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Everything posted by Fay

  1. Wishing for you a successful weekend. You have done a wonderful job. Can't wait to see the photos. Faylene
  2. Here is a good site to look up supplements and their benifits: http://www.wholehealthmd.com/refshelf/i ... HS,00.html This is an interesting article on supplements and chemo http://www.thorne.com/altmedrev/fulltext/anti4-5.html that we received from my mom's natropath doctor. Faylene
  3. Fay

    In a peace now

    So sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in friends in family. Faylene
  4. Shirley, Feel free to use my Mom's photo. Best of luck to you on the event. Faylene
  5. Best of luck Katie, wish I could be there. Faylene
  6. Fay, Glad you will be able to do more of this again soon! Boy you are strong! I think seeing that needle coming at me would have made me faint, and I work in an operating room!!!! faylene
  7. Fay

    My Beloved

    Dear Peg, My sincere sympathies to you and your family. You will be in my prayers. Faylene
  8. Andrea, I too can relate. Five days after we lost my Mom, my daughter turned 12. I was determined to be strong for her and celebrate. We decided to spend the afternoon bowling. We invited my Dad, he declined, didn't think he could do it. Just before we left the house, my Dad called, he changed his mind. We got thru the day. While my Mom was going thru chemo, she made an afghan for my daughter for her birthday, she wasn't here to give it to her, but I was proud to give it to my daughter for her. Somehow you summon up the strengh for your kids. Next month will be one year. JC is right, time does soften the wound. Memories keep my Mom alive to me. Thoughts and prayers for you, Faylene
  9. Best kind of news, thanks for sharing. Faylene
  10. Fay


    MO, What a timely post, in less than a month it will be the one year anniversary (can you call it that?) of my dear Mom's passing. I've printed this one out to hold on to and reread, as it speaks volumes. Thank you, faylene
  11. I'm pulling up a chair, but tell the cabana boy to make mine a sangria!!!, Hey Sandy, I've been here with ya too......Check who was the first one to register when the board switched over here. While we are chatting, does anyone know how to put pictures at the bottom of your post like Katie has? I'd like to put my Mom's there, and post family photos in the other spot. faylene
  12. Fay

    Back from Va.

    Hi Cheryl, Glad to see you back on. I was away for two weeks, and when I got back was wondering where you were. Sorry to hear about your Papaw. Glad you made it back safe and sound. Faylene
  13. Deanna, Your Mom's story and my Mom's are so similar. I'm sorry for your loss. PM me if you need to talk. Faylene
  14. Cheryl, So glad the condition was caught. I will say prayers for you both. Make sure you take it easy, and ask for help and support when you need it. Wish I lived close so I could take care of the horse chores for you! Thinking of you both, Faylene
  15. I am praying for your family. Faylene
  16. Colleen, My deepest sympathies to you and your family. May you find peace and comfort in the coming months. Faylene
  17. Sandy, It is beautiful. Would you be able to add my Mom too? Faylene
  18. Prayers and positives thoughts for you. faylene
  19. Fay

    My Buddy Is Gone

    Norme, I too, am saddened to hear the news about your Buddy. May peace be with you, and may you be surrounded in love and family and friends at this time. Faylene
  20. Fay

    Imagining Forever

    Here's one I think you would like Bonoja, A Canadian Christian songwriter Steve Bell composed it. His web site is www.signpostmusic.com Wings of an Eagle - Music and Lyric by Steve Bell Adapted from Isaiah 40:31 As we hope in the Lord We will gain our strength We will run for miles We will stand up straight We will not grow weary We will not grow faint On the wings of an eagle we will rise On the wings of an eagle we will rise On the wings of an eagle we will rise For our hope is found In the power of God On the wings of an eagle we will rise On the wings of an eagle we will rise For the Lord who is God Takes His people home Not to be afraid As we journey the road Hand in hand we’ll be walking With the Lord our God On the wings of an eagle we will rise
  21. Fay

    Tim is gone

    Annie, So sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers. Faylene
  22. Got ya beat Dave.......545.5 feet! Faylene
  23. Fay


    Natalie, My sincere sympathies to you and family members. I lost my Mom last May and it was devestating, but slowly the pain is easing. Faylene
  24. Fay

    My Buddy

    Norme, You and Buddy are in my prayers. Faylene
  25. Sending mine up now. Faylene
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