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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. MsC1210

    PET scan

    Sandra, I am so sorry you are having such a rough time right now. It is understandable that you are down. I am thinking of you and sending many prayers and positive thoughts your way. I hope you will be able to find that positive energy you need to help you through this. Chris
  2. Thank you so much Caren!! I am actually in touch with a friend who owns a small grocery in the UK and he had never heard of Boost or Ensure so I have a feeling you may be right about it being by prescription only. Thank you for the information on Complan.. I will see if my friend knows about that as well. Chris
  3. MsC1210


    Lillian Of course I am sending many, many prayers for your friend and MANY FOR YOU. TOO!! As sad and sickening as this story is, it happens and probably more often than anyone knows. Lillian, thank you for posting this as it MAY help save someone else from going through the same type of situation. Many hugs Chris
  4. Hello Sweetie and welcome back. I am glad you got your computer issues resolved and am very happy to hear Mom is doing well on treatment! Please keep us posted and let Mom know we are all pulling for her Warmly Christine
  5. ((((Lillee)))) I am so sorry. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. We will continue to be here for you. Please lean on us whenever you need to. My sincere condolences, Christine
  6. Randy, Thank you!!!! I did not realize that she had her own site and WOW it's amazing!! Will contact her later for sure!!! Caren, Thank YOU! I am trying to find out where he can purchase the Ensure and does he NEED a prescription to get it? I do not think the cost is going to be an issue as much as actually finding the product. Thanks so much for your help!!!! Chris
  7. I have a friend in the UK who is battling stomach cancer. He is slated to begin chemo again within the next week. I am wondering if there is a supplement available there such as Boost or Ensure that I might be able to recommend to him in order to help him maintain his strength during this next round of treatments. Thank you so much for ANY help.... Warmly, Christine
  8. Hi Steven I am so glad you have been able to share this site with your mom and that it has been so helpful already! Katie is right.. THIS site, LCSC, is the best site for support and hope. There are many other sites out there but this one is, by far, the warmest and most compassionate! Please keep posting and let us know how we can be of help to both you and your mom. Warmly Christine
  9. ((((Lillee)))) Thoughts and prayers for you at this difficult time. Warmly Christine
  10. Steven I am so sorry about your Mom. My prayers are with you both. I am very happy that you found this site and that you have joined us here. Since you have read some of the content you know that this is a very warm and caring place and that we will be here for you and your Mom. Please keep us posted and lean on us when you need to. We are here for you and we understand. Warm hugs Christine
  11. Hello T and welcome I am sorry to hear about your Dad but so glad you found us! As Katie said, all of your feelings right now are perfectly normal. There is just so much happening right now that it is hard to take it all in and understand it. Please know that we are here for you and your family. The members here are wonderful at offering advice and suggestions as well as support and hope. You are bound to have many questions and concerns and undoubtedly there will be someone here at LCSC that has encountered them and be willing to share their experiences with you. Please keep us posted on your Dad. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers Christine
  12. MsC1210

    So FAST!

    I am so very sorry for your loss as well as the speed that thiings progressed. I know there are no words that can make this easier or help to make sense of any of it. 20 days is just too fast, you cannot even get your head wrapped around a diagnosis in that amount of time. Please let us help you through this next difficult period. I know first hand that even though you've suffered this traic loss, learning more about this hideous disease can be good therapy. Lean on us when you need to. With my deepest sympathies, Christine
  13. Hello Jenn and welcome to LCSC I am sorry about your step dad but so glad you found this site. I am glad that you've been reading and getting to know the board and our members here. I am sure by now you are aware that this is a wonderful site for information, advice and support. Please keep posting and let us know how your step dad is doing and know we are here to help you however we can Warmly, Christine
  14. MsC1210


    (((((Connie))))) I am so sorry things are so UGH right now. So sorry about your Aunt and am sending prayers that things will settle down soon for you all. Also sending tons of prayers and positive thoughts for your scans. Will be thinking of you... Many hugs and lotsa love Chris
  15. MsC1210

    Sad birthday for me

    ((((TK))) Nick is so right.. those firsts are brutal. Be kind to yourself and do what feels right to you. There are no right or wrongs to this grieving thing. It's as unique and individual as we are. Lean on us and vent all you want and need to. We are here and we understand. Warm hugs Chrisitne
  16. Hello Liz and welcome!~ I cannot offer much information or advice but I do want to welcome you to the site . I am sure that others will be along with lots of advice and suggestions for you, soon, Please keep us posted and let us know how things are going. Warmly, Christine
  17. Connie thank you for making sure we all coud see this. Ronda, I am so sorry about Teri. Please know that if we can help you through this difficult time, we will! My condolences on your loss.. Warmly, Christine
  18. Hello Molly and welcome! I'm sorry you had need to find a site such as this but I am so glad you found and joined us! You will find tons of support here with many caring and wonderful people who will be able and willing to help you along this journey. Feel free to ask us anything and know that there is always someone here to lean on. MD Anderson is a top notch facility and your grandmothers fighting attitude will serve her well in this fight! Sending you many prayers and hugs Christine
  19. MsC1210


    (((((Amy))))) I am so very very sorry to read this. Please accept my sincere condolences. We are here for you and will continue to be here. Lean on us.. Warmly Christine
  20. Hello Lisa and welcome So sorry you have reason to be here but you have found a wonderful place to find comfort and support as well as tons of hope! I can't personally add anything about chemo and what to expect but I can say I completely understand your anger. When my best friend was diagnosed at the age of 31, he and I went through the same anger and confusion as to how someone who had never smoked could be diagnosed with lung cancer. We decided that there was no good to be found in trying to make sense of it as cancer simply does not discriminate. The ONE and ONLY thing I will say about chemo is to make sure you drink LOTS. Dehydration is a nasty thing to have to deal with. And if your doctor gives you anti nausea meds, start them BEFORE chemo as it is much easier to keep the nausea (if it is an issue) in check before hand than trying to get it under control after.. Please keep posting and let us help you through the fears and questions. We are here for you!! Warmly, Christine
  21. Bobbie, CONGRATULATIONS.. I am so very happy for you! Christine
  22. Linda, Thank you for sharing the wonderful news about your Mom. I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt though. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Warmly Christine
  23. MsC1210

    Not Again

    Jean I am SO sorry you are back on this roller coaster ride again. Please know that you and Thom are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be there. Keep us posted.... Warm hugs Christine
  24. Hello Jim and (from one biker to another) welcome to the "family"! So sorry you have reason to be here but glad you found us and joined in. Keep us posted on you and your progress and let us know how we can help. Warmly, Christine
  25. MsC1210


    I, too had a PM... Jennifer, please know we are all thinking of you and we are here for you. Lean on us... With love and hugs Christine
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