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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Jyoung20

    6 YEARS!!!!

    Debi, That is awesome!! A big congratulations to you!!!! Okay..tell me your weightloss secret/ Please!!!! Blessngs, Jamie
  2. OH NO!! I am just seeing this and I am so saddened to hear this. This is heartbreaking...I'm so sorry Kasey and I will be praying hard for you and your family. Please know that I am here for you with whatever you need!!! God Bless! Jamie
  3. Jyoung20


  4. Can I hear a big Whoop Whoop!!!! Scan was clear and am still considered remission. I have officially upgraded to the 6 month program. Love you all and couldn't have done it without you!! Blessings, Jamie
  5. Oh Yeah!!! That's what I'm talking about!!! Blessing, J-me
  6. (((Sandra))) I'm so sorry to hear this. Prayers of comfort for you as you are battling this monster. Blessings, Jamie
  7. Great JoB!!!!!!!! Thank you!! I am so glad they were receptive to your suggestions.. The National Lung Cancer Partnership is also a great resource. Blessings, Jamie
  8. Carol cole dies of lung cancer Posted by admin in Celebrities 0 Comments ..Natalie Cole’s older adopted sister Carol Cole died of Lung Cancer. she was 64. Natalie cole herself was going through Kidney Transplant while Carol was on death bed. Carol “Cookie” Cole was an American actress. She played the role of Ellie, the daughter of Grady Wilson, in the short-lived 1970s TV series Grady. She also had a small role in the 1974 film The Taking of Pelham One Two Three. Carol is sister of more famuos Natalie Cole who has won ten Grammy Awards.
  9. Poor Mitch!! He is in my prayers. Blessings, Jamie
  10. The last survey that I qualified for was great and you can request the money to go to Lungevity or you can keep it. We are currently looking for people that have suffered “oral mucositis” (mouth sores) as a result of cancer treatment to participate in 45 min telephone interviews. The purpose of this research is to understand what does or does not work in treatment for this condition. The interviews can be scheduled this week and next and participants receive $100. Please respond with interest to contacts below. Kind Regards Jan Mallery-Groom RN Clinical Project Manager +510-922-9710 jmallery@recruitingresourcesllc.com
  11. I am going back to work full time.. I am so excited but also a little nervous. I have an interview on Monday at a high school close to home. I will be one of 3 band directors teaching middle and high school band and chorus. My little sweetheart (Ryan) will eventually be going to school there so I can be close during his schools years.. Love you guys because my cyber family is a large part of why I am still here along with GOD, my family, friends and medical team. If you can spare a prayer on Monday I would great appreciate it!! xoxo Jamie
  12. We are here for you. Here to listen and to help!! Blessings, Jamie
  13. WOOOOHOOOO!!!! Doing the happy dance right now!!!
  14. Jyoung20


    I took prednisone for a total of 6 months and it finally went away. Everytime they decreased the dosage , it came back but did eventually go away---hopefully never to return. Blessings, Jamie
  15. Hey LC buddies!!! It's great to be back home... Life on the road for the last month has been a blast but I was beginning to miss my routine. The lung cancer advocacy summit in Dallas was wonderful. I had the opportunity to meet many amazing survivors and caregivers very passionate about the cause. I left feeling empowered to continue this fight to bring awareness and education to the public about lung cancer!!! Then off to Atlanta on a charter bus for a middle school band trip.. SIX FLAGS will never be the same..lol I will never be the same especially after spending 8 hours with Ryan confined to a bus seat. Nevertheless, Jon's band did great!! THey WOn!!!! With a score of 98 and competing against 15+ other bands from across the country.. GO Band!! I'm so proud of them!!! And finally ending up in New York City where I was able to share my story with various magazine publications including Self, Marie Claire, Parents, Women's Day and WOmen's World. Keep your fingers crossed that maybe they will decide to do a lung cancer feature.. I sure hope so!!!! I love you guys and I'm sorry for being delinquence with my moderator duties. I am back and will be much more vocal and present. OOPS>> I just remembered that I forgot to get a hall pass... Do I have detention? xoxo Jamie
  16. Jan, Crap!!!! Not what I wanted to hear!!! Praying for great biopsy results!! xoxo Jamie
  17. Jyoung20


    (((Amie))) I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for you during this time. God Bless Jamie
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