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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. I have a great appreciation for this website. I like to sing really loud in my car I love helping other people
  2. WOW!! That is awesome!!! What an inspiration you are!!! Thanks for sharing. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  3. Geri, I always knew you were smart!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  4. Danielle, I experienced some "hot headedness" during treatment. But, honestly can't remember if it was the whole head or just half. Maybe someone else can chime in and give you more info. God Bless! Jamie
  5. I am so glad you have found hope here!!! It's what keeps me going too. This is an awesome site with many wonderful people. Welcome!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  6. Thanks for saying so!!! Welcome!!
  7. Thanks for the smile!!
  8. The Current Letter is "E" 01 - A Breed of Dog.............. "English Springer Spaniel" 02 - A Drink (alcoholic one) ............... "Egg nog " 03 - A TV Show .............. "Everybody Loves Raymond" 04 - A item of clothing................ "Ear Muffs " 05 - A Color ............... "Eggshell " 06 - A flower............ "Easter Lily " 07 - A song ............... "Endles Love " 08 - A Book or Magazine ............... "Entertainment Weekly " 09 - Actor/Actress ............. "Epatha McPherson" 10 - A film............ " "
  9. Grace, So sorry for your loss.. God Bless You! Jamie
  10. Jyoung20

    Stage 3b

    Hey Suzy, I am also a Stage IIIB survivor and have been for almost 2 1/2 years and still having good scans!! I also wanted to let you know that during treatment I was also hospitalized with pneumonia. I wouldn't say hat's typical but I would say that the way chemo knocks your immunity system for a loop that it's probably more common than we think. Prayers for you and your sis during this time. God Bless!! Jamie
  11. Mary, So sorry you are going through this and I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you. Have you thought about sending a tape recorder with him to his appointment. He could record the oncologist. Just a suggestion. God Bless!! Jamie
  12. If my brain were a butt I would have trouble sitting down.
  13. Cute game, but I stink!!
  14. WOW!! I am amazed. Hit the nail on the head. J
  15. If nothing else works ask your onc. about an antibiotic. My dermatologist gave me docycyline although it does make me nauseaus. I have also used flaggyl sp. (another antibiotic). These were mainly for the scalp problems. The flaggyl worked really well. Hope this helps!! God BLess!! Jamie
  16. The Current Letter is "D" 01 - A Breed of Dog.............. " Dalmation" 02 - A Drink (alcoholic one) ............... "Daiquiri" 03 - A TV Show .............. "Deal or No Deal " 04 - A item of clothing................ "Dress " 05 - A Color ............... Dark Blue " " 06 - A flower............ "Delphinium " 07 - A song ............... "Diana" 08 - A Book or Magazine ............... "Diary of a a Mad Housewife " 09 - Actor/Actress ...................... "Don Johnson" 10 - A film............ " " _________________
  17. Hey Aliboo, Go"Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12od to hear things are progressing in a positive way. I can't wait for it to get warm and to soak up some sunshine!! God Bless!!! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
  18. Jyoung20


    Sure thing Kasey (Last year's pic will work great)!! And thank you Katie, Geo and Connie!!! Last year, the stories were the highlight of the event. What evolved from people reading these stories was pure miracle. There were adults in tears ready to be pro-active with their personal health conditions. There were kids that were relaying to me the emotions they experienced by reading these stories. The kids are our future... They are the next doctors, medical researchers, physicists. The next generation....who knows the cure for lung cancer may be deep in one of their minds. We are able to reach out to about 600 middle and high school students through these awesome survival stories. All of the awards are the same from last with the addition of a few new awards. New this year are: The Frank Lamb Award The Vic Infortuna Award The Dave Grant Award Thanks for everyone's help and your contributions. God Bless!! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
  19. Jyoung20


    Thanks Ann!! Very true!! GOD BLESS! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
  20. Wonderful!!! Happy anniversary Mom!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
  21. Teri, I'm with the concensus. I would definately let the doc know what's going on. Keep us posted and I will keep you two in my prayers. God Bless You Two!! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
  22. Here's another "open mouth club" member. God Bless!! Jamie "Hope deferred makes the heart sink, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life". Proverbs 13:12
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