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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. So sad to hear this ... Prayers for his family!!! He was so young and his story really touched my heart. God Bless, Jamie
  2. (((BETH))) God Bless You!! Jamie
  3. (((Pat))) Come on down to Memphis!! I know Ryan would absolutely love you!!!! Of course I just wanted to give you fair warning about Princess Zelda ( the psycho terrier), Edward (16 year old girl dog -part sheltie-that can't see or hear), Jasmine (the six toed tabby), and Wink ( our outdoor cat). Whew, they can certainly be a handful but I am sure a shih-tsu would fit in just fine. Seriously, I am sooo sorry you are dealing with all of these emotions. But please know that you are never alone and we love you so!!! God's peace be with you!! Jamie
  4. WOW!! I better go get my veggies and dirt!!! Thanks Randy!! I have started a new diet (mainly to help with my stomach issues) and they want you to play in the dirt because of the HSO (homeostatic soil organisms). It boosts your immunity system and helps your body recognize the bad bugs. The diet also stresses alot of green veggies. I am hoping it will fix the stomach problems since the guy that wrote it cured himself of Crohn's disease when noone could cure him.. Alot to be said about going back to nature!! You're the best Randy! Happy Holidays!! Peace be with you!! Jamie
  5. Jyoung20

    3 years today!!!

    Diagnosed 3 years ago today with stage IIIB NSCLC...The pulmonologist called me on the phone with the good news and not much hope...Boy!! Did I fool him!!...I am soooooo glad I am still with you guys!! God Bless!! Jamie
  6. I have no idea what that is....Definately ask the doc... I did however want to mention that I was given a "magic Swizzle" for the throat pain from radiation. It helped sooooo much... I am not eactly sure what was in it but your radiation onc. could definately give you info. on that. God Bless!! Jamie P.S. Remember radiation is only temporary!!!It will get better!!!
  7. Jyoung20


    We certainly missed you!!! So glad you're back!! Peace and love, Jamie
  8. Jyoung20

    The Battle

    Strong topic... Battle with cancer.. Originally I felt that it was a battle and that we are in the fight for our life... Then I have read where cancer survivors should not use the "fight" terminology because it gives the cancer too much power. I still think it is a battle and we battle everyday.. The really good thing is that I have quite the army backing me up. God Bless!! Jamie I am very anxious to see other reponses on the subject. Oh yea..As you continue to win on your own terms, you become empowered!!! Empowerment is bliss!!
  9. Hey Patti, I visited Nicks site and made a comment. What a very special boy you have. God Bless!! Jamie
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless!! Jamie
  11. Pippa, My prayers are with you and your family during this time. I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless!! Jamie
  12. Jyoung20


    woohoo!!!! That is sooooooo awesome!!! Jamie
  13. I am 37, wife and mother of a 5 year old. I was dx with Stage IIIB NSCLC in Dec of 04. I currently teach band part time at Bellevue Baptist in Memphis. My hubby is also a teacher... Living large and loving life with God leading the way!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  14. (((Cy))) I am so sorry you are having to deal with this terrible disease. It's amazing the inner strength that we can find when needed. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. Never give up hope!!! God Bless You!! J "If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains"
  15. Jyoung20


    We are very thankful for you too!!!! God Bless You!!
  16. Very good Brian!!! thanks for choosing this subject.... Many people feel that the lack of funding for lung cancer research is a direct reflection on the fact that lung cancer has such a negative stigma attached to it, namely smoking. Some people feel that people dealing with lung cancer brought the disease on themselves if they were former or current smokers. My platform is that regardless of anyones past smoking or non smoking history we should have enough empathy to recognize the need for better treatments with a better quality of life. By the way, treatment is moving in the right direction just at a very slow pace. As a cancer survivor we totally understand cancer etiquette. However, a person that asks the "Did You smoke" question obviously does not. It doesn't necessarily mean that person is placing blame although this does happen but it could mean that the person is scared. Looking for a reason "why" you would get this disease. This is a very scary disease but it is survivable. Hope this helps!! God Bless!! Jamie
  17. Rae Ann, I'm so sorry for your loss. Your family is in my prayers. God Bless!! Jamie
  18. Thanks Randy!! This journalist is a parent of one of my students. I thought she did a great job!! God Bless!! Jamie
  19. Jyoung20

    It is over

    Barb, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bles You!! Jamie
  20. Hi Christine, Welcome to our family! I was 35 when I was diagnosed. I will be a 3 year surviver in December!!! You have found a wonderful place to come to!!!! God Bless You!! Jamie
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