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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Bothe were great. Yours was best. Donna G
  2. Hi Rick, welcome. Donna G
  3. http://www.infact.org/about.html Each year more than 400,000 people in the US, and over three million around the world, die from tobacco-related illnesses. This project presents just a few of the many people who have shared their photos and stories with hopes of preventing the tobacco industry from spreading the pain to the next generation. Infact began the Human Toll of Tobacco Photo Project in response to Congressional testimony by a former RJR Nabisco executive that the people who die each year from tobacco are just "computer-generated numbers." The Project is a collection of photos and stories of people who are suffering or have died from tobacco-related illnesses. Photos have come in from all over the world, and are now part of a powerful banner entitled "The Human Toll of Tobacco." These photos graphically demonstrate the human suffering and loss of life caused by the tobacco industry. The Banner made its memorable debut at the Philip Morris Annual Meeting in the Spring of 1995. The Banner is available for public events around the country to call on tobacco industry leaders and their political allies to stop this preventable epidemic. INFACT invites you to send photographs of loved ones who are suffering from or have died from tobacco-related illnesses to be part of this project. Contact INFACT to arrange a display of the Banner in your community. Click above to see more. Donna G
  4. Saw Dr. Von Weiss today. My Ct of the chest is tomorrow at 8 am. It turns out that the radiologist thinks my nodules are "stable" . It is my lingula he wanted to look at! ( I said to myself what is that!) I had to look that up! lingula lower portion of superior lobe of left lung; below cardiac notch My tumor was high in the apex of my right upper lobe of lung 8 yrs ago December 3 it was found. So wait and see. Donna G
  5. Seems to be some good talk about this addition . http://www.lungcanceronline.org/treatme ... amine.html
  6. Congratulations. Happy Happy news. Donna G
  7. Wow, did you write that? I love "he only took my hand"
  8. Mark thanks for the update. So glad a plan is in place. Did the Dr talk of radiation also? Prayers going up for a great response. Donna G O golly, now I see you just finished radiation.
  9. Donna G

    Mom's CT results

    Is there some reason they did not do chemo yet? Donna G
  10. More reasons than one to celebrate Thanksgiving at your house! You can add Dancing to the tradition of turkey. Is their a dance "do the turkey" ? Donna G
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers going up for you and your family for peace. Donna G
  12. On TV the other day it said Mom was right "Don't get wet and cold or you'll catch a cold" They actually tested people by puting their feet in cold water every day, found they were more likely to catch a cold. The other informative information I heard on TV was to eat a fresh orange every day, it is better than orange juice to prevent a cold. I think anything you can do to boost your immune system helps, like 8 hours of good sleep etc. drink plenty of fluids. Did you get your flu shot, this is cold and flu season. Hope your feeling better. Donna G
  13. Welcome to the group. I did not have SCLC but many here have I am sure they have good info and support for you. I did have those chemo drugs. Donna G
  14. Hello and welcome. Hope we can help. Like Connie don't know that alternative treatments alone would be of help. I went to a seminar recently and "complementary therapies' were dicussed. Any time you you herbs etc definitely pass them by your Onocologist, some make chemo ineffective. There are many though that raise your immune system, your seratonin etc that are very therapeutic and enhance effects or treatment. Best Wishes. Donna G
  15. OK Connie , NOW YOU HAVE SCARED ME TO DEATH! In recent weeks I have been waking up during the night with what seems to be a really bad right ear ache. The weird thing is if I get up in a relatively short period of time it goes away. I never get it during the day time. Well last night at 2 am I had it again. Got up and wondered around for a little while said hello to the dogs who were there to greet me then tried to go back to bed. Well that did not work so decided to "lay" back in the lounge chair. That helped , fell asleep, woke up, ear ache gone. Well I told my husband this morning that it happened again and my opinion it must be from my cervical spine when on the pillow or something. Well he got all upset and said I had to promise to call and get an appointment with the doctor today! "Promise me"- "Promise me!" I said OK. He told me someone at work had head ache , ignored it and it turned out to be a brain tumor! No wonder he was so adament. Well I open up the site this morning and my friend Connie you mention my nodules! ( I have had 2 Cts this year to look at) Hubby is right of course, I had better call and get an appointment!. The weird thing is just a couple of days ago I had a dream that I was having to take Cisplatin again. Yuck! PS I called for an appointment, First available that I am not working is the 29th at 11 am. Turns out that, according to my note book ( I have had for 8 yrs), I am due for my 6 month follow up of the "nodules" this month so I'll ask for that too.
  16. Thanks to all who reach out to others at this site. Donna G The Parable Of The Spoons A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like. "The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, "You have seen Hell." They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand." It is simple" said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other. While the greedy think only of themselves. "A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, and touches your heart."
  17. Shrunk, gone, not grown,stable, smaller, that all sounds very positive. Only that 2 new but small lesions keep it from being perfectly positive. O yes the other positive is more treatment and more treatment available. That is good also. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving. Donna G
  18. Donna G

    Leg Pain?

    I agree, new pain in the legs worries me, I think of blood clots. Better safe than sorry. Donna G
  19. Thanks, great tour guide you are! Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Tattoo Who???

    I had a patient the other week who had a tattoo on his upper arm, a womens name. I said o , is that your wife? He said no, that he had it put there when he was 18 and they broke up, now he's had to look at it for many, many years. I think you are wise to give this a lot of thought.Donna G
  21. "Clear and looks good" that is like music. Great news. Donna G
  22. If you missed it, look hear it is taped. http://abcnews.go.com/
  23. I wonder if someone is just trying to "cheer" him up. If they won't even do surgery on Stage 4 lung cancer , how would a person get a lung transplant? Another thought- the list for lung those needing lung transplants is long- how would he get to the top before he died? He is young. Do you think it is possible that this is a "trial" or study?
  24. Well if you missed her tonight, Dianne Sawyer is interviewing her and it will be televised on the morning national news tomorrow, ABC stations. She had a brief spot tonight and really she looked pretty good. Donna G
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