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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. ((((Sue)))) Continued thoughts and prayers... thank God it was benign! Hugs, prayers and love Chris
  2. ((((Sue)))) Of course you have my prayers.. I am so sorry about this turn of events. Please let me know if I can do anything. Much love and tons of prayers for Mom and all of you Chris
  3. Congratulations Carol!! I am so happy for you!!!! Warmly Christine
  4. Asa I am sorry I am late in welcoming you to this wonderful site. I'm so sorry you've had reason to even look for a site such as this but glad that you have joined us. Please let us know how we can help you through this and know that we will do our best. Warm hugs and many prayers for you and your wife. Christine
  5. ((((Patti)))) You know I am here if you need me. I am so sorry about this latest issue but let's stay positive that the radiation will kick the met and then we can concentrate on the chemo regime again. As frustrating as it is right now, it is just another speed bump that you have to overcome and you KNOW that we are all here to help you through it in whatever way we can. Lean on us and we will help you carry that leg sweetie!!! Love and hugs Chris
  6. Just a reminder to those who are interested in sharing your story about LC. Several of you have sent me your submissions and they will be posted soon. I'd love to hear from more of you..... This month's spotlight on Cancergrief.com will focus on lung cancer organizations, the first of which is LUNGevity. The home page is a work in progress at the moment but we do have the LC month banner on .... I truly hope that more of you will come forward and submit your story. After all of the hype and hoopla over the "Pink Month" this would be a good way to help out our own cause as I was so verbal about last month. And, a final note? I am not doing this for ME.. I am doing this for all of YOU. Chris
  7. ((((Sue)))) I've been thinking of you and Mom all day and am so glad to hear that things went so well. Get some rest my dear and we will catch up soon! Love and hugs Chris
  8. MsC1210


    (((((Rochelle and kids))))) Thinking of you today and sending much love and many hugs Chris
  9. Hi Truematch Yes, many people experience the sore throat after radiation. Ask her doctor about "magic mouthwash", a mixture of lidocaine, benadryl and maalox that will coat and soothe her throat and make her more comfortable. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.. Christine
  10. ((((Sue)))) Thinking of you and Mom today.... lots of hugs and prayers for all of you. Chris xx
  11. ((((Teri)))) ((((Mrs Dickens)))) I am just so sorry! I was so shocked to read this.. Please know I am thinking of you both and sending many prayers and hugs Christien
  12. MsC1210

    My Mom's dog

    (((((Leslie))))) I am so sorry... I know how much your furry babies mean to you as you know how special mine are, too. Thinkiing of you and sending hugs and prayers.. Chris
  13. Coni So sorry to read this update. Judy is right, many people have a hard time when they get the initial news of progression but there are still options open. Sending hugs and prayers for you both Christine
  14. (((((Sue))))) You and Mom and the family are always in my thoughts and prayers but as Kasey said, time to step it up a little! Please know I will be thinking of you and holding you all in my prayers. Much love and many hugs Chris
  15. Just a reminder that I am going to be away most of this week but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. I would really love for more of you to submit your stories. I am really trying to make this project a success but I do need your help and your input! I have 8 replies here, most of which are my own, and over 130 views... PLEASE.... I AM REALLY HOPING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE FOR ALL OF YOU WITH LUNG CANCER AND ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE A LOVED ONE FIGHTING OR HAVE LOST SOMEONE TO THIS DISEASE. This is not for me, or about me, it is for and about ALL OF YOU. Wishing you all a wonderful week... Chris
  16. MsC1210

    I thought I...

    (((((Leslie))))) I'm so sorry... I know how hard it can be. I am here, just yell if I can help.. Chris
  17. I am so sorry. You have so much going on with you Mom. I just wish I had words of wisdom or advice to help you. Please know you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers and keep posting. We are all here for you. Warm hugs Christine
  18. (((((Connie))))) Hugs, prayers and love!! Chris
  19. Jamie! THANK YOU!!! I just got them and I am so grateful!!!!!!!!!!! I am really REALLY hoping more people will come forward.. I just want to make this project a huge success !! Hugs Chris
  20. Thank you ALL so much for the great response to this.. I am hoping to hear from more of you!! I think it would be great if you could include WHY Lung Cancer Awareness Month is so important to YOU. I am devoting a lot of time and effort to this campaign and am so grateful for all of your replies and stories. I can include pictures as well so if you'd like a picture included please let me know. You can send me your stories thru a PM or I can give you my email address. Again, thank you so much and I really hope to hear from more of you!!!!!! Please help me put a face on this disease and raise awareness. Hugs Chris
  21. Hi~ As many of you know I have a web site that is dedicated to helping people touched by cancer. You all know my stories about Brad and then my step dad and their battles with LC and why I advocate for all types of cancer. But November is different for me. November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and I want to do something special to raise awareness. Using my web site as a platform I would love to share some of your stories! I am hoping to have a big banner on the main page and each week a different organization that deals with lung cancer will be profiled in the spot light. But I would like very much to include some personal stories on the front page to give this whole thing a human touch and feel. Whether you are a patient, a caregiver or have lost someone to this disease, if you are willing to share your story please let me know. I will only include first names, no other personal details, and will publish ONLY what you want me to. Drop me a PM or reply here... I really hope you wonderful people will help me out with this!! Many thanks, huge hugs and my love and appreciation in advance, Christine
  22. You are doing fine with your posts, don't even worry about that. There is no true protocol for replies. Once you get more comfortable please have a look around the other forums and feel free to post to those as well. You will get more detailed replies to specific questions by posting in the various forums. AWESOME... I ride but don't have a Harley. (YET!!) There is nothing like seeing the countryside from the back of a bike. Definitely takes your mind off your troubles for a while!! Feel free to drop me a PM any time if I can be of help. Hugs Chris
  23. Some of the bigger stores even sell their own brand name of it at a much lower price. I've sent this information along and thank you so much!!!!!! Also, Randy, I did post on Deanne's site but have not heard anything yet. Thank you both so much!! Chris
  24. ((((Linda)))) So sorry for this latest set back. Please know you are both in my thoughts and prayers. I can say, Jerry's blood sugar got quite high when he was on the steroids as well. He was on a pill for the sugar rather than an injection. I don't know if the pill form would be strong enough for your hubby given his high numbers or not. The med we had for him was glipizide which I believe is the generic equivalent of Glucotrol. I don't know if that is helpful or not but I felt it was worth passing on... Many hugs and prayers Christine
  25. Hello Lady and welcome! I am sorry you had need to find a site like this but I am so glad you have joined us. THIS is the best site for support and information, advice and HOPE. I am guessing by your screen name you are into bikes? I hope you will share more about that with me/us in the coming days. Please keep posting and let us know what you need and how we can help you and know that there is always someone here on LCSC that will be more than willing to help. Hugs and Prayers Christine
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