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Got me a new boyfriend, and his name is....


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That NED sure gets around. :wink:

Have you ever noticed that no one gets upset with NED for his involvemen with so many people? He has these intimate relationships with young and old, male and female, married, single....and no one is angry that he shares himself with so many....What a guy! :)

Congratulations, Addie. Do you want me to send you my recipe for The Green Apple Martini?

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Congratulations, Addie. Do you want me to send you my recipe for The Green Apple Martini?

Do you mean what my friend Joe calls the Appletini??? 8) Yes, would love your recipe. I can take a few sips of an Appletini....but cannot finish one or I'd be doing my impersonation of linoleum: flat out and on the floor! :roll:

Joe - who is also the guy who shaved my head for me back in June - loves his "tinis"....and has tried every possible fancy combination. Some are blue...some have cinnamon sprinkled on them....some are red...and of course, his favorite is the green one...the Appletini. Does your recipe use Apple Pucker? DO share it....please!!

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Oh, those fancy tinis! Now you're talking....I am essentially a non-drinker these days, but I love those appletinis, cosmos, and especially Godiva Chocolate martinis!!!!!!

The other thing is a really great marguerita!!!!!


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I don't know you Addie, but we're all family here and I've got tears in my eyes and chills up my arms reading your post. I can't imagine how GREAT that must feel and cannot wait to feel it for myself! Enjoy your celebration.

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