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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. YEAH!! That has got me fired up!!!!! Whew!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  2. Both are wonderful and inspiring stories!! Thank you Christine!! God Bless!! Jamie
  3. I am in total agreement with you guys!!! Thanks for bringing this up!! GOd Bless!! Jamie
  4. Rich, You are awesome!! Thank you!! God Bless!! Jamie
  5. Hey Wendy, It looks like something happened to my previous post. Confused.... Anyway, I wanted to welcome you to the site and to tell you that I am thankful you found us. I live in TN ..not Ark but right next door. God Bless!! Jamie
  6. Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear this.. God's peace be with you and your family. God Bless You! Jamie
  7. Absolutely wonderful news!!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  8. Jyoung20

    Baby names

    Woohoo...Congratulations!!! I was terrible with picking out names but I can offer a website.... www.babynames.com God Bless!! Jamie
  9. Thanks Randy...I appreciate you keeping us informed with what's going on in the lung cancer world!! God Bless!! Jamie
  10. Hi Mary, I have read on www.onctalk.com that tarceva is normally not used as a first line therapy following a chmo regimen. I think the docs usually wait and watch before begginning with tarceva as 2nd line. So, that's a good thing! God Bless and hang in there!!! jamie I am a 2 year and 10 month survivor of Stage IIIB adenocarcinoma..Too advanced for surgery.. I am cancer free!!!! Keep the faith!!
  11. T, The port is definately the way to go.. Much less pain than a regular I.V. Keep strong and keep the faith!! God Bless!! Jamie
  12. Sending prayers for your mom. Has she talked to the doc about changing her pain meds? It took four or five different meds until I found the right combination that worked for me. God Bless!!! Jamie
  13. I am an organic freak....I try to buy all organics and stay away from processed foods. I have just been reading a book lately called the "Maker's diet" that is actually a biblically based diet book. Very interesting read!! I try to eat healthy, nutritious foods but sometimes I do slip up. But, I always try to go back to eating the best choices. Every one has a different take on whats best...but I think it should be individualized. Ex. I LOVE sweet things..however I have read that sugar is bad for you.. Whether it's true or not.. I try to eat things that make me feel good...I listen to my body. When I eat chocolate cake I feely yucky but when I eat dark chocolate I don't get the same effect. Alot of carbs drag me down (call them comfort foods) My personal opinion: Eat to Live not live to eat. Listen to your body..what is it telling you about your foods. Certainly, if you are undernourished due to treatment eat, eat and eat some more... You may wat to talk with the nutritionist at your clinic or your town. I have found that my nutritionist has been very helpful in keeping me focused on good eating habits. She can also give you an unbiased opinion on any diet or food books out there.. Hope this helps!! God Bless!! Jamie
  14. Glad you like it....tell us more about you!! Jamie
  15. Donna, I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please accept my sincerest condolences. God's peace be with you. God Bless!! Jamie
  16. I have heard of this company. Do you know what their lung cancer drugs on the market are? Just curious
  17. Jyoung20

    Still here!

    You are a cancer butt kicker!!!!! You are awesome!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  18. Praying for a successful surgery!! God Bless!! Jamie
  19. Snickers....some of the kids in the neighborhood would go change costumes just to go back to the houses that had the good treats.
  20. too funny. The little one running into everything cause he is still not awake.
  21. Pipfitz, Glad your not a lurker anymore!! Welcome!! God Bless!! Jamie
  22. I'm so sorry!! Prayers going up for comfort and peace. God Bless!! Jamie
  23. Debi, I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers of comfort and peace are with you. God Bless!! Jamie
  24. We are really going to miss you! Please come back and visit often!! God Bless! Jamie
  25. My persistent cough was productive although it never progressed. I would ask for a chest x-ray, ct if possible. Have they mentioned bronchitis? The fact that your lungs sound clear is a good thing I would think. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about but I would get it checked out. God Bless!! Jamie Please let us know what happens.
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