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Everything posted by dchurchi

  1. Sheri, Welcome to the board and congrats to your Dad on being a 1 year survivor . Please continue to let us know how he is doing. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  2. Hi Nancy, I am the caregiver to my husband Alan who was dignosed with small cell on Jan 10th. the 1st month after DX is probably the worst, but you will eventually fall into a "routine" and yes you have found the best group of loving supporting people ever. the hope on this board is wonderful and has kept me going through some pretty tough times with Alan's disease and they will get you through also. use us for whatever you may need. My prayers are coming your way Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  3. Many prayers to you and your husband. My husband too has small cell lung cancer that spread to his brain. one large tumor that radiation work very very well on so please do not give up hope. I hope your husband gets relief from his pain. My thoughts are with you. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  4. I will admit that I am not sure about this years menu. For the 1st time in my life I will not be with my family. Due to Alan's illness and uncertainty of his situation we are spending it at his daughters house with all his children and grandchildren. (and his ex-wife) My family will be at my Mom's in Florida having a very traditional Thanksgiving meal. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  5. dchurchi

    CBS Interview

    I know you will do great and I am proud of your local station wanting to let others know that smokers are NOT the only people inflicted with this terrible disease. As I am on the opposite coast I am hoping an transcript will be avaliable. Good luck on your interview Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  6. Keep fighting Addie, I am praying everyday and night for you. Get as much sleep as possible in that hen house as I know the roosters crow all night long and sleep comes in 4 hour shifts. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  7. My best Thanksgiving was 2002, it turned out my 40th birthday fell on Thanksgiving that year. Well I have always been one who LOVES their birthday and my 40th was going to be a big party. The best part though was that my whole family was together for the 1st time since I was 17. My parents divorced before my 18th birthday so they were never together for the holidays, well they made the exception for my 40th birthday and we all sat down to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. My Mom, Stepdad, Dad Brother, sister and my Aunt Joan came out from New Jersey, she is my God Mother and we are very very close. Everyone was healthy and happy. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  8. dchurchi

    Melanie Russ

    Gale, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss, from all the posts I have read your sister was one special person. I will pray that you find comfort in knowing the God has gained a very special Angel in your sister. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  9. Addie, I can not tell you how happy I was to see the pork chop today. I have been praying so hard for you. You my girl inspire me so much, the way you fight this beast gives me so much hope for Alan!!!! Thank you for showing us all how this battle is to be fought, with such courage and grace. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  10. Donna, I can not begin to say how sorry I am to hear of the loss of your brother. You fought so hard for him during his last days in the hospital. I hope you will find peace in knowing the beast can no longer hurt your brother. I will pray for you and your family Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  11. I have never in my life worn make up (I am 42) and the last time I wore a dress was my wedding day almost 14 years ago. Yup blue jeans only for this girl. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  12. Ann, I do not think I could have said it any better. When I think about true love and visulize it, Alan comes into the picture. He is my "true" love Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  13. Addie, Many many prayers are coming your way. I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Keep fighting the beast. I will miss you while you are in the hospital receiving treatments Debbie husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  14. Based on the life my cat has, I would want to come back as a domestic house cat in a good loving home, talk about the "good life". For awhile I thought I would want to be a tiger, but then I would have to hunt for food and sleep outside, nope I'll take the house cat road. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  15. My Dearest Pat and Brian, Oh I just feel the pain in your words Pat and I have no wisdom to pass on. I will pass on many many prayers for you both. I think of you so often. Pat please feel a warm hug that is coming your way. God Bless you both, Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  16. Abra, Sorry you need us, but glad you found us. My husband was DX with small cell on Jan 10th 2005. the first few weeks after dx are just plain old crazy, but you will fall back into some sort of routine. Now for the smoking, my husband has continued to smoke a pack and a half a day ever since his dx. we did try the patches, gum and even acupuncture but Alan needs to "want" to quit and he honestly doesn't. I was so mad at him in the beginning, but I decided I was not going to spend the rest of our time together (no matter how long it may be) angry or nagging him about this. yes it crushes me everytime he lights up a cigerette as I know it has to "shorten" his time with me, but I love this man with all my being and I just want to enjoy every moment we have together, make as many memories as possible. As hard as it will be, the smoking has to be your mom's choice. Just continue to love her as you always have. I will pray for you and your mom. Try and stay strong and remember we are all here for you. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  17. Kelly, Prayers for your entire family coming your way. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  18. When I was growing up my "dream" life and job changed daily. As an adult my carreer path has not exactly changed daily, but has had some major changes. When I was in AA I loved my couselors so much I thought I might try that, it did not exactly happen in AA, but I have become so involved with Alan's Lung Cancer and volunteering at the hospital I am happy to say that starting in May 2006 I will be head of my own Caregiver support group at the hospital Alan is being treated. I am very excited about this and look forward to starting my trainging in January. Good things do come out of very bad situations. Like Ann my "dream" life is probably not going to have a "Happily Ever After" I thought it would, but "Right now" it is happy. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  19. My husband Alan had issues with his medication. one day he was fine, the next he was seeing imiages and thought he was frozen inside and I had to defrost him before he would eat. after many CT scans and MRI's to his brain, it was the drug Decadron that was the culprit, it caused him to go into an organic psycosis. very very scary at the time, but once the Dr.'s slowly took him off the drug, he was himself again (at least mentally). I will pray for you and your mom Debbie Husband Alan dx small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  20. Bunny, you go girl!!!! Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  21. Cancer Traffic (I live in southern California) My Bills Politicans Telemarketers Snobs Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  22. Hi Julie, I am sorry you need us, but glad you found us. I will pray for you and your Mum. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  23. Faith My Family Love Hope My Friends Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  24. dchurchi

    Mike Evans

    Sending prayers to Mike's family. I am so sorry for their loss. Don you and Lucie are in my prayers also Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
  25. My life changed on Jan 3rd, 1989 thats the day I realized I was an alcoholic and entered rehab. My 1st AA meeting was that same night. I remember sitting in the car with my mom (God bless her support and that of my entire family) and I was crying so hard. I knew when I crossed the threshold of that door there was not turning back, I was not only admitting to myself, but the whole world I was an alcoholic. My mom offered to go in with me, but I knew I needed to do this myself, so with all the inner strength I could muster I walked through those doors, into the loving arms of the most wonderful women I have ever met (it was an all women's meeting I attended). My name is Debbie and I am an alcoholic. I happily live life one day at a time. The 2nd life changing event Jan. 10th 2005 4:10pm the date and time Alan was dignosed with Lung Cancer. Debbie Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005
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