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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Quack -Quack

    Donald Duck and Daisy Duck were spending the night together in a hotel room and Donald wanted to have sex with Daisy. The first thing Daisy asked was, "Do you have a condom?" Donald frowned and said "No." Daisy told Donald that if he didn't get a condom, they could not have sex. "Maybe they sell them at the front desk," she suggested. So Donald went down to the lobby and asked the hotel clerk if they had condoms. "Yes, we do," the clerk said, and pulled one out from under the counter and gave it to Donald. The clerk asked, "Would you like me to put that on your bill? "No!" Donald quacked, "What kind of a friggen' pervert do you think I am?"
  2. Not sure how this works, but give it a try. http://trunks.secondfoundation.org/files/psychic.swf
  3. Ann


    Lil...I am so glad you were able to have a nice day. I know each of us have to do different things in order to cope with difficult dates after losing our soulmates. I think it was great that you actually found something that will work for you. I know Johnny was watching over you and was having the same fantasy of being there with you!
  4. So very sorry for the loss of your dear mother and for all the pain you are going through right now. I am so glad your mother had her family so with her during the end. I believe being surrounded by the ones we love must bring an incredible amount of peace and tranquality. Your mother will always live within your heart. I'm sure she felt very blessed to have such a kind and caring son.
  5. Ann

    Prayers requested

    Saying prayers for Mary and her sister.
  6. Saying lots of prayers for Chuck and Nina during this difficult time.
  7. What color clothing do you have most of in your closet?
  8. So very good to hear from you. It sounds as if things are much better that they were when you last posted. We miss you and are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers! Hope you're home soon!
  9. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date, Connie. I pray that Fay gains more strength as days go by.
  10. Chrysler Clarinet Chartreuse Carrots Chair Cricket Next Letter is "D"
  11. Convertible....Jaguar Strawberries or Cherries
  12. Redneck Valentine Collards is green, my dog's name is Blue and I'm so lucky to have a sweet thang like you. Yore hair is like cornsilk a-flapping in the breeze. Softer than Blue's and without all them fleas. You move like the bass, which excite me in May. You ain't got no scales but I luv you anyway. Yo're as satisfy'n as okry jist a-fry'n in the pan. Yo're as fragrant as "snuff" right out of the can. You have some'a yore teeth, for which I am proud; I hold my head high when we're in a crowd. On special occasions when you shave under yore arms, well, I'm in hawg heaven, and awed by yore charms. Still them fellers at work they all want to know, what I did to deserve such a purdy, young doe. Like a good roll of duct tape yo're there fer yore man, to patch up life's troubles and fix what you can. Yo're as cute as a junebug a-buzzin' overhead. You ain't mean like those far ants I found in my bed. Cut from the best cloth like a plaid flannel shirt, you spark up my life more than a fresh load of dirt. When you hold me real tight like a padded gunrack, my life is complete; Ain't nuttin' I lack. Yore complexion, it's perfection, like the best vinyl sidin'. despite all the years, yore age, it keeps hidin'. Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie with a RC cold drank, we go together like a skunk goes with stank. Some men, they buy chocolate for Valentine's Day; They git it at Wal-Mart, it's romantic that way. Some men git roses on that special day from the cooler at Kroger. That's impressive," I say. Some men buy fine diamonds from a flea market booth. "Diamonds are forever," they explain, suave and couth. But for this man, honey, these just won't do. Cause yo're too special, you sweet thang you. I got you a gift, without taste nor odor, More useful than diamonds... it's a new troll'n motor
  13. Ann


    Noodles Nook Nellie Nathan Nebraska Nasturshium Nesbitt Street Next Letter is "D"
  14. Ann


    In case you feel like playing, here's a game to try!! Scattegories To play Scattegories use the list below and come up with a word that begins with the letter provided for each of the categories. When you have taken your turn you will then put up the letter for the next person to use. Have fun! *Letters do not have to be in ABC order, just pick a letter you want the next person to use...... 1. Type of food 2. Place 4. Girl's Name 5. Boy's Name 6. City or State Name 7. Flower 8. Street Name First letter to start with will be: N (don't forget after making your list to leave a letter for the next person to do)
  15. Ann

    Thoughts and prayers

    Keep the good news coming our way, Connie. We'll keep remembering you in our prayers!
  16. Nancy...Dennis had sclc and was given the drug that Katie mentioned, Zometa. Also, radiation was very effective in controlling his pain from the mets to his spine. I'm sending hugs and saying prayers for you!
  17. Ann

    Valentines Game

    Love on the Rocks Neil Diamond....right?
  18. Name a song that has the word LOVE in the title.
  19. Ann

    GP Visit

    Joanie...this news makes me so happy!!! I just love reading good news from this board! Whatever you're doing...keep it up!!! You're so super, Joanie!!
  20. My Richard is truly a master of surprises. He is so good at surprising me that I usually don't even try to surprise him. He's always sneaking by the parking lot at work and slipping something in my car to surprise me when I leave work. Today, I opened the office door just as he was getting ready to put a stuffed animal in. Busted!!! Well, he was supposed to be at the gym when he was at my office. I had arranged for Sweet Adelines to go to the gym, sing a couple of songs and deliver a rose and candy. After he left, he went to the gym. I drove to the gym just as the gals were finishing their songs. You should have seen what I found! When they came, he ws in the jacuzzi. One of his friends had gone in and told him some people were there looking for him. He cam out in his trunks with a towel thrown over his bare shoulders! Biy..was he surprised to face four women who instantly broke out in song!!! His face was so red. Everyone loved it!!! Finally...I was able to be the one surprising him!!!
  21. Definitely suspense Grilling with propane or charcoal?
  22. What can I possibly do to satisfy this craving for chocolate donuts until Kasey arrives? Then, Frank remembered that there was one unopened beer in his truck. As Frank reached for the beer.......
  23. Berisa, I have to agree with Ginny. This is a very happy time. I believe your dad will know all about this new baby and will be there as a guardian angel to guide him or her through life. Yes...let's hope for a baby boy that is just like his wonderful grandfather. This baby is just what your family needs right now. There is nothing like a new life to help us look to new beginnings.
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