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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. (((Sharon))) So sorry to hear this. Please accept my sincerest condolences. God Bless! Jamie
  2. Thanks Patti for sharing. God Bless!! jamie
  3. ((Chris)) I'm so glad you decided to stay. WE NEED YOU!! God Bless! Jamie
  4. Had a wonderful vacation in Destin for one week and came back to a house and garage full of boxes. But, I am a Mississippi girl again. Just got my internet service operable.. I have missed you guys!!! xoxo Jamie
  5. Here is the link to an article about a lung cancer vaccine available in Cuba. I thought it was very interesting http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25354060/
  6. (((Dar))) Continued prayers for you guys during this time. God BLess!! Jamie
  7. I am gonna make sure I get my vitamin D!!! TY Jamie
  8. I was in band and colorguard....loved it Also, played softball and billiards. Terrible at basketball and math..
  9. Welcome Brokenarrow!!! Glad you found this site. You will get alot of support here!! God Bless!! Jamie
  10. That's wonderful news!!! Congratulations!! God Bless! Jamie
  11. If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough.
  12. Jyoung20

    Scan time

    Sounds good Patti!! I will have a virgin cosmopolitan....I'm on day 7 of my 21 day cleanse..soooo no alchohol for me. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes!! xoxo Jamie
  13. Memphis,Tn One station was selling it for 3.65... xoxo Jamie
  14. Jyoung20

    My Mom

    WOOHOO TINA!!! Great news! God bless! Jamie
  15. Jyoung20

    Scan Results

    Wonderful news Bruce!!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  16. After 4 months of antibiotics because of the wrong diagnosis, an xray was ordered which show the 4 cm mass in my upper right lobe. God Bless!! Jamie
  17. Here is a link to presentation slides. http://www.nationallungcancerpartnershi ... age=Summit This is a great time to contact your local media and here are some tools to help you engage them. Please let me know if I can help!! Here are some tips from Lori Hope..a very active advocate.. One of the outcomes of the National Lung Cancer Partnership's Lung Cancer Advocacy Summit in Chicago last month was a recommendation for all 53 attendees to pitch a story to their local news media in the next six weeks. There's a perfect opportunity for anyone impacted by LC to do so in the next couple of days. You may have heard about lung cancer survivor John Atkinson, recently featured on NBC News, ESPN, and dozens of other prominent media. A 39 year old never smoker, he entered a contest in which golfers wrote essays on why they should get to play in the US Open at Torrey Pines with Tiger Woods. Out of 56,474 essays, John's was chosen as the winner. John played against Woods last Friday, but the game won't be aired until this Sunday. So now's the time, if you have the strength and energy, to contact local media and offer to "localize" the story – in other words, to make it of interest to local readers, viewers, or listeners - by sharing your own story. Again, hopefully you'll find below links to the NBC, a San Francisco Chronicle story for background, plus fact sheets and more info about lung cancer to share with the media. In addition, here are some tips about contacting media, culled partly from what we devised at the Advocacy Summit. Good luck, and please do let us know if you have any success! Lori Tips for contacting media: 1. Have your 30-second "elevator" pitch ready. You might say something like, "If you're looking for a way to localize this Sunday's US Open with Tiger Woods and Golf Digest contest winner John Atikinson, a never smoker with advanced lung cancer, I'm happy to share my story as a lung cancer survivor [and/or mother/son/advocate/wife/lung transplant/clinical trial participant]. Your viewers/readers/listeners will find this story of great interest. They're wondering why so many people who never smoked are developing lung cancer. They're asking how can the tobacco industry can still spend $13 billion annually to market these addictive substances?" 2. If you send an email, be sure to follow up by phone. Obviously it's best to get the editor/writer in person, but if you must leave a voicemail, keep it very short. And if you do reach the journalist, it's good to ask whether they have a moment to talk before you start your pitch.. 3. Have a "cheat sheet" or fact sheet handy, so you know all the relevant stats. Here are a few I prepared for one of my speeches: • the average American woman is nearly twice as likely to die of lung cancer as breast cancer • The 5 yr survival rate for breast cancer is 88% while only 15% of lung cancer patients survive five years. • 90% of smokers start when they're teens, before their judgment center is fully developed • 4000 kids a day still take up smoking; For more, see http://www.thelungcancerfoundation.org/fact-sheets/ http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/press/pressroom.html Detailed and excellent info: http://www.nationallungcancerpartnershi ... m?page=faq More tips on contacting media, and media directories: http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/involved/media.html San Francisco Chronicle story about Atkinson and the US Open - http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 112Q7Q.DTL Link to the MSNBC story http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032619/#24990886 God Bless! Jamie
  18. Jyoung20

    Scan time

    I am very happy to report that my scans look good. WHEW!!! Very stressful as you all know!! Stressfree for another 4 months.... Thank you God!! Jamie
  19. That is hilarious...Reminds me of the time I put a frying pan in the microwave
  20. Hi Chris, After my treatment I deal with the same issues you speak of..I could not eat and could not drink enough water to keep hydrated. My problem was largely due to the radiation burns. I do know that without the feeding tube, I would not have survived!!!!! I would have died. You can not live if you are not eating and drinking. Your body has to have nourishment. I had the tube for two months and it was a godsend. I immediately felt felt and started to get some energy back. It is recommended that you continue to eat while you have the tube and I did this. The problem comes in with losing your muscle memory with swallowing. If I had to have a feeding tube again I would get another. I hope this helps!! God Bless!! p.s. I could also take all of my pain meds through the tube. I would feed during the night. Oh yes, the peg tube is inserted in the stomach. It is an outpatient procedure. Jamie
  21. I am so sorry to hear this. thank you for sharing. God Bless!! Jamie
  22. Jyoung20


    Nova, I am so sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with you and your family. God Bless! Jamie
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