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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. i had a feeding tube for about three months and it literally saved my life. Getting it put in was easy but it hurt like "I don't know what" getting it out. I recommend getting it put in under anesthesia and taken out the same way. It was a bit cumbersome but you definately get used to it. I was able to take all of meds through the tube as well as remain nourished. The main thing was keeping it clean and clear. I washed my out a whole bunch--the nutritionist said I could be the poster child for feeding tubes because mine was so clean. After I was able to eat again,I had it removed and all that remains is a little hole in my tummy. Kind of looks like another belly button. Hope this helps!! God Bless!! Jamie
  2. Too funny-- I'm gonna send it to all my sisters. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  3. Sending my prayers for Rich!! god bless! jAMIE
  4. Jyoung20

    My mom is gone...

  5. Lori, Hang in there sweetie. You have got to "Keep on,keeping on..." I am so sorry you are going through this and I certainly understand your fears. But, you can only do what you can do. We love ya' and are hear for ya'!! GOD BLESS YOU JAMIE
  6. I can't figure out Debi's.
  7. Welcome to our family and so glad you found us! GOD BLESS!!! Jamie
  8. Getting out of a paddling because th kool-aid I had been eating in class was a different color from everyone else's. HEHE GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  9. Heidi, I am sending prayers for good results on Thursday for your mom!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  10. Angela, First of all, welcome to our family!! I was also diagnosed with Stage IIIB because a lymph node opposite side of the tumor lit up on the pet. I had the same questions regarding surgery. My treatment was very successful and I thought surgery was a possibility. Here is what I was told: Vanderbilt onc: stated that surgery was too risky because of the amount of scar tissue left from radiation. Scar tissue, he said, is like cement and hard to heal once it is cut. He also said that even though the nodes are still enlarged they could be dead. My personal onc said basically the same thing. When it gets in your lymph system and surgery was not available to you at diagnosis, it usually isn't an option. The plus to this is that if your mom is responding well to treatment then hopefully all of the cancer will be gone. If she feels she needs a 2nd opinion, I would not hesitate to get one at a comprehensive cancer center. This way her case can go before the board of oncs. and they can agree on the situation. Hope this helps and GOD BLESS! Jamie
  11. You definately are a survivor!!!!! Thanks for being here!!! GOD BLESS!!!! Jamie
  12. Jyoung20

    5 years!

    That's awesome!!!! Happy Five Years and here's to many,many more!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  13. I also had cisplatin and etoposide (vp16).... I also have a friend that is taking cisplatin now. She has suffered hearing loss but I did not. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  14. That's awesome Tina!!! I am so proud of you for wanting to make a difference!! Breath of Life is a beautiful name!! What kind of DVD's are you looking for? GOD BLESS! Jamie
  15. So sorry to hear of this!!! Your family has been through so much!! Prayers going up for you!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  16. Prayers going up for you and your mom!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  17. Adding my hello too!! I am so glad to hear that your treatment is working!!!!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
  18. Jack Johnson--the Curious George song was just on top 20 --so much fun to listen too (just makes you smile) Frank Sinatra---Fly Me to the Moon (everyone knows the chorus) Tower of Power---Attitude Dance--if you like funk (makes me want to get up and dance) also Tower of Power--Soul with a Capital "S" Kiss (I think) Every Little Thing She does is Magic Vanessa Carlton---Walk a Thousand Miles Santana--Oye Como Va and Smooth Big Band--In the Mood or Pennsylvania 6500 Austin Powers theme--- Soul Bossa Nova I have many more if ya' want them.
  19. I agree---talk to the doc. I had radiation pneumonitus and his smptoms sound all to familiar.
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