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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Melinda, you have had to face an awful lot this year. It's amazing you are still standing. Hang in there, and go with your heart. Take some time in there for Melinda. My prayers are with you. Blessings. Don
  2. Don Wood

    I'm back

    Good to hear from you, Beth. Hang in there. Don
  3. Don Wood

    One year

    Isn't it great when they live longer than expected! I bet she sees next Thanksgiving as well. Way to go, Mom!
  4. Don Wood

    Thank You!!

  5. Actually, I, too, found this website through Google two years ago. Don
  6. Karen, I am so sorry you have to endure the verbal barrage as well as everything else. I just can't imagine what that is like, since my spouse is very supportive. However, she does tend to tell me "all" when she woin't tell others, so that part I can relate to. I have learned to tell her when that frustrates me and she needs to talk with someone else about it as well. I don't discourage her telling me because I want all the info on her I can get, but there are times when I just have to say -- this is all I can bear right now and you need to vent to someone else about this, and support her doing that. My prayers are with you. I think the hardest role is the primary caregiver, and it is often a lonely one. Blessings. Don
  7. Thanks for the update, Paula. Someone was definitely watching over you. Glad to hear heart and lung doing well now. Have a great holiday. Don
  8. Congratulations on the 25 years of clean, Dean. Hey, "clean Dean"! I like that. Glad you are still around to touch our lives here and make them richer. Hope your Thanksgiving is a great one as well. Blessings. Don
  9. Absolutely beautiful! I'm bawling, too.
  10. Take care, good buddy.
  11. Welcome, and we're glad you are here. Let us know how we may help you along the way. Don
  12. Lisa, I am glad to hear things have gone in a positive direction for Ahmed. You are a great caregiver for him. I wish the best for you all as time goes on. Don
  13. Food to see your post and to know you are enjoying the kids. Don
  14. Kim, you are a good caregiver, but you can't go, go, go and not have some life of yur own. You will burn out and then not be good for anyone. Your not moving today is your body's way of telling you it needs to rest. You need to take care of yourself first, then your mother. Hang in there. Don
  15. Hard to know what to respond. Sorry you're having to deal with family "stuff" as well as LC. Glad you called in the troops to support you. Hang in there. Don
  16. Holidays are very hard when we have lost love ones, and cannot share these times with them physically. But I believe we can share with them in spirit. I hope you won't cancel holidays completely and spend some time with your sister. Good to see you posting. Don
  17. NED! NED! What a guy! Congratulations!
  18. Randi, so sorry your mom is not doing well. Glad you came here and posted. It is tough when the patient doesn't want to fight, but ultimately it is their call. I hope you all can get through the holidays with some good times. Don
  19. David, so glad to see you back, and so glad the drainage was successful. Yep, we can pick up things from little ones -- there is a sign in the place where Lucie gets her chemo that discourages kids from being there because they do carry a lot of things and the people there have lowered immune responses. Well, I'm a big kid, have a cold I'm trying to shake, and trying very hard not to give it to Lucie. Glad to see you still have your sense of humor intact. Blessings. Don
  20. What great news, Ellen! You guys need to celebrate. I had radiation treatments for my prostate cancer -- 7 1/2 weeks, 5 days a week -- so I can appreciate how that takes over your life. I, too, drove for 30 min., was there about 15 min, and then drove back home for 30 min. But it worked, so it was well worth the aggrevation. Best to you all. Don
  21. Glad to hear things are moving along for your sister. Lucie has a port because her veins are so small and hidden. It is definitely easier on the patient. Lucie is also taking Nevelbine and it is done in less than an hour. She goes once a week for two weeks, and then is off a week. That is one cycle. She has completed 6 cycles now, and we think it is working for her. Best to you. Don
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