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Everything posted by dchurchi

  1. Erica, there are no words to express how sorry I am. Your mom was so young. I pray that God gives you strength to get through this very difficult time
  2. My sister. I found out at 3:30 pm on Jan 10th 2005. Once we left the Dr.'s office I called my sister. According to my youngest niece they received the phone call at 4:10 pm that same day. I think I was still in a state of shock because I remember calling my sister and feeling almost no emotion. I couldn't cry, get angry, nothing. Where as my sister completely broke down. It was the stangest thing, almost like an out of body experience.
  3. Addie, I could not think of a better way to start off a Monday morning, reading you are home!!!!!
  4. Addie, Missing you and praying you are getting well
  5. Sorry my friends, but I need to vent a bit. My plate is full as it is and now my family is piling on a bit. Please understand I love my family and will do anything for them and there lays the problem. My mom lives most of the year in Florida and has a couple of homes here in California. Well one just sold and all the furniture needs to be out on the 13th of this month. So with my mom in Florida how does this get done?? Simple call Deb and ask her to take 2 days off work to meet the movers and supervise the move What am I supposed to say? Well of course I said "no problem" My mom knows she is asking the world of me right now and the timing could not be worse, it is just I am feeling very overwhelmed right now. I have taken so much time off work since Alan was DX, that I feel bad telling my employer I need time off to move my mom. My hope is that my sister, who does not work mind you, might be able to help me out even a little. Also as Alan is feeling pretty good I could drive him to my mom's and he can sit with the movers to make sure everything goes smoothly, but I am not entirely comfortable with that idea. (although Alan jumped at the idea, he knows what a strain this year has been on me). Well thats the situation in a nut shell. Thanks all for letting me vent. I know many of you are dealing with more dire issues right now, but I really need to get this off my chest. Love to all of you
  6. dchurchi


    Shelly, More prayers headed your way. Keep us posted
  7. Well I guess I should answer my own question. I have been lucky to achieve many of the life goals I have set for myself. The one on my list that stands out now is competing in and completing the Hawaii Ironman.
  8. Jackie, prayers for a quick recovery and good pain meds. I am a 2 time rib breaker. Not fun. Try not to sneez OUCH!!
  9. dchurchi

    Update from Z

    Z, My husband Alan has been on Anti-depressants pretty much since day 1 (sometimes I wish I was on them also). I think it has been a big benefit. Now for the job issue, Alan is collecting temporary disablity at the moment and probably will qualify for permante disablity once that runs out. I would check into those options asap. I heard nightmares about how long it would take for the paper work to go throw, howver, with Alan's temporary disablity, I mailed the paper work out on a Wed and we had our 1st check on Monday!!!!! As Alan has small cell lung cancer surgery was never an option for him, so I am unable to offer any advice there. I will pray that things work themseleves out for you
  10. Hello and welcome to the family, Sorry you need us, but happy you found us. Praying for great results on your next scan
  11. Karen, My husband also had brain mets, but he only had one solitary tumor 3.0 x3.5. Now I will ask you if the dr. put your husband on the steriod Decadron?? Alan had very bad mental reactions to decadron, he halucinated, had no concept of reality. for example he thought he was frozen and would not eat unless I defrosted him!!! By the time the Dr. detoxed him off decadron he did not know who I was, however, once the drug was out of his system he became his old self again. Alan had WBR and radiation to the tumor site itself, now again he only had 1 tumor. I am happy to say after all his treatments there is no visible evidence of the tumor. I will pray that everything settles down and that your husband's treatments are successful
  12. dchurchi


    The one about the string and the vaccuum had tears rolling out my eyes, because I have done the very thing!!!!
  13. I am not even the patient and I stress over Alan's nodules. The latest one grew from his last CT scan 3.0cm up from 1.3cm. It could be a patch of pnuemonia, so he is on antibiotics, could be radiation scarring, could be the cancer growing again. could be, could be, could be . so we watch, wait and re-scan in feb to be sure antibiotics have time to work (because it could be pnuemonia!!!) Oh and by the way I have finally finished Alan's profile and had Katie post our picture!!! Only took me 6 months.
  14. Janet, My prayers to both you and Ron. I have no great words of wisdom, but it sounds like maybe more answers will come your way at your next appointment. please keep us updated on how you and Ron are doing.
  15. this one is easy for me, my nose I have hated my nose I think since birth!!!! Everytime I mention it though Alan has a fit, keeps telling me I am perfect Well they do say love is BLIND (thank goodness for that)
  16. My cat just yawned, stretched and went back to sleep
  17. I had fun last night also, my problem was keeping up with everyone. my computer is not very cooperative when it came to typing my responses. looking forward to the next chat.
  18. Hi Holly, my husband Alan had low red blood cells. He eventually had blood transfusions that help him. good luck with your chemo, I will say prayers your counts come back up quickly so treatments can continue
  19. Well Pat we think alike, when I was little I loved Underdog. Used to watch "him" when we lived in Pittsburgh, we moved to California and no more Underdog, I was davasted!!!!! Debbie Husband Alan Dx small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  20. Pam, Prayers to you and Joel. What has amazed me about the situation with Alan and I is all the people who tell me how I should feel and act doing this process. I just want to scream to them "I hope you are never in my shoes to find out what this ordeal is really like" Keep your chin up and keep doing what is right for you and Joel.
  21. The Christmas Tradition we have now is Christmas eve dinner at my sisters. My Dad cooks a gourmet meal and we eat until we are about to burst. We then open all the gifts we are giving to eachother, as I have no children that means spoiling my nieces to no end and I love doing it. Christmas morning Alan and I open our gifts to each other then usually go to a movie. It is a very special time.
  22. well as long as it is an entire day I would cram as much as possible. 1st I would sleep in, then I would dust off my bike and ride about 30 miles (it has been 9 months since I have been on my bike) so I would follow the bike ride with a trip to the spa for a relaxing massage. then I would take a nap and I would end the day at the poker hall and play about 4 hours of Texas hold em. that would be my day
  23. Pat, unfortunatley this ugly disease does not come with a hand book, but I only hope I have done half as well taking care of Alan as you have taken care of Brian. I draw strength from you and Brian. many many prayers coming your way.
  24. Nancy, Praying all goes well today. Ativan worked best for my Husband (he will still take 1/2 pill if he has any nausea best part is it makes him sleep). lots of hugs and prayers that your chemo not only goes well today, but kicks the crap out of your cancer.
  25. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Yes I had my cherry pie and as always spent it with my loving family. Left work early to spend the day with Alan and later that evening with my sister and her family. Thanks again for the birthday wishes
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