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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. It is good to hear another perspective. It enriches our understanding and our lives. Thanks. Don
  2. Hey, I buy Tide and Glad bags! Also, I do the laundry and take out the trash. How does that figure in? Ha! Don
  3. Tide's in! Clod's out!
  4. Don Wood

    God's purpose???

    Well said, Margaret. Don
  5. Don Wood


    Francine, prayers comin'. I think it is very hard during the time between deciding on and scheduling surgery and then actually having it. Surgery is always serious. So you are not going bonkers -- it is a natural feeling of going into the unknown. Don
  6. Margaret, you are not alone. Many of us feel the same way. We don't always have something to say to every post, and that's okay. Sometimes, I get on here and run through the new posts and at other times, I take my time. Many times the concern or question is well answered before I get to it, and I go on by. You're doing fine. Don
  7. I got it -- Rob is a very special man. You are special, too. Don
  8. Prayers of thanksgiving for the good news. Prayers of intercession for pain removal and healing. Prayers that Carleen get through all this,too. Don
  9. Go, David! Take control! Lucie also had her head shaved right after the hair started to come out, so she had one bing trauma instead of an ongoing one. It worked for her. I would have shaved my head in sympathy but no one would have noticed the difference! Don
  10. My wife took taxotere, along with carboplatin, for about 4 months. It helped her a lot, but has a lot of potential side effects. I would suggest you go to Google and type in "taxotere". You'll get a lot of info that way. Don
  11. I am so glad you had the big birthday party for Scott. That is so important. And I am glad to see he is willing to fight some more. Don
  12. I second Sharon's motion. Don't beat up on yourself. If you've not been touched by cancer or a serious illness before, you don't know these things. In medicine today, the patient, caregiver, etc. have to be proactive and not rely on the doctors to tell you everything. It is just the way it is. Forums like this offer lots of support and information. Let us know how we may support you. Don
  13. Hi, fellow Texan! Kim, I am glad you came here for support and answers. Plenty here. My wife also has NSCLC, and is Stage IV. She has survived 21 months already. If your mom is getting radiation, especially on or near her trachea, she may experience some loss of voice and difficulty swallowing, but it does get better after the radiation is over. Also, having chemo and radiation at the same time, she will tend to get very tired and more importantly dehydrated. She will need plenty of liquids, whether she wants to or not. It can land her in the hospital if she doesn't. I would ask the dr. if it would be wise to have a weekly IV of saline solution to help prevent this. Your mom will need to keep nourished also. And she will not always feel like it. That's why it is so important for someone to keep track of her and be sure she is eating, even if you have to go totally to liquids. Sometimes you have to insist. It is for their own good. My daughter called me the "food Nazi" because I was always poking food at my wife. We found that a little food every two hours worked better than the normal three meals a day. It also helps fight the nausea, with food on the stomach. Your mom has to realize and come to grips with the fact that it is no longer "business as usual". She can't return to her isolation like she has. It is not good for her to be alone through this. She will need to reach out to people to help her, even if she doesn't want them to visit. You are right, "she needs more than you". It is hard, but it must be done in order for her to fight this beast. As for addiction to pain medication, our oncologist told us that as long as the does covers the pain, it is not addictive. It is when your dose is significantly above the pain level that addiction can occur. My wife is still on low dose morphine since her spine is damaged from the cancer, and we check it out to be sure the pain is covered and not a lot more. You will need support also. I had to learn to reach out and seek help myself in taking care of my wife. I needed breaks and someone to talk with. Good luck and blessings. Don
  14. Hi, Katie, and welcome to our forum. We all love Shellie and are glad you are here also. Don
  15. Thanks for the report on Cindy. Glad to hear the good news. Don
  16. Roanna, the fact that he has pain in areas where there are bone spots indicates cancer. I am surprised the rad. onc. doesn't irradiate those spots to lessen the pain. Zometa or Aredia is good for bone mets. Don
  17. Don Wood

    Excuse me ~~

    I am very uncomfortable even today when people use the swear words in general conversation. Of course, I am "old school", but I still think it is rude and improper. Don
  18. Cindy, glad to hear the good news. Sorry about your daughter. Ovarian cysts seem to run in my family -- niece, daughter and now granddaughter. The former two had to have surgery, and we are watching and waiting on the granddaughter. Good to have you back. Don
  19. Cindy, wooeee, wow wow! So good to see you back. Sorry, I have a Gateway. Don
  20. Hi, Gayle. I am surprised the onc didn't know she had bone mets. As mentioned already, Zometa or Aredia are usually used to strengthen bones when bone mets are a problem. Lucie had a bone met in her fibula and it never hurt her, but it was big enough to cause fracture. Luckily, the bone scan picked it up and it was treated with radiation. Was your mom treated with radiation for the bone mets? Usually, if a bone met causes much pain or is threatening bone integrity, radiation will be used. Don
  21. Haylee, I am shocked and saddened at the sudden loss of your brother. I have said a prayer for you and your nephew and family. It is hard to lose a loved one, but especially so young and so sudden. May you all find peace. Don
  22. David, glad things are moving along. Take care. Don
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