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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Ann

    Crazy Drug Companies

    This is absolutely nuts. I seem to have a very hard time understanding how "the system" works. Now...how is Bill doing? I'm praying for lots of good days. The two of you never seem to leave my thoughts!
  2. Mark...keep up the good fight and never wave that white flag in the air! I'm sending lots of prayers for you and your family. Everyone needs to stay strong right now, be positive and believe!!!
  3. Hey there bartender....pickled asparagus??? Sounds interesting! So sorry I didn't respond earlier to your post! I'm still trying to recouperate from cooking and cleaning! I am so very glad you saw your own doctor and got your medicine cabinet restocked! I'm sure this little problem will be under control in no time. My mom was diagnosed with this problem once and it never was even mentioned again. I think the words are very scary to hear but the condition is very manageable! You're such a tough cookie...! I have all knids of faith that this is just a wee little setback! I'm saying lots of prayers!!!
  4. Cherly...you and Jake are still in my thoughts and prayers!
  5. Lori...this is a really tough situation to be in and I'm so sorry that you're caught in the middle. Sometimes, women just "accept" this kind of treatment, rather than make any more trouble or problems. I just think it is terrible that your SF is so very inconsiderate of your mother right now. Apparently, this is more than his method of dealing with the pain of his wife's cancer, as you say he's like this all the time. IF I were your mother, I would take some serious steps to get away from this treatment. How can she possibly be positive and concentrate on getting better if she is constantly put in a bad situation by her husband. He should be loving and supportive of her right now and encouraging her to do some things that make her happy. Of course, maybe the stress of getting out would be harder on your mom right now that dealing with all of this is. I am just heartbroken that you are in this situation. Can you ask your mom if she would like to spend the holidays with you? If she says yes, what would your SF have to say? Honey, I don't have any good answerw but I can tell you that I am praying very hard for both you and your mom. I'm also asking God to have a long talk with your SF.
  6. When you were growing up, what was the biggest disagreement you ever had with your parents? Today, as an adult, would you still look at your side of the issue in the same way or side with your parents?
  7. Prayers on their way for your mom...and you!
  8. Ann

    Having a Hard time

    Oh Patty...I know how hard this time of year is for you. You know, I too used to think of just one more...everything. Then, I started listening to the song 'One More Day" and finally realized that if I had one more day, I'd still want another. We never have all the time we would like to have with our loved ones. Obviously, your mother was very proud of you and your sister, as she wanted to live on through your lives! You know, that will happen. You'll find yourself doing more and more things like your mom would have done. She will live on forever in your heart. After losing my mom, I remember that once I realized she would forever live in my heart and be a part of me, things became easier for me. I'm sending hugs your way and saying prayers that you can find peace while continuing your moms traditions.
  9. I've also learned that sometimes we may never meet, in person, people that will become good friends...like all of you here on this board!
  10. Ann

    Prayers for my Mom

    Nancy, I am saying prayers for your mom! I know how worried she must be. What part of Florida is she in?
  11. Thanks, Don. Good to finally get a mans viewpoint on this one! Wow...hope you enjoy wearing high heels and panty hose...lol!
  12. Ann

    nourishment ??

    Boost and Ensure are great ways to get nourishment when someone just doesn't feel like eating. Also, if you talk to your doctor, he should be able to prescribe something that should stimulate the appetite. My husband did fairly well, for a while, taking Marinol.
  13. Ann

    Good to go!

    Glad you're past that hurdle. Now, lets hope for only great things to come!!!!
  14. (((((((Cheryl))))))....I am so sorry that you are feeling like this. I have been down the same path and know exactly what you are feeling right now. You know, I think the day we have a loved one diagnosed with cancer like this, we start preparing ourselves. We think the worst and feel completely lost and overwhelmed. Yes, the cancer is spreading rapidly which is common with small cell. But, the good news is that it also responds to treatment very well. Like Pat, I want to be optomistic and give you a hug and tell you everything will be alright. That's not always the best approach. I needed to be prepared and ready. I needed to make sure that everything necessary had been said and done. I needed to make sure that every possible treatment approach had been exhausted. Cheryl, at this point, enjoy every good minute you can. Make memories and never give up hope. Believe in the healing power of God and trust your doctors. But, friend-to-friend, be ready for the unexpected when fighting this monster. I am keeping you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know if you need to talk.
  15. Ann

    Lost Wives

    Good one Frank....I would definitely give this one 3 doughnuts....and a beer!!!!
  16. Ann

    Tattoo Who???

    Debi...I think you should get the tattoo. We should all make as many of our dreams come true as we possibly can and it sounds like this one is definitely in reach for you! Not sure what the tattoo should be, especially since you are pworking with an area of limited space but....I do think the letters LCSC should be worked into the tattoo. Just think how many people would ask what those letters stand for? You could really do a lot of educating the public about lung cancer with those letters on the back of your hand! Please let us know what you decide!
  17. Tina, prayers for Aunt Sarah. Also saying travinlin prayers for the Mynatt family. Hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful turkey day!
  18. For a day? Definitely! I would really like to see how my boss thinks for just one day! Gosh, what a strange day that would be. But, like Bunny, it would be neat to pee in the woods!!!
  19. http://www.inspiringthots.net/movie/limit-cancer.php
  20. http://www.inspiringthots.net/movie/grave.php
  21. I've learned that it's not what you have in your life that counts, but who you have in your life that counts. I'm so glad we all have each other.
  22. Joanie...I have been going through some strange feelings myself. For a couple of months now, I have been having the same low grade fevers in the evening and then in the morning, I feel line. I still have felt run down and just feel as if my body is really working overtime to fight something off. Some days, my body seems to win and then other days the "thing" wins. I did finally have a full blown stomach virus last week but still feel all-in-all yucky!!! Hope you start feeling better really soon!
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