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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Get an over view at http://www.chemocare.com/ Donna G
  2. Can't seem to edit above post, I do think hit the 6 instead of the 5 , should be 5 packs of cigarettes
  3. This morning they announce on the news that it is the great American Smoke out day. They said 1 in 4 Minnesotans smokes, today could be their quit day. They said 2500 Minnesotans died of lung cancer last year. My point since many work areas here are smoke free, people have to go outside to smoke. They may be motivated today to not smoke by the fact it is 8 degrees out and that does not take into account the wind chill! Also was at Cub ( grocery store with a pharmacy in it) and asked about the nasal spray of nicotine. It was not in their display case. The pharmacist said you have to have a prescription to get it. At that seminar I went to the "quit" specialist said that it acted the most like a cigarette and could be the answer for some who need to quit. Well if you do not have insurance 100 sniffs ( in bothe nostrils) costs $ 156 ! I figure that would be equal to 6 packs of cigarettes. Would that be equal in your state ( $31 a pack!) Donna G
  4. Kelly I didn't know you spent 10 winters in Minnesota! Winter just arrived here yesterday! A couple of days ago it was 60 degrees, last night it started with freezing rain to ice then snow. Right now it is 21 degrees and winter has arrived. Well I too want to welcome you to our family. Glad you found us. Please keep us posted on how your Mom is doing. Most times it is our family and friends that give us the most support . Take care Donna G
  5. Thanks for sharing. Your mother must have loved this baby so much for she gave him life and allowed another to raise him. I am so happy that she got to meet her son all grown up and to see what a good decision she made years ago. Happy you got to meet him. Donna G
  6. Prayers going up for new plans to fight this battle. Donna G
  7. I only lost one lobe but there are several here who are one lungers. David P has been one for over 25 yrs, Connie B for over 10 years. From what I hear it takes time but exercise helps, especially swimming or water aerobics. They help increase lung capacity. Welcome and best wishes. I posted recently from a seminar I went to that it takes on average 7.8 months to recover from an open thoracotomy even if they take one lobe. Best wishes Donna G
  8. Welcome Skye. Hope his wife or children are with him on appointment and take notes or even carry a tape recorder. This is so stressful it is very hard to even take in what the doctor is saying. Later when reviewing those notes really help. You are a help also. The whole family needs help. Someone to listen to them, and getting info for them, like said above , knowledge is power. Donna G
  9. Welcome Shannon. What a beautiful Irish name! ( I am Irish from Boston) So sorry your Dad has to fight this horrible beast. The good news is it can be done. I hope he likes Boost or some such drink that will help get that weight back on. He needs the extra nutrition to help with the fight. Is he on line? Please keep us posted. Donna G
  10. I followed Connie by a couple of years. I got tatoos. All they amount to is 2 tiny freckles! Radiation for me was also very efficient in and out once you get past that first visit to get all set up. I did not have a port either but if you are to have weeks of chemo ( as I did) I think it is a great way to fly for after a while even if you have great veins they begin to rebel. I had pre meds like anti nausea . One day before Cispatin I had Ativan I believe , that day I had to get someone to drive me and pick me up. The other days I had etoposide and that was no problem , I could drive. Best wishes. Keep us posted. Donna G.
  11. Great job ! Great pictures! Thanks so much. Donna G.
  12. Happy Anniversary! We need a party up here in Minnesota. It may be a snow party today! Donna G
  13. I saw only 3 stories of people with lung cancer. http://www.livestrong.org/site/c.jvKZLb ... C/Home.htm Thanks
  14. Here is a post that mentions him. Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 11:57 pm Post subject: Geoff, That is great news, if you would like first hand knowledge on the vaccine therapy, i know a lady that flies to Germany, to get treatments from Dr. Nesslehut. She has mentioned in the past, that she would be willing to correspond with others that have questions. I believe her secondary Oncologist is Dr. Chang also. Cary _________________ My dad March-June 2001, Stage IIIb NSCLC Adenocarcinoma, 8cm tumor lower right lobe. recurrent Stage IV Dec 2002, Nov 03 MRI/Pet scan *No Evidence of Disease* -current treatment- TM (Tetrathiomolybdate)+Celebrex 600mg/day
  15. Marie today is the day you said you were going to see the Onocologist. I hope you update us. I also am 58, I am 5'9 and at diagnosis weighed 135 which was thin for me. I started with chemo and radiation if you notice my bio below. On Dec. 3 it will be 8 yrs since they told my I had lung cancer. I am NED, no evidence of disease. It was work, it took months, but well worth it. Waiting to hear how your appointment went. Donna G
  16. The Lung Cancer Problem was the topic dicussed by Dr. Robert Kratzke, a professor of lung cancer research at the Univ. of Mn. He said lung cancer was uncommon in 1930. The incidence has been rising since 1950. Here is an artilce that says the same. Smoking Cessation Research Program, Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. cooleymary@aol.com Considered a rare disease during the 19th century, lung cancer became the most virulent and lethal cause of cancer mortality by the end of the 20th century. In this paper, lung cancer and its treatment are addressed within the social, cultural, economic, and political context of the last century. Because lung cancer is related to the consumption of cigarettes, the battles over tobacco control are highlighted. Four time periods are addressed: the early years (1900-1930), beginning of the epidemic (1930-1960), defining the problem (1960-1980), and expanding options (1980-1990s). Although improvements have been made in science and technology, attempts at finding curative treatments have met with little success. Smoking cessation and efforts to control tobacco (especially among children and adolescents) remain the most important factors if the incidence of lung cancer is to be curtailed in the future. Providing care to individuals with the illness is a current challenge. Research examining the efficacy of treatments and their effect on survival, health-related quality of life, and cost outcomes is essential and can be best achieved through the efforts of multidisciplinary teams. He also said ( for some reason perhaps radon) that in western Iowa there is a high incidence of lung cancer in non smokers. He said lung cancer in non smokers may be a "different disease" . He said the incidence of SCLC is decreasing. In summary he said the problems are 1. Prevention 2. Detection 3. Treatments 4. Palliation 5. Care of the patient and their family.
  17. Wonderful job ! Thanks so much for your wonderful letter. Donna G
  18. As I said I am still digesting the seminar. I worked today and took care of a 86 year old gentlemen who had a biopsy of a thoracic mass. As far as I know it was decided no treatment. He will also be in the 5 year survival statistics mentioned above. Dr. Michael Maddaus spoke again at this lung cancer day. He really emphasized how the Minimally invasive surgery by VAT is so superior to the open thoracotomy as long at the MD has been trained. He listed many reasons. Biological, Post op, and Quality of life. 1. Decreased Morbidity ( less deaths from complications of surgery) 2. Shorter length of hospital stay 3. Can be done on people with "marginal" physiology as those with COPD etc. and they tolerate it. 4. Has less traumatic affect on the bodies cellular immune system ( less stressful so immune system works better preventing things. ) 5. Less post op pain. 6 Less chronic pain 7 less manipulation of tumor therefore less tumor cell sheading,(never touch with hands) so less chance of spreading or breaking off a few cell. 8. Quicker return to normal ( Vats in average of 2.5 months, Open is 7.8 months.) It is done with 3 small incisions, one for the instruments, one for the camera, one for the scope. Post more later. Donna G
  19. Yes I myself was beyond that stage and my phone buddy had a tumor that grew into his ribs and he is an 18 year survivor! Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Good Results

    Great news. We all love the word shrinkage! Great idea to be swimming, exercise is good for your stamina bothe physical and emotional! Thanks so much for sharing with us. Donna G
  21. I learned a lot at that seminar. Had to work today and tomorrow and am stil digesting what I heard. ONE THING TO PONDER. The doctors said as far as staging that many new treatments have come out the past 2 years that will affect prognosis. They also said the average age that the 165,000 people diagnosed this year is 70 years old. They said this fact , that many are 70 plus years old affects that 5 yrs survival rating, many just die of something else before they get to be 75 or more years old. They don't necessarily die of the cancer! I asked if anyone keeps stats on survival at different ages, or survival of people if they have no heart disease etc. Perhaps those figures just mean for some that they got old and it was there time, not that the lung cancer killed them. They also said that if you smoke and are exposed to asbestos that increases your risk of lung cancer even more. I had thought that aspestos caused only mesothelioma but they said it increased your risk of lung cancer. Donna G
  22. And what a blessing you are to us! Donna G
  23. May I add my welcome also. Please keep us posted. Donna G
  24. Well I will be leaving soon for the Hilton at the airport. The lung cancer specialists at the Univ. of Minnesota again are hosting a day long seminar on lung cancer, new treatments, etc. Being a nurse I also get 6 CEU's for attending. I hope I learn lots of new and exciting things. I will be thinking of all you guys! Just ran off "several" of the LCSC flyers. I thought I should bring them along. Since Connie has become "friends" with so many of them through her and our efforts to promote lung cancer awareness here in Minnesota I thought I would bring pictures of our Picnic at Connies this past summer and our Mayors Cancer Awareness Event this past month. Several of the doctors ( professors teaching also at the U of M) have participated in events Connie's local group ( our local support group) have had at the state capital. Again hope I have some good info to share later. Donna G
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