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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Jyoung20


    Great news!!!! I am so happy for you Ernie!! Thanks for sharing!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  2. What wonderful news!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  3. Jyoung20

    Tyra Banks

    Did you guys know that Tyra Banks grandmother had lung cancer? Unfortunately, she succumb to the disease. I thought that if we all write in to her show, she might be interested in helping with awareness. GOD BLESS!! J-me Here's the site: http://tyrashow.warnerbros.com/index.html
  4. Welcome to our wonderful little family!!!
  5. So sorry Gwen You and your family are in my prayers GOD BLESS! Jamie
  6. Hi Holly!! We have missed you!! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  7. Happy Birthday toooooo yooooouuuuu!!
  8. Jyoung20

    All of us

    We miss them so!! GOD BLESS! JAMIE Adding to the list: Leslie
  9. And another Very Merry Christmas to you and yours!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  10. K, Glad you found us and really glad you found at such an early stage.....We are here for you!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  11. Jyoung20

    Ma's NED!!!!

    Wonderful news to hear this holiday season!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  12. Frank, You are an amazing person!!! You are a dear friend!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  13. Thanks for the information!!!! Sounds like a great chemo if you can handle it. GOD BLESS!! J-me
  14. Jen, My little boy went through that also. He is 4. My husband finally quit smoking a few months ago(So proud of him) but the influence was there. I have reiterated to my son how bad smoking is for you. I really don't think he understands really what it is. But, I've found the bigger deal I make of it at his age now, the more he dwells on it...I talk about how bad it is briefly and then divert his attention. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  15. What a beautiful gift!! That's what the holidays are about!! GOD BLESS YOU!! Jamie
  16. Christ United Methodist in Memphis, Tn. I just got a call from Peggy today and she just had another scan... The onc. said she was cancer free and could return to work!!!God is amazing!!
  17. In the last few weeks, I have switched churches per request of a fellow lung cancer survivor that I met through the clinic's support group... She said it was a healing service. Anyway, to make a long story short. Judy (Stage 4 NSCLC), Peggy (Limited SCLC with a softball size tumor) went at different times to church and were both prayed for and anointed with oil by the pastor and elders. Each had a follow-up scan the next day and the miracle happened. Each scan came back clear and cancer free.. Amazing!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!! Just thought I would share!! God Bless! Jamie
  18. Jyoung20


    Today is my 2 year survivor anniversary....I wanted to pass the good news and to tell you how special you all are to me and how much you have helped me survive!!!! GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Jamie
  19. Has he tried Social security? Medicare? GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  21. too funny!! Thanks for the smile!! GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Jamie
  22. Jyoung20

    Nushka- 3000

    Thanks for being here and helping so many!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  23. Wonderful news...Thanks for sharing!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
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