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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Jacquie I am sorry about the latest hurdle you are facing. Please know that we are all here for you. Sending you lots of prayers and positive thoughts, Christine
  2. Katina Hello and welcome. I am sorry about your Daddy but glad you found us. Please read through some of the posts in the SCLS forum as well as the survivors forum. There is a lot of great information to be found there. Of course the others will be along here, too and I know they will have a lot of great advice. Keep us posted on your Dad, Warmly Christine
  3. jaminkw, Hello and welcome~ I am sorry you had need to find a site like this but glad you have joined us. This is a wonderful community full of support and advice. Please let us know how we can help.. Warmly Christine
  4. Robyn I can't add to the great words of wisdom you have already gotten. I just wanted to say hello and welcome to the "family" Warmly Christine
  5. Donna I am so very sorry to read this latest news. Please know you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. Warmly Christine
  6. Donna I am so very sorry you are faced with this again. My prayers are with you and your family, especially Danny Warmly Christine
  7. Just sending hugs and prayers for you all.... ((((Teresa)))) Christine
  8. Very grateful to have Jackie back Grateful that Christmas went well. Grateful for a new day full of potential. Christine
  9. MsC1210

    Boxing Day

    ((((Teri)))) No words, just hugs Christine
  10. Patti I am so very, very sorry. Please pass my condolences on to Brooke when you talk with her again and let her know we are here for her. Sending you many, many hugs Chris
  11. Happy Holidays Pup and best wishes for a great 2008 Warmly Christine
  12. I am reposting this from a new member, ANTONELLA.. Welcome Antonella. good it looks like I'm on. I have a question. Apparantly I have been diagnosed as stage 1A according to the cat scan and needle biopsy, but I have been nautious, lost appetite, weak and have lost 10 lbs in three weeks. My worry is that it is further than stage 1A. Does anyone know these symptoms? antonella
  13. Hi Jim First let me apologize for missing your initial post. Welcome to the boards! I am so glad the surgery went well and 1a is AWESOME news. Keep posting and remember we are always here when you need us. Happy Holidays! Christine
  14. Hello Val and welcome Please let us know how we can help you and know that there is always someone around here that will jump in with advice and information. Christine
  15. And the very same wishes to you Bucky. Warmly Christine
  16. Jackie I am so very sorry to read this. Please accept my sincere sympathies on your loss Christine
  17. MsC1210

    Missing Him

    ((((Nanci)))) No apologies needed.. Sending warm thoughts and prayers for comfort to you. Christine
  18. Donna thanks for sharing this wonderfully awesome news! Christine
  19. MsC1210

    just a minute

    Lillian I am so glad you checked in. I've been thinking of you and hoping your visit was going well. So happy to hear you are enjoying those gorgeous babies as well as your family. Sending you many wishes for a wonderful Christmas. Hugs Christine
  20. I was thinking of you the other day and did not realize you had posted an update. What GREAT GREAT NEWS! I am so very happy for you! Happy Holidays!! Christine
  21. ((((Karen)))) I don't have words to make things easier but please know I am thinking of you and sending many hugs and prayers. What a wonderful gesture for you to post thinking of others while you are still in such pain. Your Dad is proud of you, I am certain. Warmly, Christine
  22. EXTRA Prayers and positive thoughts today for Connie, Maurie, Katie and all of the doctors and nurses! Love Christine
  23. A little late but lots of prayers for Harry.... Christine
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