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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. VERY NICE TINA... Way to go. How can I get your foundation going here in Memphis. God Bless Jamie
  2. I have been on Tarceva for 18 months and still doing great!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  3. Jyoung20

    Vision Visiting

    And what an angelic sight that was...She was a beauty in and out.. I am so happy this gave you peace.. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  4. Dry erase boards have worked well for me... Like you most of the things that need to be written are easily done on a chalkboard and not so easy on a computer/power point/ or projector... You can get a dry erase board in just about any size.. you should see if the administrator will supply one for you.. I definately know what you mean about the chalk dust... GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  5. Crystal, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom..Hang in there and it's okay to cry. Just let it out and regroup. The support a person hasafter a cancer diagnosis, I feel, is vital to the healng process. Your mom is lucky to have you. You have to Keep on keeping on... GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  6. Yesterday was the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift and that's why it's called the present. Live for today!!!!
  7. I have a friend that is dealin with this type of cancer currently. She is a 13 month survivor. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  8. Jyoung20

    Stage IIIB

    I am so glad your mom responded well to treatment.. We have a similar case. I was diagnosed with IIIB in Dec. '04 and also responded well to treatment. I had 4 nodes enlarged on the right side of the mediastinum and 1 on the left. The nodes at this time are still enlarged but I have been in remission since finishing treatment. My onc. said that although they are enlarged they could still be dead... only another biopsy would prove that.. Now, we wait and watch.. I will not able to have surgery because of the amount of scar tissue from radiation. Hope this helps!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  9. How about a letter targeting companies that may be willing to promote or help with funding? Someone with really fine writing skills could draft a letter that could be used--we as a group could work on distribution. What do you think?
  10. rude cashiers... they don't say hello or thank you....
  11. I'm so sorry. Prayers for the family. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  12. Thanks for sharing..What a wonderful person. There are angels among us... GOD BLESS!! J-me
  13. blessings scrambled: gmanraa
  14. Hey Stephen, Thank you so much for sharing. This is truly unbelievable. I'm sorry you have had to go through this.. Hang in there!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  15. I had severe lower rignt back pain during Taxotere treatment. Mine was'nt as severe as your mom's. I was also admitted in the hospital where they discovered I had pneumonia, pleural effusion and radiation pneumonitus. Praying for you!! J-me
  16. Hey wait!! I would like to have a gogh at this.
  17. Hey Amy, If you are interested in starting a fundraiser..you should check out the Lungevity site. Use your talents and do something that interests you. I think the first thing is to have a desire and you definately have that. Next, get a vision and don't let anything stop you from seeing it come to life. Anything you do is worthwhile and good for awareness.... God Bless you on your journey!! Jamie One would think Florida would be a great place for a walk.
  18. Jyoung20

    Sad News

    I am so sorry to hear this...You and your family are in my prayers!! What a beautiful person--she will be greatly missed. GOD BLESS!! J-me
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