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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Sandra I am one of those who have been using acupuncture for some time now. Although I do not have cancer, I do have asthma, allergies and migraines. Since beginning my acupuncture therapy my asthma has been almost non existant, my allergies are MUCH improved and my migraines have decreased in number as well as in severity. I will say that my acupuncturist is working on a thesis type paper at the moment that deals with the use of acupuncture and cancer. She currently treats several people who are struggling with chemo and radiation issues and they have had major relief of their symptoms. I have had some interesting conversations with her about this as my website includes some links and information I wanted to verify before I included them. Please let me now if I can help.. Christine
  2. MsC1210

    4 years

    ((((Ginny)))) Thinking of you... Warmly Christine
  3. Denise, This is great!! What a great post to read first thing in the morning! Hugs Chris
  4. Hello Katie and welcome I cannot add to the great advice you've gotten so far but wanted to welcome you to the "family". Please keep us posted on you and your Dad. Warmly Christine
  5. Hello Cindy I am so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my condolences on your loss. Thank you so much for being an advocate and for working to help raise awareness of this disease. I wish you much success with your event! Warmly Christine
  6. I just wanted to publicly acknowledge our own Sharyn for her wonderful bracelets! I got mine today and it literally took my breath away when I saw it in person. No pictures can possibly do justice to these creations! I think it is a beautiful gesture on her part to be raising money for cancer while providing us a way to not only remember/support our loved ones but also to contribute to finding the cure. I think these will make perfect Christmas gifts and plan to order more for just that purpose. Sharon, you are such a wonderful lady! Thank you for giving us this opportunity! Love, Chris
  7. I agree with the caffeine issue. If she is quitting smoking that alone is adding enough to her plate. Just ease back on the soda and coffee, cut it back gradually and take it slow. It is so important, as was pointed out already, to drink lots of fluids so maybe she can gradually replace the soda with bottled water or gatorade.. There was a member here a while back, and I cannot remember now who it was, but they found that Advil, just regualr over the counter Advil did wonders for bone pain. It might be worth a try. Please keep us posted... Hugs, Christine
  8. Coni I am sorry to read this update but glad that the doctors are on top of things. Please keep us posted and know we are all here for you. Christine
  9. Leslie Write the email and send it to yourself! It might help just to get all of that out in the open even if it is only for yourself! I journaled for a long, long time after Brad died and WOW, letting all of those ugly feelings out was really a good thing! Hugs.. Chris
  10. How terribly sad.... Thooughts and prayers for all involved... Christine
  11. Leslie, I am so sorry about this situation. Sadly, yes, lots of us do relate and understand what you are going through. I don't have any brilliant advice other than, your parents know.. and they appreciate everything you have done and continue to do and they are with you always... Probably does not help but take heart in knowing YOU are doing the right things now as you did all along. Lots of hugs Chris
  12. Christie I cannot add to the wonderful posts you've already received but wanted to say heilo and welcome to the site. I am really glad you found us. Please let us know how we can help you and Mike. Warmly Christine
  13. MsC1210

    No time to cry :-(

    Dina I can relate to your post so well. I am an only child and since my step dad passed at the end of June, Mom has been completely reliant on me. I also had to move her back to her own place as my step siblings are horrid creatures and are making things so difficult. I have been the only person there for her 24/7 even though she herself is one of 7 children. The rift there also an estate issue, all fighting over money. I was supposed to be gone this weekend for a motorcycle rally for lung cancer awareness but could not be that far away as if Mom calls and I am not here, she goes into panic mode thinking something has happened to me. It will get better. I just can't tell you when. Just know I am here if you need someone to vent to or with. Warm hugs Christine
  14. MsC1210

    She's gone

    Lisa I am so very sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathies and condolences. We will continue to be here for you. Lean on us as you need to. Warm hugs Christine
  15. Janette I am so sorry to read this post! As the others have already said, there is just no way of knowing as far as a time line. I am sorry you are having to deal with that on top of eveything else. Please remember we are here for you.. sending many, many prayers and positive thoughts.. Christine
  16. Hello L and welcome... I am so sorry about your Dad's diagnosis but so glad you have found us. This site is full of wonderful information, caring and warm people and tons of support and hope! Please read through the different forums and see the stories from people who have been down this road before. We are always here for you so please feel free to ask any and all questions and know that there is always someone here who can and will be able to offer you advice and answers. And please know that what you are feeling right now is NORMAL.. we've all been there and we understand. It will get easier to deal with once the treatments have been set up and begun. Sending many hugs and prayers for you and your family. Warmly Christine
  17. Hello Sharon and welcome As you can see from the replies you have already received, there are many wonderful and caring people here who will be more than happy to help you. Feel free to ask any and all questions and we will do our best to answer them and offer advice and support. Read through the different forums, especially the good news and survivors forums. They are full of great examples of how many of our members have dealt with their illness. Above all else, just know we are here whenever you need someone to talk to... Warmly Christine
  18. welcome back and THANK YOU for coming back. It is stories like yours that we need here, to give hope and inspiration to all of us. Please stick around and keep posting! You have so much to offer here and we are all so grateful to you! Congrats on your 4 years of NED.. Warmly Christine
  19. Coni Many prayers that the scans are clear... Warm Hugs Christine
  20. Kate, Please remember, we will ALWAYS be here for you. Come back and let us know how you are and lean on us when and if you need to. Warm Hugs Christine
  21. Amber I am so very sorry you had reason to find a site like this but so glad you found us. Please know that we are all here for you and we will do our best to help answer your questions and offer you support and advice. The website Jamie gave you is an excellent resource and you will also find a lot of great help there, too. Please keep posting and let us know how we can help you.. Warmly Christine
  22. I am so sorry about your Mom. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I am glad you found this site and have shared your story with us. Please read through some of the other forums and postings. There is so much great information to be found here as well as tons of support. If you could, please fill in your profile by clicking on "Profile" at the top of the page. This will give us a better idea of how we can help you and your mom. Keep posting and know that we care! Warmly Christine
  23. Christine I am so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my condolences. Warmly Christine
  24. Hello Haley and welcome Please know that we are here for you and your Mom.. Just let us know how we can help and we will do our best.. Warmly. Christine
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