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Everything posted by dchurchi

  1. Hi Dave, I am unable to comment on the shoulder pain, however, I will tell you that about the only thing my husband will eat on a regular basis are foods loaded with sugar. He currently lives on doughnuts!!! Candy bars any type of surgar filled junk food. On a nutruitional basis I would not exactly recommend this diet, however, he is eating an putting a little weight on. He also at this time had no evidence of cancer. Hope that helps with your sugar question. I pray your mom's pain can be managed.
  2. Hi Dave, I am unable to comment on the shoulder pain, however, I will tell you that about the only thing my husband will eat on a regular basis are foods loaded with sugar. He currently lives on doughnuts!!! Candy bars any type of surgar filled junk food. On a nutruitional basis I would not exactly recommend this diet, however, he is eating an putting a little weight on. He also at this time had no evidence of cancer. Hope that helps with your sugar question. I pray your mom's pain can be managed.
  3. Welcome Ginnie, sorry you need us, but glad you found us. when you have time please complete your profile so we can know more about you. As many have said, sometimes the future is today.
  4. Kasey, Alan and I can now celebrate your wonderful, fantastic news Are there three more beautiful letters that NED?? I think not!!! You and your wonderful loving husband go and celebrate
  5. Kasey, Alan and I can now celebrate your wonderful, fantastic news Are there three more beautiful letters that NED?? I think not!!! You and your wonderful loving husband go and celebrate
  6. Hi Marilyn, Sorry to be coming to the party a bit late, very exciting news, 3 years. Gives great hope to the rest of us dealing with this monster. Thank you for sharing and continued good health.
  7. Larry, Alan did have issues with his plalettes also. he was transfused a couple of times. sorry you have run into this problem
  8. Great news Nothing better than having a clear scan!!! and hearing NED
  9. Jorja, as a fellow stess case after every scan my husband has, I understand what you are going through. I have yet to find anything that really helps me get my mind off the test results until after we see the Dr. I have many prayers for you Dad so they are on the way. Please let us know how the appointment went.
  10. Thank you for the update. (((Connie))) I hope all goes well today and that you can get relief from your pain Get home soon.
  11. Sports Illustrated, Triathlon Magazine, Bicycle Magazine, USA Hockey, I think there is a pattern here
  12. dchurchi

    Addie update

    Addie, You have been in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. dchurchi

    Addie update

    Addie, You have been in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. Nina, thank you for updating us and happy to hear surgery went well. Here's to a quick recovery.
  15. Karen, so much to celebrate keep up on the NO smoking that is so huge. Here is to many more years of survivorship.
  16. Michael, welcome to our loving family. I am sorry you had to join us, but glad you found us. praying for you and your dad.
  17. well we celebrated 1 year survival, where else but the Dr.s office we went over Alan's follow up brain MRI he had on dec. 27th. No sign of cancer Some progression of radiation scarring due to WBR and Alan has loss of hearing in his left ear that is probably permanent. we can deal with this. He was not able to take 4 deep breaths, made about 2.5 and some of his blood work was out of whack but all this is to be expected and nothing of major concern. Alan asked his dr about the possiblity of going back to work, Dr. Mahmood gently told him to find a hobby. Alan has worked construction his whole life and with the brain tumor and brain radiation the risk is too great. Alan comes from the old school of thought and my supporting the family does not go over very easily, but our situation is what it is and we are making the best of it. Alan has a CT scan of his chest next month to see if the original tumor site has grown any more or stablized. I live my life in 6 week intervals. So good news all around for us today, I pray for continued hope and good health for everyone else.
  18. Heidi, Prayers for your mom. Nothing worse than waiting for test results. Try and stay calm.
  19. Now you know why I live in southern california. Just an occassional earthquake. It is Jan 10th and will be a perfect 72 degrees. I lived back east until I was 9, but at that age snow is fun
  20. Nina, Prayers for you and Churck that his surgery goes well. Please keep us posted when you can.
  21. Lori, such great news!! your mom is a fighter and so lucky to have such a wonderful Daughter.
  22. Lori, such great news!! your mom is a fighter and so lucky to have such a wonderful Daughter.
  23. Well my beloved husband has survived 1 year!!! yup 1 year ago today I sat in utter silence and shock as the Dr. told us Alan had lung cancer. Sometimes it feels like forever ago, other times it feels like yesterday. It was a challenging year to say the least, but in many ways Alan and I have been very blessed. We have been given time to make lasting memories togehter, time to say how much we love eachother and Alan has mended fences he felt needed mending. Not everyone gets that opportunity. I want to thank each and every one of you for helping me get through my dark days. Your stength is inspiring and I hope I have given a little in return.
  24. Well since I had to carry the junk for 7 years (yes I worked for the post office) I through all that @#$% away. It never failed that the person on my route with the smallest mail box always had the most cataloges I had my ways of getting them back
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