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Everything posted by Ann

  1. You have a falling out with your best friend, and you haven't heard from in few weeks. You: Move on... the drama probably isn't worth it I don't have a best friend, I fell out with them all!!! Wah!!! Call your friend and say that you're ready to talk Invite your friend out to do something special. Other
  2. Do you tell your real age, lie or avoid it all together? Does it bother you?
  3. ((((((((Dana))))))) I think Randy's advice is very good for you right now. I'm sure Joanie is with you, every step of the way. Take some quiet time and look up at those stars. I'm sure that our dear friend, Joanie, will be the brightest star in the night sky. Talk to her and she will hear. And....I'm sure if you're really still, you'll feel the soft wind across your cheek as she blows you a kiss. Your sweet Mom now lives...in your heart. The pain will always be there for you but your spirit will manage to become a bit lighter as time goes by. We all loved your Mom so very much and in her honor, I would love to be here for you anytime you need to talk!
  4. Ann

    Expanded Obit for Mom

    Such a beautiful and determined lady!!!
  5. Ann

    The Struggle

    Don, I know what a difficult decision this has been for you and I am so proud of you for being strong enough to forge ahead. Regardless of what path you take, I know your deep love for Lucie will be your guiding light. Please check in with us from time to time, as you have been such a strong and powerful mentor for so many of us and you will be truly missed. I know how you feel and praise your decision to continue helping others.
  6. Your friend is wearing something completely hideous and inappropriate. Do you say anything?
  7. Ann

    Go Rest High...

    Missy, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so very sorry.
  8. Cheryl, I remember all of the bad times you are speaking about and I still was very glad to see that you had started to once again post. Like others, I tried to find out how you were doing when you were away and posting mainly on another board. Unfortunately, we are all tied together by a common thread and we need to hold together, be strong and understand each others needs. Right now, while fighting for your life, is not a time to feel alone. I, for one, will be here to listen and support you should you need me. We have all made mistakes that we wish we could somehow undo but sometimes that's just not possible. We just have to pick ourselves up and go on and make the most of each new day.
  9. Ann

    Prayers please

    Prayers from Florida.
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATIE!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! I hope you will take time today to give yourself a big pat on the back and realize just how much you do to help others! We all are so grateful that you have been here for us, helping and guiding us along!
  11. We all have it!! Well maybe not all but some of us do, and when you do: What's Causing Your Kitchen Clutter? Cabinets are too small/outdated Refrigerator is too small Not enough work space Kitchen serves too many purposes Other :
  12. Ann

    Poker Game

    Six retired Floridians were playing poker in the condo clubhouse when Meyerwitz loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen comrade, the other five continued playing standing up. Finkelstein looks around and asks, "So, who is going to tell his wife"? They draw straws. Goldberg picks the short one. They tell him to use good judgment, be discreet and be gentle. Don't make a bad situation any worse. "Discreet"? he asked. "I'll be the most discreet person you will ever meet. Discretion is my middle name. Just leave it to me." So, Goldberg goes over to the Meyerwitz apartment and knocks on the door. The wife answers and asks what he wants. Goldberg declares, "Your husband just lost $500 and is afraid to come home." "Tell him to drop dead!" she yells. "I'll go tell him," says Goldberg.
  13. Ann

    He is finally free!

    So very sorry, Mary.
  14. While waiting on the phone, how long can someone put you on hold before you just hang up?
  15. Ann

    She's gone

    So very sorry, Kelly. We are here for you.
  16. Well, I almost washed my Siamese cat once. I had out some clothes in the washer and had the water running. I thought of a couple more things I needed to toss in and ran back to the hamper for them. While I was gone, my curious cat jumped into the washer and when I cam back he was sitting in the washer, screaming his head off and was soaking wet. I have no idea why he didn't jump out, as he easily jumped in!!! Like Ginny, I have this really bad habit of "laundering" my money. At work, I always carry money in my pocket and then I forget to take it our when I get home. I usually remember to check but sometimes forget. Thanks for missing me, Ginny!!! Makes me feel loved!!!
  17. What is the strangest thing you have ever accidentally washed in the washing machine?
  18. Ann


    Thank you for posting this, Ginny.
  19. Thanks for the oohs and aaahs, Ginny. She's actually lying on a "drape" made of silk flowers. Her daddy is actually under the "drape" holding her. I think that's just so neat!!!
  20. So very sorry for your loss.
  21. (((((((((Dana))))))))) I am so very sorry to read this news. Although I never met Joanie in person, I feel we knew each other so very well. I once told her that we must be connected by heartstrings. She was such a sweet, caring person and always managed to worry about how others were doing, even when she was having bad days. I know that she will truly be missed by all that loved her from this board. You have been so blessed to have the love of such a wonderful mom. Please let your dad know that we are here for both of you, should you need us!!!
  22. I always look for the nuts.
  23. Well, mine had to do with college, also. I went to a Baptist college and my dorm had two rooms that were on the first floor. It was a huge, colonial type dorm, with a big wrap around porch. The two first floor rooms were huge, so they each had four girls per room. Curfew way back then was 10:00 on weeknights and midnight on weekends. My roomies and I had a really bad habit of raising our window and sneaking out after hours. Well, let's just say that after getting caught 2 times, we all transferred to another school...upon request!
  24. Thanks guys!!! We think she's pretty special! She's getting to the point where she's a little person rather than an infant that just eats and sleeps. She was 6 months old yesterday and is now playing peek-a-boo and giggling out loud. I just can't imagine how babysitting is going to be when this gal is walking, as I'm completely exhausted after an evening with her now! I guess God really knows what He's doing when the decision was made for young women to have babies.
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