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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. I am so glad that everything is starting to move in the right directio for you now!! I had a feeding tube put in for the same reasons. I was very scared at first but soon realized that it was because I didn't really know what to expect. I hope I can put your mind at ease some. I had lost a large amount of weight and had no appetite prior to treatment. When I started chemo and radiation my appetite decreased even more. I knew that if I didn't get the tube I would not make it throught treatment. I got the tube and did all of my feeding at night. It was not a big deal. It took some time getting used to having a tube there and positiioning myself in a comfortable position when I slept. I knew it was temporary and I had to have it. I was very careful about cleaning and taking care of it. It was not a disqusting thing (like I thought it would be). My nutritionist even commented and said that I could be the poster child for feeding tubes. It always looked really good. That tube made all the difference in the world. I have many tips to help after you get it. I even got to the point that I couldn't take my medicine, so we would crush it and put it in the tube. Good Luck and always remember that your nutritional health is so important in fighting this monster. I now have a cute little hole where it was. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  2. My mom waited until she was 63 to get a tattoo. She said,"At this point in my life I can do what I want to do." She got a celtic cross with a rose winding around it on her right shoulder. My little sister got a yen and yang (looks like little sperm). Anyway, I know you will choose wisely. My BIL has a cheetah and it looks really cool (it's crawling up his leg). Find you niche and develop from there. GOD BLESS! Jamie
  3. Jen, You have an awesome story to tell and I truly appreciate your love and faith for GOD!! Wow, thoses prayers really do work!!!! You are a testimony of that!!! I know that I couldn't have made through this experience without him right beside me. Congrats to you and GOD IS GOOD!! Jamie
  4. One fo the first musical conductor's in existence died from stabbing his foot with his baton(looked like a mace). This is why conductor's today use the small baton's to conduct. GOD BLESS! Jamie
  5. Happy Birthday everyone!! There sure are alot of chocolate lovers out there. I tip my piece of chocolate cake to you and to many, many more birthdays. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  6. Wow-that's a tough question. I have spent the last 12 years of my life mentoring music students. The one student I remember most was a young student that was a product of a terrible home environment (very abusive mother), he was taken out of the home and moved in with grandmother and dad who was suffering from AIDS. Needless to say, the young student was full of anger and agression. I took the child under my wing and tried to my best to teach music education, right from wrong, empathy and ambitionand instill good morals. This child was really smart and very determined. I am anxious to see the end result. Also, a truly awesome musician for the age. This was during the student's 7th grade year. The student is now a junior in high school and doing pretty well. One of the best instrumentalist/musicians in the band program.
  7. Too funny!!! I'm glad I wasn't on that plane.
  8. Hey Jessica, I also took Etoposide--but with Cisplatin. I think it is normally added to a platinum type drug. Also, chemo effects people differently so it's hard to say what you should expect. I would talk to the onc. about it. However, my side effects were nausea and fatigue mainly but I also had radiation during chemo. Very aggressive treatment. Hope this helps and prayers for you and your mom!!! God BLess!! Jamie
  9. Sandy, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  10. Prayers for you and your mom. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  11. 1. 6:00 2. Pearls 3. Larry the Cable Guy - Health Inspector (my husband's choice) 4. Don't watch T.V. 5. Cereal 6. Diane 7. Italian 8. Chitterlings 9. Barbeque 10. Any Norah Jones 11. Meatball 12. Thieves 13. Yoga pants 14. Italy 15. American Eagle 16. Florida 17. Mornings 18. Grenada, Mississippi 19. Tee-Ball 20. MelaPower 21. Don't drink soft drinks 22. Morning person 23. 8 24. Yes 25. Going to England in May on a geneology trip with my mom and sister. 26. famous 27. snickers 28. Dressing up in my great-grandmother's dress and walking down the road and attending church. 29. waitress, bartender, band director, lawn care specialist, route auditor for a garbage company 30. Blue 31. No 32. Yes 32. Yes. 33. Yes 34. Bacon Bits 35. Saturday 36.Macaroni Grill 37. Calilillies 38. Haagen-daz Coffee flavored 39. Warner Brothers 40. Sonic 41. I have hardwood floors 42. None 43. Macy's 54. Play games at Pogo.com 55. About 9:30 56. My husband 57. Max and Ruby on Noggin 58. Blue 59.0 60. Chicken
  12. When prayers go up, blessings come down!!!! Continuing to prayer for those in need. GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  13. Jyoung20


    Taxotere really messed up my blood counts . I would definately avoid being around alot of people. Keep a close eye on her counts.
  14. Sharon, That is wonderful news!! I am so happy that Tarceva is working for you. It has also worked really well for me and I have been on it since about April of last year also. Please keep us posted on your continued success!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  15. My supplements include: CoQ10 Shitake Mushroom Vitamin C Cod Liver Oil every other day I follow the Weight Watchers diet----strictly for eating right--I choose foods that are good for me(not processed). Mostly high fiber and organic. This diet really makes me aware of what I am putting in my body. I also work out at least three days a week (walking, upper body strength, cardiovascular)
  16. You can always encourage them to seek a second opinion. I would definately consider that option. **Just a helpful hint You may want to keep notepad handy to jot down any questions that you may have for the doctor. ---I always had a whole bunch of questions GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  17. EEEWWW!! I hate spiders. Yikes!
  18. Jyoung20


    Thank you Rick for your continued hard work in keeping this site going!!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie
  19. Welcome--so glad that you have found us!!! GOD BLESS!! Jamie "Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7
  20. Petie, Noone can tell you how much time you have. Just make the best of what time is left. There are many caregivers among us that have dealt with what you are about to go through. You will find comfort in their words. GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOUR MOM!! Jamie
  21. So glad that you found and congratulations on your successful treatment!!!! GOD BLESS!!! Jamie "The prayer offered by faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up." James 5:15
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