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Hi, Everyone

I was thinking it would be nice if we had an official flyer that we could post on bulletin boards at our Oncologist offices/doctor offices like traditional support groups do. Something about our mission and the web address and at the bottom have those little tags you can rip off with the site address to take with you, since most people are going to type in .com instead of .org it is something we could all download.

Rick and all of them would have to OK the design of course.


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Cary, I have been thinking the same thing... I spend several hours each night sending out our information to news sites.. and more..

This would be great!

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Cary, you read my mind. Sunday, fathers day, after seeing my dad I kept thinking that I want to post a notice at his oncologists office directing lung cancer patents or families to this site. Your idea is GREAT! What do we have to do? I'm not real artistic or anything, but would be willing to lend a hand. Take care, Deb

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KatieB has already put together a brochure. If it were in a PDF format it could be emailed out and printed up by lots of people on their home computers and printers. I'm sure businesses would not mind a little time spent on printing in the office. I have told Katie I would love to help get the project to fly. I am a Graphic Designer and I do brochures like this all the time. Judyb

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  • 4 months later...

I know a lot has happened in the last 5 months, but I was wondering if the brochure was in PDF format yet. We have a Onc appointment on tuesday and I would love to be able leave some in the waiting room, especially since it is Lung cancer awareness month.


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yes, alot has happened. Five months ago my dad was still alive and now, for the past seven 1/2 weeks I've been scatter brained and sometimes a bumbling mess since his death! send me e-mail addresses and I will see what I can do about getting this imaged into a pdf and e-mailed out to you (and anyone else who wants it) before your appointment.



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Could we have a spot here at the site that we could click on that says "Print format" I have a colored printer I could just run off a flyers and bring them around to the offices and to our support group and they could take them to there offices etc. Donna G

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I like what Donna said. If we could access it here and download and print as needed, that would be optimal.

Great idea, y'all....

This board is so much better than the other cancer board I was with... I am not certain it was ACS or not, but it was not as egalitarian as this site, and therefore not comfortable to many, not least myself.


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