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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Andy and Welcome. I am sorry you had any need to find a group like this but you sure came to the right place! A couple of words of advice... Get a small notebook or planner and write EVERYTHING down, your questions for the doctors, treatment information, schedules, etc. Get copies of ALL the test results to have for second opinions, reference etc. Do not hesitate to get a second, third or even more opinions if you are not happy, comfortable or satisfied with the doctors. Keep us posted here and never hesitate to let us know how we can help you and your Dad.. Warmly Christine
  2. Max and Inez Will be holding you both in my thoughts and prayers. My best wishes for an easy surgery and a quick recovery. Oh and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and best wishes for many, many more! Hugs Christine
  3. MsC1210

    Update on my Mom

    Leslie I am so sorry. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies. We are here for you... Christine
  4. Kelli Just wanted to say hello and welcome. Keep us posted and know that you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  5. Hello Gaylee I cannot add to the great advice you have already gotten but wanted to say hello and welcome~ Christine
  6. Sloan, Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time. Warmly Christine
  7. I'm Christine (formerly cynical_angel) Live in the Berkshires of Massachusetts Married with 3 kids, Jared, 19, Meghan 17 and Trevor, 9 Furry babies, Denny, DeLyla Hope and Kipper, all mini dachshunds I am currently running a web site devoted to helping people touched by any type of cancer and am working to obtain a non profit status. (Won't shamelessly plug this any further ) This is all coming to be from the promises I made to Brad before we lost him. I found this wonderful site after losing my best friend, Brad, to lung cancer 2 yrs ago December 10. He was only 31, never smoked, a health nut and all around wonderful person. Thanks Katie and Rick for providing all of us with a place to call our own as well as a place to come to when we need to be with people who can truly understand.
  8. MsC1210

    More prayers please!

    Nova Adding my prayers to the others for your SIL... My 19 yr old son enlisted a year ago with the Army National Guard. He was promised the earth, moon and stars and got pretty much nothing even close. I believe NOTHING the military says and only half of what they do. If it were not for all of the promises made about all of the glorious benefits and money I doubt my son would have ever thought twice about signing on that proverbial dotted line. Now we all hope and pray daily that he is not called up to head "over there". We've had one scare already but thanks to a paperwork mess up he was spared. At least I can be grateful for the ineptitude on that level. We are all very proud of him but scared to death at the same time. Hard not to be with the crazy state of the world. On a semi~positive note, Jared DID manage to make Soldier of the Year for his unit! Hoping for the best for all of us with military family. Christine
  9. Connie and Maurie I've got you both in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to keep you there. Sending lots of hugs and love Christine
  10. Hi everyone. I wanted to make sure we all met Bruce U. He had posted on a different thread and I have moved him here so he would be welcomed. This is his post.... First time viewing this site. I am a 46 year old male that had surgery in September removing the upper lobe of my left lung. Discovered last February in a chest x-ray,the tumour was 2cm and was a stage 1b. Now I have to decide to have 4 rounds of adjuvant chemotherapy or not. There are mixed opinions on this for stage 1b. Would anyone have more information on this or on studies completed ? Welcome Bruce! Warmly Christine
  11. I am glad your Mom agreed to go to the hospital. Sending many prayers that things will improve now. Keep us posted. Warmly. Christine
  12. Hello Cy and welcome I am so sorry you had a reason to find a site like this but am very glad you have joined us. This is the best place for information, support and HOPE. Please let us know how we can help, ask any and all questions and someone here will be able to offer you advice and/or answers. Congratulations to you and your wife on the birth of your baby. What a blessing! Warmly Christine
  13. Hi Jackie. Welcome. I am glad you joined us. Please let us know how we can help. Warmly, Christine
  14. Rae Ann I am so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  15. Mitchell and Kathy. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And congrats on the wonderful, wonderful news. Love and hugs and continue blessings to you both, Christine
  16. Sarah, I have no words of advice, just wanted to welcome you and let you know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please come here whenever you need to vent. We are here. We will listen. We understand. Hugs Christine
  17. Hello and welcome to the site Christine
  18. Hello Nick Welcome to the site. Sending you wishes for nothing but the best. Please let us know how we can help Christine
  19. (((Lori))) No words, just lots of hugs and prayers for strength.... Christine
  20. Julia You've gotten a lot of great advice. I cannot add more to it. Inlaws (at times anyway) and cancer.. 2 really tough situations. Please let us know how things are going and best wishes to you and Aaron for a peaceful holiday Christine
  21. Maggi Thank you.. You can fill in your profile by clicking on "My Profile" at the top of the page. Let me know if you need any help Warmly Christine
  22. Connie Tons of prayers and positive thoughts going your way for you and Maurie and your medical team. Hugs Christine
  23. Thank you Max, and the very same happy turkey day to you and yours
  24. Welcome to the boards Maggi and Ben Let us know how we can help... Christine
  25. Hi Frank and welcome I cannot shed any light on your PET report but wanted to wish you all the best... Randy made a good suggestion.. Dr West may be able to help you out with the report. Best of luck and please do let us know what happens. Warmly Christine
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