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Everything posted by Calintay

  1. Calintay


    Have agreat vacation and enjoy the weather for me Congrats
  2. WONDERFUL! I am so happy. Good thoughts for you and your family
  3. Val - I also understand what your saying. Be strong and be positive! I know what you mean that you miss what was once there, I do to. We have to remember to treaseure the moment and live for the moment. Be strong. Heidi
  4. What I do with my son is tell him whether it is for being good at school with no problems, having accidents, or even when he eats at home we started a zoo fund. Everytime he does something that is good like no fights for the whole day or no accidents for the day I give him anywhere from a quarter to a dollar to put in his fund. But now he got carried away and has a Zoo fund, Disneyland fund and a toy fund but it has really improved him. I remind him every morning that if it is a good day he will get money Just my input
  5. Pryaers with you! Thoughts with you! Fingers crossed! Toes crossed! May God Bless you
  6. My mom is was/is on a different kind of chemo and also compained of loss of balance and buzzing in the ears and the doctor said as to the balance that it was not related to chemo that he has never heard of that and the buzzing in the ears he said if that is the worst thing that happens then she is lucky. Whatever that is meant to mean. Sometimes I think there are side effects that doctors don't know about because so many people react different to drugs. Best wishes Heidi
  7. My mom did not ask for a second opionion but the primary physician sent her to the pulmonary surgeon who sent her to the radioligist and chemo doc who then worked together to be sure she was diagnosed properly and to find a plan of action. Necessary or not what will it hurt? My mom was upset that it took the doctors a month before doing anything. She said her tumor is just gettting bigger and it was scary for her. Best of luck Heidi
  8. Beth- So sorry! Prayers being said that everything will turn out okay. I know we aren't the same as family but you can always talk to us. Best Wishes Heidi
  9. Welcome! Thanks for all the kindness
  10. That's another thing she won't go anywhere because of her hair. She is embarassed and she won't talk to anyone because she says she has all the support she needs. I just don't understand!
  11. Hoping your dad is well and back out there writing his tickets soon
  12. This is mainly for the caregivers or for anyone who can help me understand why I feel the way I do. My mom and I have always been so close. We keep no secrets and have always had fun together. We currently live together because we were going to school together till she got sick and my dad and husband were the money makers. Well she got LC diagnosed in Nov. two weeks after starting school and that is when this nightmare has begun.I no longer feel that we are best friends. I feel like she is snappy towards me and at times she talks to me like I am the stupidest person she has ever met. She seems to have a problem with me disciplining my son which usually just consists of a time out. My son cries at night when it is bed time and she looks at me like she can't believe he is crying. At times I would love to get my own place but I can not afford nor can my parents now.Anybody experience this behavior? I feel like my family is getting messed up and my mom is distancing herself from me. I had to vent because I have been upset for days now and I know no one in my area. Thank you
  13. Calintay

    CT Scan

    My mom went for her CT today to find out if tumor has shrunk enough for surgery and I would like to ask that prayers be said that the tumor has shrunk and she can have surgery now. Thank you everyone for your wonderful support. Heidi
  14. So sorry. Prayers coming your way
  15. Margaret - So sorry for the loss of your husband. Prayers with you and your family
  16. Calintay


    Very wise advice Snowflake I totally agree that if there is cause for concern, then get it checked out. Thank you for lending your support and advice for those of us who are truely concerned for ourselves and others fighting this beast. Calintay
  17. How exciting I will be praying for you that you can in deed do the trial. Prayers
  18. Calintay


    Sorry to hear about Joanna! Prayers for her family and friends Heidi
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