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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. I also agree!!! Contact Cate with Lungevity and she will guide you.
  2. A $.42 cigaratte tax has just been approved. I have read that most of the money generated through this tax will be helping fund public education. I think that is a beautiful idea but WHY can't some of it go to lung cancer research? After all, wouldn't smokers be a little more content about spending that money if they knew it was going toward something like this? How do we, as citizens, express this to the government? Who dictates where the money goes and can that be changed? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Tina, Maybe you hve some insight on the matter. You are such a go-getter. What can we do? Thanks and God Bless!! Jamie
  3. Jyoung20


    It was this little girl's first day of school, and the teacher asked her what her name was. The little girl replied, "Happy Butt." The teacher said, "Honey I don't think that's your name. You need to go to the principal's office and get this straightened out." So she went to the principal's office and he asked, "What's your name?" And the little girl said, "Happy Butt." The principal called the girl's mother to get this straightened out once and for all. After getting off the phone, he looked at the little girl and said, "Honey, your name is Gladys, not Happy Butt." The girl then exclaimed, "Glad *ss, Happy Butt, what's the difference?!"
  4. Ernie, Do you have any info. on this subject? I have been taking this since starting Tarceva for liver support. As I knew Tarceva was not great for your liver. Thanks, J-me
  5. What about minocycline? The only thing that's really worked for me.
  6. OOHHH!! I love puppies. They have the best smell!!! We just got a new puppy. She's a mix between a Welsh Corgi and Yorkie...We call her a Crgi yorkie. Her name is princess Zelda. Puppies are great!! God Bless!! J-me
  7. There is an organic flax seed, pumpkin seed and raisin bran cereal that is sooooo good. One thing I do: ***I use the actual seeds (before grinding) and top off whatever side dish I may be cooking including salads. ***I also have a friend that makes fresh pickled turmeric every week. It's great, a little spicy. God Bless!! Jamie
  8. Hey Shar, I'm glad to hear that it's just fluid. I sure hope it's goes away soon, I bet that's pretty painful. God Bless!! Jamie
  9. Also came out this month. Personal stories of survivors: Heather's story, my story, Dana Reeve's sister. From the Healing Project. God Bless!! Jamie
  10. Jyoung20


    My symptoms included weight loss, fatigue (especially in the afternoons), nagging little cough
  11. Thanks Randy!! I needed that!! God Bless!! Jamie
  12. That is so awesome!! I can't wait to get a copy!!
  13. I take mine first thing in the morning. I eat about an hour or so after I enjoy my first cup of coffee.
  14. RANEY!!!! THAT IS AWESOME!!! I am so happy for you!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  15. Just curious as to how long everyone that's taking Tarceva has been on the drug? I started Tarceva in April of '05. God Bless!! Jamie
  16. Jyoung20

    The Struggle

    (((DON))) You will be dearly missed. I don't know where to begin or end. Just want to say that you will never be forgotten! Thank you for being there to help and being a friend. If you ever get back to Yazoo City for anay reason, let me know. God's Peace Be With You!! Jamie
  17. ((Cheryl)) WOW! This is news to me... I am so sorry you are feeling the way you do. I hope you decide to stay. We need you!! God's peace! Jamie
  18. It's so good to hear from you Mark!!!! I still have my postcard from Rome. I could never forget Leslie. She was and still inspires me!! God's peace!!!
  19. Strange you asked. When I finished treatment in April of 05, my mom waas diagnosed with breast cancer, 3 months after that, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer...3 cancers all within a 3 month period Things that make you go HMMM...
  20. Hey Cheryl, Welcome to our wonderful family!!! We are here when you need us and I'm thankful you are here to support us as well!! God's Peace be with you!!! Another valuable resource is www.onctalk.com Jamie
  21. Welcome Richard!! This is one of the best places to be!! You will find alot of encouragement and support here. Have faith and hope!!! I am 2 years out with no surgery (too advanced) and no sign of cancer... You can be cured and you can survive this!!! God's Peace be with you!!!! Jamie
  22. I'm so sorry you and your family are having to deal with this cancer again.....Prayers for your uncle. God's Peace be with you!! "None of them faced a hopeless end, but instead found endless hope" excert from When God and Cancer Meet
  23. Prayers for your babies.. God's peace be with you!! Romans 28 says He will cause all things to work together for good.
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