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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome here. I also agree -- your dad needs pain medication -- bone pain is very excruciating. My wife had 5 bone mets over her body when diagnosed and is now on daily morphine since her spine was damaged. She has had other bone tumors since that have caused pain, and she has had radiation for that as well as the chemo. My prayers are with you. Don
  2. Great news, Liz! Halleluiah!
  3. Welcome, Shar! My wife and I visited Australia in 1989 --Sydney area, Outback and Cairns area. Beautiful place. Glad Tarceva is working for you. Sorry you can't find a support group. Hope there are other leads to one. Looks like you are doing okay so far. I hope for that to continue. Don
  4. Congrats again. As I said, my son and his wife are celebrating their 9th today. Don
  5. Congratulations! So what is this 17 year old doing now? It was a difficult age for me, and also for each of my kids. Duh! Don
  6. Don Wood

    Too much pain

    Lucie takes MS Contin, which I imagine is a relative of Oxycontin. She takes 30mg twice a day, mainly for the pain from damage to her spine. She takes just enough to dampen the pain, and she is still quite functional. We had to experiment with the dosage (with the onc approval, of course) to get to the level she needed without making her so drowsy. Don
  7. Glad you're back, Cindi. I'll have a cool, frozen Margarita, please. Don
  8. Karen, so good to see you posting and getting an update on you and Faith. Glad you have the friend helping you both. Look forward to your posts. Don
  9. Val, no need to apologize for venting. That is one of the things we all do here. I am not a cook, so I didn't have the guilt of preparing food for Lucie that she did not like. What I did do was bring her when she was hospitalized things like Smoothies and Frosties, which have a lot of calories and tasted good to her. I really believed it helped her. It helped her spirits also. Don
  10. Welcome,Lorrie. If the tumor is fully contained within the lung and not outside, then the Stage would probably be II. They will know more after the surgery because they will take samples in the area to see if they detect any escape from the lung. My wife also has asthma. In fact, since she is not a smoker, we think maybe the irritation from the asthma and allergies over the years may have made the lung ripe for cancer. She did not have a lung removed, but she did survive a severe case of bilateral pneumonia. Best to you both. Don
  11. Hi, Mary. My wife's problem also started with her arm. First, it was loss of function in the left hand, and then pain in the hand and arm. The main tumor was on her upper spine. She originally had 5 bone mets, and clear (!) lungs at diagnosis. She was given 9 months and is now more than 2 1/2 years out. She has had several bouts with the beast and has beat it back each time so far. Right now, she is doing fine. Best to you. Don
  12. Don Wood

    Too much pain

    Praying for some relief.
  13. Never be reluctant to post good news. It encourages us all, and we need it. Glad to hear it. Don
  14. So good to hear! Thanks for updating us.
  15. My understanding is that anyone who has had chicken pox as a child is susceptible to shingles (same virus). Any weakness can cause it to arise.
  16. Hi, Jim. You are truly blessed. Yes, each day IS a gift.
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