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Home from Hospital


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Hello all: Just want to let you all know that we are home from the Hospice inpatient facility at Norton's. I will now care for Scott from home. They are allowing me to administer his medication through a pick line. And, I can call hospice anytime I need to. Hospice will stop by to check and make sure everything is going ok. Scott is VERY happy to be home now, as am I.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. I will try to check in from time to time and see how everone is doing.


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Thank you for taking the time to let us know that Scott finally got to come home. I know all of this has had to be extremely difficult and exhausting for you. How are YOU doing? Do you have family or friends nearby so that you have someone to talk to and help you if you need it?

You and Scott are most definitely in my prayers.



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So glad for the update -- was really worried about you and Scott. Still in my prayers and truly enjoy Scott's time at home. Sounds like he is very glad to be home and that's what's important. Bless you both and remember people are here when you need them.

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(((((Renee & Scott))))),,, So very glad Scott is home. I hope he is as comfortable as possible. Please ask for as much help as you need from Hospice and family if they are available. It will lessen some of your stress, and give you quality time with Scott. Also take care of yourself, so you can be there for him. My thoughts and prayers to you and Scott.



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The times we had with our mom at home were some of the best times of our lives.

Hospice was great and I really believe that mom liked the special attention.

Enjoy every minute. It will be hard, but don't get caught up in the little things. Don't worry if the house gets messy. Take the time and savor each moment.

God's richest blessings to you both.

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I am so glad that Scott was able to come home. Like so many have said try to get all the help you can and take care of yourself. Do you have family or friends that can help you? I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts and wish you and Scott comfort as you face this very hard time in your lives.


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So thrilled to hear that Scott is home. The PICC lines are great; they make things so much easier - no more pokes even for blood draws. Steve has had his second one for several months now. Hope that being home will bring him lots more strength. Prayers for you both.

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