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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Christopher, I am so very sorry you lost your dad.
  2. Peanuts....definitely Panty Hose or Knee Highs
  3. Ann

    icbn (Bill)

    Bill...add me to this list. I would love to hear from you!!! Please don't leave us in suspense!
  4. Oh Paddy...what a cute story. I am so glad that you found your ring. I know how scary it can be when you think you have lost something of that imporatance. You know, I can just imagine the smile on David's face when he saw you pick up that ring! I do believe these guys have a lot of fun playing with our minds. Tinkering with clocks seems to be the thing that Dennis is occupying his time with. I have clocks,and watches, that stop for no apparnet reason and then begin running again. It doesn;t matter whether the clocks are electric or battery operated. Dennis used to use the phrase "never enough time" almost every single day.
  5. Sandra, I don't have any help to offer but I'm sure one of our members will have just the information you need!
  6. So sorry to hear that Ed is dealing with a voice loss problem. The same thing happened to Dennis and it would always make him so very frustrated. Are you able to hear Ed speak at all? Dennis was able to get out a loud whisper. It seemed that his voice levels would improve for a couple of days and then return to the whisper. The ENT that our oncologist referred us to gave us hope that the chemo might help his voice to return. Sadly, it never did. I would think that a speech therapist might be able to help you. Praying for good results for Ed.
  7. Ann

    disturbing dream

    Lil, as you already know, I have these crazy dreams all the time. Sometimes, they are clear as a bell and make all kinds of sense. Others are just so far out that I try and put them out of my mind and chalk it all up to indigestion...lol! But...I do know how you feel about feeling there is a message involved. This dream would be a really good one for someone that interprets dreams!
  8. Becky, I saw this one on another board and absolutely loved it! Thanks for posting it here! This will remind me to sahre it with my friend, Sue!
  9. I love taking my time in the supermarket. I'm really bad...no, make that terrible, about making a list before I go grocery shopping. I seem to just wander from aisle to aisle and if I see something, I grab it. In addition, I am always getting caught without something I need to finish a meal and running out to pick up a thing or two. I'm so glad my favorite supermarket is very close my house.
  10. How much time do you spend each week in the supermarket? Do you shop once a week or just pick things up as you need them?
  11. Neupogen injections always seemed to do the trick for Dennis. I think I gave him one injection daily for five days.
  12. Joanie...I am so happy to hear this news! I think my tail is wagging almost as fast as Dagwoods after hearing this kind of news!!! Keep it up, girl!!!
  13. So glad you're all hooked up with the laptop and can now keep in touch! Sorry to hear about the progression. I can tell you that radiation will help with the pain from the spinal mets. It worked wonders for Dennis. I will be remembering you in my prayers as you cross this hurdle.
  14. I would have to rewind to just after the time Dennis and I were married. Like others, there are things I would not want to have missed, so let me explain. If I could go back to then, I could really rag Dennis about taking care of himself. I could have yelled and screamed and insisted that he get regular physicals and checkups, rather than just seeing the doctor when there was an emergency. I could have begged and pleaded, never ceasing, about throwing away the cigarettes. I could have encouraged him to pass on the fast foods and eat a healthier diet. Maybe, all of these things combined would have meant he would not have died of cancer at the age of 50?
  15. Saying prayers for Fay.
  16. Lets pretend your life is a VCR tape. If you could rewind your life, where would you stop?
  17. Ann

    A Paradox of Our Age

    The Paradox of Our Age We have taller buildings but shorter tempers; wider freeways but narrower viewpoints; we spend more but have less; we buy more but enjoy it less; we have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, yet less time; we have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment; more experts, yet more problems; we have more gadgets but less satisfaction; more medicine, yet less wellness; we take more vitamins but see fewer results. We drink too much; smoke too much; spend too recklessly; laugh too little; drive too fast; get angry too quickly; stay up too late; get up too tired; read too seldom; watch TV too much and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values; we fly in faster planes to arrive there quicker, to do less and return sooner; we sign more contracts only to realize fewer profits; we talk too much; love too seldom and lie too often. We've learned how to make a living, but not a life; we've added years to life, not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor. We've conquered outer space, but not inner space; we've done larger things, but not better things; we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice; we write more, but learn less; plan more, but accomplish less; we make faster planes, but longer lines; we learned to rush, but not to wait; we have more weapons, but less peace; higher incomes, but lower morals; more parties, but less fun; more food, but less appeasement; more acquaintances, but fewer friends; more effort, but less success. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but have less communication; drive smaller cars that have bigger problems; build larger factories that produce less. We've become long on quantity, but short on quality. These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men, but short character; steep in profits, but shallow in relationships. These are times of world peace, but domestic warfare; more leisure and less fun; higher postage, but slower mail; more kinds of food, but less nutrition. These are days of two incomes, but more divorces; these are times of fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, cartridge living, throw-away morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies and pills that do everything from cheer, to prevent, quiet or kill. It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stock room. Indeed, these are the times! Dr. Bob Moorehead
  18. No advice, Pam, but I will be saying prayers that everything is OK.
  19. Hi Nancy. Yes, I do remember you and am very glad to hear from you again. Please don't ever worry about being a burden to anyone here on this board. We are here to support each other...in good times and bad. I, for one, want you to know that you can always talk to me. I don't have lots of answers but I am a fairly good listener. If you would like, please PM me anytime. Maybe you can become my "Buddy." I would really like that. In the meantime, please give that precious little Zack a big hug from me. I'll be remembering you in my prayers.
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