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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello and welcome I cannot really answer your questions but wanted to welcome you and wish you and your husband the very best. Please let us know as you learn more and we will be more than happy to help you however we can. Warmly Christine
  2. Lisa I am sorry to read this latest update about your Mom. I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated on things as you can. Christine
  3. Hey Shirley I cannot add to what we already talked about before but wanted to say... WELCOME BACK TO THE BOARD!! You got some great answers here, I hope they help put your mind at ease or at least give you some insight to your next move. I am so glad to see your post. Hugs Chris
  4. Hello Cat and welcome to the board Christine
  5. Sharon Many prayers for Jeffery, Rose and you. Please let us know how things go Christine
  6. MsC1210

    Thank you

    Sending lots of prayers and postive thoughts!! Hope the insurance issues have been resolved. Wish I could have done more. Christine
  7. Carrie Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you and your Mom for good scans. Please don't hesitate to let us know what's on your miind. We are all here for you and will do whatever we can to help you through this journey. Hugs Christine
  8. Nova and Jackie, Thank you both for reminding us about the important things in life. Hugs Christine
  9. Hello Connie and welcome I am sorry about your husband but am glad to have you here with us. Looking forward to getting to know you. Christine
  10. Candy I think all of us who have lost someone, especially to this disease can relate to how you are feeling. I don't think the feelings ever fully go away, but they do become "tempered" with time. I am glad you came here and shared your feelings. I hope we can offer you some comfort and help you through. Be kind to yourself and remember we are here for you. Hugs to you dear Candy, Christine
  11. Hello and Welcome I am so sorry you had reason to find a site like this but very glad your friend sent you to us. The beginning of this journey is so crazy, so much happening and so much information being tossed at you all at once. Try and take a deep breath and take things one at a time. It is not easy, but as Dar pointed out, it will get better once you have the treatment schedule in place and have a course of action. Please let us know how we can be of help and rest assured there is always someone here to lean on. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you, your Mom and that little bundle of joy that will soon be with you all. Christine
  12. Jennie I am sorry I have not been on the site much lately and only just found your post here. I had done a bit of research into the mistletoe a couple of years ago. This link is to the British Columbia (Canada) Cancer Agency. I am not sure it will be of much help but thought I would share it anyway... http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/PPI/Unconvent ... efault.htm Christine
  13. Randy, Thanks for the turmeric information. I also agree, it is so important to check with your doctors before beginning any alternative treatments. I read this piece and remembered some research I had come across while helping Brad look for something that would work. This is mainly the guidelines one would find in the box with the medicine but I thought it might be of interest so I am sharing it here.. Christine TURMERIC What is it? Turmeric is an herbal medicine used to treat inflammation (swelling), upset stomach, and arthritis. It is also used to prevent cancer, clogged arteries, and infections. Other names for Turmeric include: Curcumin, Curcuma longa, Indian Saffron, Curcuma, and Indian Yellow Root. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you need more information about this medicine or if any information in this leaflet concerns you. Before Using: Tell your doctor if you … are taking medicine or are allergic to any medicine (prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) or dietary supplement) are pregnant or plan to become pregnant while using this medicine are breastfeeding have liver or gall bladder blockage, gall stones, hyperacidity, or stomach ulcers have any other health problems, such as high blood pressure or heart or blood vessel disease Dosage: Talk with your caregiver about how much Turmeric you should take. The amount depends on the strength of the medicine and the reason you are taking Turmeric. If you are using this medicine without instructions from your caregiver, follow the directions on the medicine bottle. Do not take more medicine or take it more often than the directions tell you to. To store this medicine: Keep all medicine locked up and away from children. Store medicine away from heat and direct light. Do not store your medicine in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Heat or moisture may cause the medicine to break down and not work the way it should work. Throw away medicine that is out of date or that you do not need. Never share your medicine with others. Drug and Food Interactions: Do not take Turmeric without talking to your doctor first if you are taking: Blood thinning medicine (examples: aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix®), ticlopidine (Ticlid®), warfarin (Coumadin®), enoxaparin (Lovenox®)) Warnings: Before taking Turmeric, tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding Patients with liver or gall bladder blockage (obstruction), gall stones, hyperacidity, or stomach ulcers should not take Turmeric Do not take Turmeric if you have a bile passage blockage Turmeric should be taken on an empty stomach Side Effects: Stop taking your medicine right away and talk to your doctor if you have any of the following side effects. Your medicine may be causing these symptoms which may mean you are allergic to it. Breathing problems or tightness in your throat or chest Chest pain Skin hives, rash, or itchy or swollen skin Other Possible Side Effects: You may have the following side effects, but this medicine may also cause other side effects. Tell your doctor if you have side effects that you think are caused by this medicine. Bitter taste in your mouth after using Turmeric Can cause stomach ulcers if used for a long time Skin problems References: 1. McGuffin M, Hobbs C, Upton R et al: Botanical Safety Handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL; 1997. 2. Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A et al: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American Botanical Council and Boston: Integrative Medicine Communications, Austin, TX; 1998. 3. Garg SK: Effect of Curcuma longa (rhizomes) on fertility in experimental animals. Planta Med 1974; 26:201-300. 4. Fetrow CW & Avila JR: Professional's Handbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Springhouse Corporation, Springhouse, PA; 1999: 646-649. 5. Stoner GD & Muktar H: Polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive agents. J Cell Biochem 1995; 22(Suppl):169-180. 6. Srivastava KC, Bordia A & Verma SK: Curcumin, a major component of food spice tumeric (Curcuma longa) inhibits aggregation and alters eicosanoid metabolism in human blood platelets. Prostgland Leukotr Ess Fatty Acids 1995; 52:223-227. 7. Srivastava R, Dikshit M, Srimal RC et al: Anti-thrombotic effect of curcumin. Thromb Res 1985; 40:413-417. PE0166 Copyright © 2006 Thomson MICROMEDEX. All rights reserved. Information is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes. The information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Additionally, the manufacture and distribution of herbal substances are not regulated in the United States, and no quality standards currently exist. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.
  14. Hello and welcome The beginning of this journey is very confusing with so much information being tossed out at once. Please feel free to ask any and all questions here and know that someone will be along to help you with answers. Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you Christine
  15. Hello and welcome I am sorry to read about your Mom's issues. I hope that she will get in to see the specialist and have good news. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help.. Christine
  16. Sharon While I cannot answer your questions, I do want to welcome both you and your sister to the board. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  17. Hello Victre and welcome! I hope you will share more of your story with us and offer even more hope to those fighting the disease. Christine
  18. MsC1210

    8 months

    Grace It just does not seem possible that it has been 8 months. I am glad you posted as you have been in my thoughts, too. Sending lots of prayers and hugs to you and the girls. Christine
  19. Bobby I am so saddened to read this. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Christine
  20. My deepest condolences on your loss.. I am so very sorry Christine
  21. I am so sorry to read this. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. We all continue to be here for you.. Christine
  22. Karen I am so sorry about your Dad. Please accept my sincere condolences on your loss. You and your family are in my prayers Christine
  23. MsC1210

    Still here!

    Sharon Congratulations on 4 years~ Wishing you many, many more! Christine
  24. Many prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery Christine
  25. Mitchell and Kathy My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you as well as the rest of your family. I am so very sorry about this tragedy.... Christine
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