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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Many prayers for your family Carleen. GOD BLESS!! JAMIE "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26
  2. Congrats on all the good newes and your five years!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4
  3. Jyoung20


    Here's another Happy Birthday!! XOXOXO Jamie
  4. Thanks everyone for your positive feedback. It really means alot to me.. GOD BLESS! Jamie
  5. What kind of pain are you talking about. I have had pain from: the rash the stomach problems the dry skin my eyes nothing unbearable just a tad uncomfortable. If you are experiencing major pain, I would contact your oncologist as soon as possible. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  6. Jyoung20

    My dad is gone..

    My sincerest condolences!!! I am so very sorry for your loss. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  7. Hey Pink!! SO glad your here!!! Welcome to our family. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  8. I've learned that I can always learn something new from someone else. What are some lessons you have learned throughout your life that would benefit us by knowing? Here are some others: I've learned: that it takes years to buil up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. that it's not what you have in your life, but who you have in your life that counts.
  9. Prayers going up and blessings coming down!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie "This is the confidence we have in approaching GOD: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." 1 John 5:14
  10. Great website. Thanks for sharing. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  11. What an awesome story? YOU make me want to fight harder!! Thank you!! Jamie
  12. (((TERI))) Sending many prayers for you!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  13. (((Andrea))) Prayers for you!!! "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John14:27 God Bless!! Jamie
  14. http://health.discovery.com/ Click: Listen to podcasts Scroll down and you should find it under survivor stories God BLess!! How are Joanie? Are you drinking plenty of water? Jamie
  15. Hey Don, I know I am a little late with response but I wantd to let you know what we did during radiation. My mom was very diligent about treating the radiated area. We used Aquaphor and she would apply every day after radiation. Not before because we were instructed to wait until after. I never got burned on the outside, just really bad on the inside. I did get a little tan. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  16. Hey Donna!! Just heard your story. It was awesome. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  17. I'll be checking my mags today!!!
  18. Hope ya'll have a totally awesome time!! Here's to safe trip!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  19. Can't remember the name of it. Macaroni Grill serves it ***Penne with a cream sauce, sundried tomatoes and grilled chicken (I think it's called Penne Rustica) OOOH--My mouth is watering now.
  20. Great story!! Thanks Donna! By the way, I had a phone interview with them also. Let me know when your is on the site. GOD BLESS! Jamie
  21. Here is the note about the media opportunities. I wanted to get your thoughts on whether you feel like any of these folks would be interested in working with us in their local areas to possibly do media outreach (of course provided their physician would be willing to speak along with them. If you are doing well on Tarceva this could be an opportunity to spread the word to others who may not know about the drug. I realize this is also a great benefit to the drug company but I keep thinking of where I might be without them. Needless to say, an opportunity to promote awareness in your area about lung cancer. No pressure---just wanted to let you know this opportunity exists. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  22. As you may know, I just got home from a trip to New York. It was a press conference presented by Genentech, the maker of Tarceva. I just received a request from one of the directors. She asked if I knew any other survivors currently taking Tarceva. I told her about this site and she wanted me to ask if any of you that are currently taking Tarceva would be interested in being contacted by the media in your area. I told her I would let you know. If this is something you are interested in, you can pm me or e-mail me and I will forward it to her. I know that my trip was an opportunity to bring awareness to a number of journalists from various magazines. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  23. Jyoung20

    Kasey 2000

    Way to go Kasey!! We Love you!! GOD BLESS! Jamie
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