK; Connie, I hope your grandson's operation went well; Tiny, I love your new photo, you continue to make me smile; Shelly! a photo at last!; it's good to see the very funny Frank is still going strong; and speaking of still going strong - happy belated birthday Dean, I love your posts; and happy B-Day to you too Donna; and Don, thanks for fielding the posts about my whereabouts. I hope Lucy is doing well; Ray A, I hope things are going well for you - hang in there big guy; Cindy, I hope Tom is doing well; and to everyone else out there, if there's anything you want to know about living with one lung, especially if you've recently had your operation, or are about to have it -- call me. I'm still planing on creating a website to post some of my past mountain biking exploits if anyone is interested in viewing them, but that won't be for a month or two, and I'll be updating my story again after my race. Last year at Whistler I rode 11 laps of the 14.2 mile course in 24hrs; this year I plan to ride at least 13 laps. Oh, and I should have a new photo of me hiking the very rugged West Coast Trail posted fairly soon too. Take care all.

David P.

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Wow! You are always an inspiration to me. Sometimes I wish I had had my entire left lung removed instead of just the upper lobe. At least I wouldn't have that wheeze that developed after radiation. I wish you the best in the race and can't wait to see those pictures on your website. Glad to see you again.


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Was glad to hear you were busy preparing for a race but it is still great that you took time to check in with us. Best of luck. Sitting on the edge of my chair cheering you on! Donna G

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Ginny, I've never had to go through 978 posts before -- of course I didn't make notes :wink: . How have you been holding up? I just sit here and stare at the photo of you and Earl and can't even begin to imagine what it's like. Just like last year, when I had Katie's dad Jesse's name on my handle bars during the race --- this year's race will be dedicated to those special people we have recently lost. And thanks for the vote of confidence and support I'm getting from everyone. It will definitely help me get through some tough moments next weekend. Take care all.


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