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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Everything is fine here. Thanks for worrying!
  2. Oh...I can't wait for this delivery to arrive! I love cookbooks and it will be so nice to have recipes from all my friends at LCSC! Thanks for all the hard work that everyone put into this project!
  3. What is the one thing that your friends would say is your most admirable trait?
  4. Power is on now and we're all fine. Thanks for thinking of me. I guess our county was the hardest hit in central Florida. The folks to the south of us had much more damage. Things were fine here until about 7:00 am and then all hell broke loose. We had some really good wind gusts and lots of rain. You could have rowed a canoe down my street. we had three tornadoes touch down in my area but none really near me. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! By the way...can you believe it's supposed to be in the 40's here in Florida?
  5. Ann

    Journey's End

    Joyce, I am so very sorry to hear of Steve's passing. He certainly was a brave warrior that fought a valiant fight against this terrible disease!
  6. Libby...just hang in there! Often, waiting can be very hard to do! Hey...we're glad you found us.
  7. Janet, I'm a bit north of you, in Palm Bay. If I were you and faced the chance that my mom might need oxygen, I would make arrangements to evacuate immediately. From the sound of things, it doesn't look great for Miami as of the latest forecast. If you think there is a chance she might need this I would make plans immediately!
  8. I'm not sure what part of Florida they are visiting but things look pretty quiet here today. Monday is supposed to be the day that all hell breaks loose, from all the forecasts. Schools and all government offices in my county (and Karharts) have already announced that they will be closed on Monday. My office is located right on US #1, right on the Indian River. This river is adjacent to the ocean, so I am imagining I will have a day off on Monday, also. Keep us in your prayers!
  9. Ann

    Good Weekend

    So glad to hear your mom is feeling good and that you guys had a great time together!
  10. Ann

    another loss

    Nancy, I am so sorry. This is certainly a lot for you to bear in such a short time. I'm sending hugs to you and saying prayers.
  11. Ann

    Prayers needed

    Saying prayers for you and your family.
  12. I'm praying for a wonderful weekend that will give birth to some beautiful and treasured memories.
  13. Ann

    Lucie Update 10/21

    Way to go Lucie!!! Glad the doctor thinks you're tough! You show 'em how to win this game! I think of you and Don every day and always remember you two in my prayers!
  14. So sorry things aren't going well for your mom right now. As for the personality changes, you just have to remember she is still the same mom you have always loved and try to accept that things are different now. If she feels up to being out and about without injuring herself, then I would not try to stop her. If you are worried about injuries, perhaps you could take her out in a wheelchair when she wants to go somewhere. Maybe you could ask her doctor for some suggestions. I'm sending lots positive thoughts your way!
  15. Ann

    Prayers needed!!

    Jamie, I am thinking of you and remembering your family in my prayers. I can't imagine how much pressure you must have on you right now, with all these things going on!
  16. Ann


    Wow, I sure do wish I was home and could walk with your team. I would like to send you a small donation for your team, in memory of Dennis. Can you please PM me the information. It's so beautiful in Tennessee this time of year. I can just close my eyes and imagine it!!! I'm going to make a jar, with Dennis's picture and story on the front, and sit in in my office to collect doantions for LCSC. The guys that work here aren't too well off but can spare some change. We have some salesmen that come in that should donate. I'm doing this in November, as I have to be tied here to this office and can't do much else to raise $$$ for LCSC.
  17. As some of you remember, I was adopted and didn't meet my biological parents until I was 20 years old. After meeting them, I realized that appearance wise, I was very much like my dad. But, all the personality traits that I have seem to come from the wonderful couple that raised me...my real parents. I am so much like my mom that it's amazing. But, I'm a lot like my dad, also.
  18. Ann

    Checking In.....

    So very good to hear from you. Glad you are doing well with the treatment. It sounds like your doctor has some good plans for you. Stable is good and hopefully next test results will be even better.
  19. Are you more like your mother or your father? Tell us why.
  20. Ann

    It's been 1 month

    Patty, let me once again say how very sorry I am that you lost your mom. Losing someone you love is the worst thing you could ever go through. Greif affects each of us in different ways. I'm sure if you polled everyone on this board about grief and how they handled it, each would probably answer differently. I discovered that I had really begun the grieving process long before Dennis died. I knew the prognosis was very grim so my mind started preparing my body to handle the worst when the time came. I also am a firm believer that your body has this wonderful self defense mechanism called shock that goes into action and helps you as long as it takes to get you ready for reality. I found that during that time, I was able to make decisions and handle issues very well. After reality set in and I was on my own, I turned to jello. There are so many wonderful people on this board that have recently lost their moms. I know that a wonderful bond will happen between you, as you all work through this together. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Try and remember the happy thoughts, times and memories. They will pull you through the tough times!
  21. Hey...the bigger the Woo-Hoo the better!!!
  22. Ann

    cookbooks :):)

    Getting ready to place my order right now! It was so great of you to get this project done!!! Many thanks!
  23. Cindi...you and Frank make a great comedy duo. Have you ever thought of taking this show on the road?
  24. If anyone is interested, please just ask Fay A. She has some to share. My DIL's third graders all made cards and sent them to Fay. Of course, they were all chicken themed. One kid put a chicken joke on his card and then they all had to add one.
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