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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Carol CONGRATS!! I am so happy to read this wonderful news!!! Warmly Christine
  2. Hello Hidilynn and welcome I hope you will find this site to be helpful as well as caring and supportive. Please let us know how we can help you and know that there is always someone here to offer encouragement, advice and support as well as HOPE! I am glad you have joined us... Christine
  3. Hello Lisa and welcome! Christine
  4. Dear Faith I am just so sorry. Your sister will forever be a part of you and will always be in your heart. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathies and remember, we will continue to be here with you and for you whenever you need us. (((((Faith))))) Warmly Christine
  5. Faith I am so very sorry to read this post. Please know that you, your sister and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers. Please know we are all here for you and will continue to be here. Warmly Christine
  6. Hi Linda, Try www.onctalk.com That should be the right link for Dr West's site. Warmly Christine
  7. Toddy So sorry to read this. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that the gamma knife can/will be done soon and successfully! Christine
  8. Bob So sorry to read this news tonight. I am sending lots of prayers for good scans on Thursday. Warmly Christine
  9. Hi Connie I am sorry you and your Mom are having these issues. I think, if it were me, I would be looking for a new doctor as it sounds like you are both unhappy with this one. There is nothing wrong with getting another opinion especially if you are feeling uncomfortable with the way this one treats you. Just my thoughts, Sending many prayers and well wishes Christine
  10. Hello Linda and welcome I am so sorry about the stress you have right now. Please try and relax (much easier said than done I know) until you get some more information. Has anyone told you or your Mom that she HAS lung cancer? A mysterious spot can turn out to be many, many different things and I am hoping and praying that this is the case for you. Please let us know when you find out more information and in the meantime, know that we will be here for you. Warmly Christine
  11. Hello Diane Welcome and congratulations on 2 yrs! Warmly Christine
  12. Hello Linda and welcome Please let us know how we can help you and keep us posted. We are here for you. Warmly Christine
  13. Liza, Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your Dad and family.. Christine
  14. Hello and Welcome Noelle I am sorry you had need to find a site such as this, but am very glad you joined us. Please let us know how we can be of help. Warmly Christine
  15. Hello Alice and welcome Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I hope Bob will continue to be NED and that you will continue to post here and keep us updated. Warmly Christine
  16. MsC1210

    Bonny Michaels

    I am so sorry. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies and condolences.. Christine
  17. Hello Barbara and welcome~ I am really glad you have joined us and am hoping you will continue to post. It sounds like you have a super support system with your family and your outlook and attitude will do wonders in this fight. Looking forward to getting to "know" you, Warmly Christine
  18. Hello Janet and welcome. I am sorry your husband has been having such a rough time. I am glad you found this site and hope you will find it helpful Christine
  19. Hello Liza and welcome I am so sorry you had need to find a site like this but very happy you found US. Please keep us posted as you learn more about your fathers diagnosis and treatment when they begin. As Ry and Sandra have already said, we are here for you.. ask any questions, and we know there will be many, and we will all do our best to answer them and offer advice, support and hope. Lung cancer is not a death sentence! Sending prayers and hugs Christine
  20. Grateful to be cast~less and back here able to post as well as cooking dinner for family and friends tomorrow. Happy Easter to you all Christine
  21. Hello Burmese and welcome I am sorry about your MIL. Unfortunately as Randy has pointed out, until the doctors know what type her cancer is, they cannot begin treatment. Once the treatment plan is in place and started, things will get a little bit less confusing. Please keep us posted and know we are here to answer any questions that we can for you. Warmly Christine
  22. Hello Ree and welcome Your mom is so fortunate to have not only a great daughter but such a wonderful support system, too. Sounds like she is in great hands with your gramma and is getting what she needs to fight this monster. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help. We are here for you whenever you need us.. Warmly, Christine
  23. Hello Steve and welcome. I am glad you found us and shared your story. Christine
  24. Hello Anne and welcome I am glad you found us! Christine
  25. Hello Gail Sorry I have not welcomed you before this, I am a bit behind on things I am glad to hear that things are off to a good start. Sending prayers and well wishes that it continues to go well! Warmly Christine
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