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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Flabet, I am so sorry to hear of Doug's passing. My heart is with you. Please do stay with us so you can express your thoughts and feelings as you go through the grief process. You don't have to give right now, just receive what we have here. Bless you. Don
  2. Lisa, welcome to our board. Best wishes on your jouirney. Don
  3. Great news, Laurie! Celebration time! Don
  4. The main side effect with radiation is fatigue. It can also cause burns in some areas. Yes, it can relieve pain and is often used to do so. Don
  5. Morphine and such can also give delusions. So sometimes with pain medications, you have to find the middle ground between pain ease and cutting out the constant delusions. What your dad is going through is normal. Don
  6. My wife is NSCLC Stage IV, and after chemo and radiation, she is doing very well, 13 months after diagnosis. Good luck to your mother-in-law. Keep plugged in here for info and support. Don
  7. Duke Duke Duke, Duke of Earl! Sounds like great news, Ginny. Don 't worry about Earl's fatigue -- it goes with the territory. Lucie has moved from no support to cane to walker and back again. Godspeed. Don
  8. Life is not about what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you.
  9. I said a prayer for Clover's healing as well as you mom. Don
  10. Thanks, David! I got a few chuckles out of that! Don
  11. Hi, Sally! My wife had taxotere, along with carboplatin, every three weeks for six weeks. She lost her hair, she was nauseous (meds for that), she lost her appetite (I had to push purees and liquids), she had skin rash and mouth fungus (meds for those), numbing and necrosis of finger tips and toes (meds for that), diarrhea (meds). Was it worth it? Darn tootin'! She recovered from all that and is presently in good health after 13 months from diagnosis. Good luck. Don
  12. I would not wait until spring. This diesease can take people in a few months or it can go on for a lot longer. We never know. Perhaps you could go for Christmas holidays. Don
  13. I don't really want to second guess your docs. All I can tell you is my wife's onc always does a scan if my wife has any area with severe pain. Don
  14. Since you did get the cherry pie done, I guess one can bake a pie on preheat! Good laugh! Hope your Thanksgiving today was great. Don
  15. Kristy, I am so sorry you lost your mom and so quickly. May you find peace in her memory. I encourage you to stay with us so we may help where we can in the grieving. God's grace. Don
  16. Amy, what strikes me immediately is your mom is almost a 5-year survivor, stage IV! She definitely IS a trooper. That gives many of us here a lot of hope. If your mom is having ear problems, this could be why she has imbalance. I think the ear problem should be looked into to see if there is help there. Don
  17. Cindi, two things on radiation: (1), Yes, it is normal to wait a month after radiation because it continues to work after treatment. (2) This only applies to the specific area treated with radiation. If your mom is hurting or has symptoms in another area, that area needs to be scanned now. Don
  18. Michelle, i, too, am sorry for your loss. You paint a beautiful picture of her going in peace, a comforting sign for all of us. Thanks for sharing. Please hang in here with us so we may help you through the grief. Don
  19. Adam, I'm glad your dad had a good laugh. He needs that. Don
  20. Incredible! So sorry, Marlon. Hang tough. Don
  21. Lillie, sorry your mom has gone, but i know you will keep her memory alive and her love in your heart. Don
  22. "Live each day to the fullest, because each day is a gift."
  23. Welcome back, Greg. Good to see you among us again. Glad you are going home and hope that the new treatment will do the trick. Don
  24. Don Wood


    Wonderful news, Angie! Celebrate! Don
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