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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Jyoung20


    (((ANN))) God Bless You! Jamie
  2. I'm grateful for all of my friends here!!
  3. Hey Barbara, Our family here will soon know what an asset you will be to us as well. You and Bill are both near and dear to my heart and will always be!!! You guys have overcome so much and your wisdom will be such an inspiration and motivation to all who read. Again, I am so glad you are here and I look forward to reading your posts. xoxo J-me (from LCA) and Jamie from here!!!
  4. I ran over a snowman because the voices told me to.
  5. Jyoung20

    Marie Check in

    So glad everyone is okay!!
  6. Hey Sweet Barbara!! I'm sooo glad you are here!!! xoxo Jamie
  7. Jyoung20

    Good Luck!

    Thank you Kasey!!! It's sooooo exciting!!! So many wonderful things happening all day!! I will post lots of pics!! God Bless You!! jamie I did receive a very nice note from Mrs. Infortuno. She seeems like a very nice lady. I am so glad that we can honor Vic!! I sooooo wish you and Fred could be here too!! xoxo
  8. Playing for a cure is one week away!! At this point we have raised $12000.00 not to mention all of the gift contributions. Last year we only raised approximately $10000.00!!! We are ahead of the game before the event!! I am so excited and nervous. 12 participating bands 70 solois and ensembles 120 volunteers It's amazing to see it all come together. Please Say a prayer for us that we have a successful event!! XOXO God Bless You! Jamie
  9. Jyoung20


    (((Julia))) I am so sorry.
  10. Jyoung20

    nodes shrinking

    Neil, I am sooooo happy for you !! Stable is good but shrinkage is excellent!! I hope you are celebrating... God Bless! Jamie
  11. Jyoung20

    She's here

    WOOHOO!! That is wonderful!! Can't wait to see pics!! God Bless!! jamie
  12. Jyoung20


    Just being very diligent with the search and blessed also!!! I am so excited!! I think they are wonderful! They are donating most of their charge..We will pay $400.00 for them...But, I really think they will draw a crowd. xoxo Jamie
  13. JJ (tomboy) Monkey (tree climber) Pool shark And the memories come flooding back..ty
  14. Jyoung20


    The band for Playing for a Cure is Transitt.. Check them out at www.transitt.com Let me know what you think!!! God Bless You My Friends!! Jamie
  15. I was on prednisone for approximately 6 months due to radiation pneumonitis. It worked and I gained alot of weight. I was told to eat my share of protein as steroids can take your muscles away. I have not had a recurrance of RP. God Bless!! jamie
  16. Pretty neutral colors also as we are about to move.. Oh but in the new house, it will be a different story!!!
  17. (((Jussi))) Praying it's working for you too!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  18. Jyoung20

    Looks Hopeful

    (((Molly))) There is hope!!! There are many survivors here thriving and living life at every stage of this disease. I'm glad you have joined us. God BLess!! Jamie
  19. I can only tell you what my experience was like and as you said everyone is different. Some things to be wary of: Here are my Survival Tips for a Lung Cancer Survivor! Everyone is different!These things may or may not happen!! He will most likely lose his hair. The radiation will most likely cause some eating issues and burning sensations (they have a magic swizzle to help with this) He needs to try and keep his weight up no matter what!! Eat, eat, eat He will most likely experience fatigue and nausea Try to encourage him(if this happens) to not stay in the bed but to try and be as active as possible Get the pain management and/or breakthrough pain under control How I dealt with everything: Every time I would get a treatment I would visualize it going in and destroying that cancer and every radiation treatment I imagined GOD pulling the cancer right out of my body. At night, I would listen to meditative music to help my mind think of absolutely nothing.. Even though I didn't really feel depressed after the initial month, I took lexapro as a precautionary measure I found a network of friends who were dealing with the same things that I was dealing with (as you have) Read books about survivors!! Richard Bloch's book "Cancer, There's Hope and Fighting Cancer" Here is a website for the R. Bloch foundation--http://www.blochcancer.org/ The fortunate thing is that they are able to treat the cancer with an aggressive approach. The bad thing is that it is may be hard on him. I think it's okay to be wary about him being sick. Stay on top of it and if you see anything out of the ordinary, I would call the doc immediately. No symptom is too small...Lung cancer is a VERY sneaky disease and we have to be Pro Active in our own healthcare. I had combined chemo 3 years ago for Stage IIIB locally advanced disease. I am cancer free and living my new normal. Not only that, I can jog a solid 2 minutes without stopping...woohoo This is doable and I would do it again if I had too. Remember that this treatment is only temporary and it will get better Prayers for you as you begin this new journey. Please let me know if I can help!! I hope this helps!! God Bless, Jamie
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